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Acquaintance Renewed

I received a warm welcome when I revisited the hospitable abode, both the ladies being in full evening dress-that is with smocks only, and very open at that, so that two pairs of tantalising bosoms made my mouth water at once. After preliminary caresses we ascended to the bedroom.

'All naked,' said Rose, 'is the order of the evening. Come, Harry, we will be your handmaidens.' I was disrobed by fair hands which fluttered about my person in a very exhilarating manner.

'How's dear Cock Robin?' asked Ethel, squeezing it tenderly, 'not been in any stray cunts or bottoms I hope, you rogue' (shaking a finger at me). 'I was not so far gone, though I must confess the wine had got into my head, that I did not feel you trying to penetrate my poor bottom.

How was it you didn't get right up me? I'm sure I could not have resisted you, and I'd have been just as well pleased to find myself opened up to traffic. If you could have got this monster in I shouldn't need to fear others much.' 'I suppose I can try again,' I laughed.

'If bottoms are to be the order of the night, begin with mine,' said Rose flinging off her garment and appearing in startling nudity, 'I will go on my knees, but I must have something up my cunt also.' She looked around and took an unusually thick candle from the holder. With a pair of scissors she traced a spiral groove along half of it, and remarked, 'That will make a very good dildo, I think. Now, Harry, here we are. My arse is in the air. In with your prick, and slap the candle up my twat. Ethel dear, step across me, and let Harry have your cunt to suckle.' My prick sank into its soft abode, and I rammed the quim below with such effect that the widow was at once brought to the two emissions with several energetic 'buggers' and 'damns'. These made her daughter laugh so much that her cunt did not receive much of a mugging after all since it wavered to and fro and I couldn't keep the focus.

'There,' said Rose:, 'that's what the sailor called "a bloody good fuck", and now we must get this saucy prick up again ready for Ethel's tender bum.' 'Urn, I'd sooner have it up my quim first, but anything's better than being pissed down, isn't it, mamma? Lord, how you squirmed on the pot when you felt Harry hosing you down.' As she made no mention of the sequel I judged Rose had not confided it to her, and held my tongue too. Rose pushed me into a low chair, and kneeling between my thighs gently rubbed my prick upon her bubbies. Each time the head appeared she took it in her lips and sucked it. The position was so enticing that I could willingly have gone on till a second emission flooded the gracious lips.

Meanwhile Ethel, seated by me, had her arms around my neck and a titty in my mouth. Her mother from time to time extended a hand and tuned up her cunt till the girl was thoroughly worked up. All this, however, was done leisurely, and I took occasion to ask Ethel how it was that she had only so lately treated herself to a genuine fuck, and had not lost her maidenhead several years ago at least.

'Well, from the earliest time I can recollect I have been used to sucking mamma's quim and bottom, and, in fact, performing every office for her that anyone without a prick could, and she has never been afraid to let me see her enjoying a fuck. So it was not want of opportunity; but mamma always told me to wait-that I was too young and that I would appreciate it all the more if I gave my cunt time to ripen. With the blood of a randy father and an amorous mother seething in me I was keen to fuck as early as mamma did, only she told me how she had suffered through being ripped open in her teens, and I restrained myself. Nature at last became too strong and I felt I must fuck or burst.

When mother saw I couldn't wait, she advised me to pick Tom for my first trial. "I haven't fucked him myself," she said, "but I should think he's about your size, and not too green." 'Tom is a nice young fellow, and mamma's tip suited me. I let him see I liked him, and having encouraged him to kiss me, and take small liberties, I ascertained en passant that he had the wherewithal to satisfy an amorous girl and decided to bring him to the point-or perhaps I should say bring myself to the point… of his prick… on a fishing excursion in the country. I carefully anointed my quim, for I had no mind to be torn to pieces like mother, discarded my drawers and felt that once Tom had got his hand on my thighs and bottom his prick would soon follow. For a while I sat reading, while Tom fished without much luck; presently I persuaded him to leave the rod to itself and come and talk. He flung himself readily on the grass at my feet, seeing which I drew up my knees, as though to make a better support for my book, and thought to myself, "He is not the boy I take him for if he doesn't have a peep." 'He must have seen pretty well, for his conversation wandered a good deal, and when I opened my legs and gave him a sight of my quim, as well as my naked thighs and curving bottom, he became positively ludicrous. Presently he ventured, "What small feet you have, Ethel, and pretty ankles, too." 'I sported light openwork stockings through which a fair amount of flesh could be distinguished-in fact I must have looked pretty naked from feet to waist.

'"Have I?" said I indifferently, pulling up my skirt to see.' '"Yes, and by George, shapely legs, too. Why, they are nearly as big as mine." '"Go on: never!" pulling my dress still higher till my calves were in full view. '"Yes, they are, look." He yanked up his trousers, and hitching himself closer compared his hairy limbs with mine. '"Oh, yours are much bigger." '"Let's measure." With his handkerchief he took the dimensions. Once having got his hand on my leg he was loth to remove it and instead slipped it on to the naked flesh; at which, of course, I was much shocked, but carefully refrained from repulsing him. The boy's courage was rising, and so was his prick, the agitation of which he could not conceal. He placed my feet together, pushed the skirt to the knee, and lifting both legs slightly, pretended to admire the limbs disclosed to view.

'"By gum, Ethel, you really have splendid legs. I shouldn't have thought they were so fine. And I'll be bound you have still more beautiful limbs beyond." 'The scamp had seen enough of them to know what he was talking about. "But," he continued with a sudden chuckle, "I have a still finer limb that you haven't seen." '"What's that?" '"My middle leg." '"Your middle leg!" '"Yes, you couldn't show one, you know, not even if I were to lift you right up," and he lifted my feet still higher. We were getting on! '"Oh Tom," I cried in pretended alarm, "you will have me over backwards if you do that." '"And if I did, dear," with a threatening tilt, "I suppose I should only see a lot of fluffy drapery, such as girls always delight to stuff under their petticoats." '"I am afraid you wouldn't, Tom… you would see…" '"What?" '"My thighs… and my b-b-bottom," I stammered, covering my face with my hands. In an instant up went my legs, my dress fell on my waist, and my ravisher was gloating over what I had described. I covered my motte with a decorous hand, but he separated my legs, and had my agitated cunt under his gaze. I protested mildly, "Oh, Tom, don't shame me so. Do put my clothes down!" but as I made no attempt to enforce the command, and showed no signs of anger, Tom wasn't such a fool as to give up the smart craft he had carried by coup de main. I peered through my fingers and saw his cock trying to burst from his breeches, and felt glad it made so good a showing. Tom was evidently in ecstasies at the sight before him, his lips were moving unsteadily, his face was flushed, and I could feel his hands and limbs trembling. And indeed' (put in Ethel parenthetically, glancing with an engaging assumption of modesty at her beautifully moulded thighs and smooth belly), 'I think he was a lucky young dog to get hold of such a poke, don't you, Harry?' Of course I acquiesced heartily.

'Well, he pawed my thighs and bottom, giving me a delicious thrill as I felt his hand gliding along my flesh, and fumbled at his buttons till he got his cock out.

'"Oh, what is that?" I said very feebly.