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'"That's my middle leg, and I guess it's going to make acquaintance with your middle, dear," he replied with a grin.

'"Oh, Tom, Tom" (reproachfully), "are you going to ravish me? Think of my honour." 'He looked surprised, for as I found out, he inferred from my easy acquiescence in his proceedings that he had not to do with a virgo intacta, and wondered where my honour came in. When he darted to the assault he ascertained his mistake, the more especially as I begged him not to hurt me, for I had never done it before. It was a good thing I had taken precautions. Tom was so excited I should have come off badly, but my rape was accomplished without too much pain, and the subsequent proceedings made me forget even that modicum of suffering. Three more times did I extract his essential oil from him that afternoon, and now we are supposed to be lovers. Tom, indeed, talked about marriage, but I speedily disabused him of that idea, and gave him to understand he was to be content with fucking me, and not worry about going through a church door. But he is too modest, and takes few of the liberties you have done, with all your innocence, Master Harry, and, like mamma, I prefer a sweetheart who sticks at nothing. 'But, mamma dear, you aren't going to make Harry discharge in your bubbies, are you?' Rose rather reluctantly gave up my prick, which was just on the point of saturating her willing mouth, and having arranged Ethel I attacked her bottom. But it was still in vain. Rose urged me not to give up, saying, 'With patience and plenty of Vaseline you could get into the eye of a needle,' but it seemed to me that the pain wasn't worth the trouble. So, after getting the head partly in, and extorting some groans from Ethel, we transferred the scene to her gaping quim, and her matrix was thoroughly watered.

Some gamahuching formed the next dish, which gave me occasion to comment on the sensitiveness of Rose's love nest, and the pleasure she seemed to derive from this tribute to her attractiveness.

'You are not the only one to admire mamma's crack. There's one of her gentleman friends who between fucks likes nothing better than to lie or sit with her thighs round his neck, and sniff and suck at her juicy quim. In fact I believe he sleeps with his face under her bottom or buried in the folds of her twat.' 'Yes,' said Rose, 'he does, and sometimes he gets a sniff of more than quim. If a gentleman will poke his nose into my bottom I can't be responsible for what happens… and women are always windy you know' (laughing). 'But unfortunately his capacity isn't equal to his will.

He's never good for more than two or three goes, and I have had to stipulate that when he visits me he is to bring his cousin with him, so that between them I can make sure of a reasonable quantum, of grummet. The arrangement has the advantage of enabling me to do without the candle, and have two pricks in my holes at once. Very nice, too, I assure you, to feel a couple of warm viscous streams pouring into belly and bowels at once.

'Is that as nice as two little cocks in your cunny together?' said Ethel cunningly.

'Oh, I know what you are driving at. I haven't tried it since, but much as this good quim of mine has been stretched I don't think even now it would take in two pricks like Harry's.' 'Tell us what you are driving at, Ethel,' I put in.


Ethel's Story

When I was about thirteen or fourteen, we were staying at a friend of mamma's who had two boys, one a little younger than myself and one a little older. Now I come to think of it, Mrs. Fletcher must have been a lady a good deal after mamma's own heart, for she didn't mind my romping in her boys' bed a bit, and even encouraged us. I remember, too, she seemed to like to see our nightdresses flying up, and was greatly amused when our naked legs got twined together. She was always handling her boys' little pricks, and encouraging them to take liberties with my nudity. Of course, accustomed as I was to see naked men fucking mamma, I didn't mind, either. But I was artful enough not to let on that the play was no novelty to me. However, mamma came in one night while we were romping, and as I had heard her in Mrs.

Fletcher's room just before, whence some significant sounds had been issuing, and as mamma had only got a peignoir on, I fear my beloved parent had been up to some of her little games with her good-looking friend, eh, mother? Anyhow she was a little excited, and I saw her lips water as her eye fell on the pair of stiff little cocks. Mamma coolly pulled me to her and stripped off my shift.

'There, boys, you'll be able to tickle and kiss her better now. That's right, that's the way to fondle a pretty young girl.

Dear me! you are quite little men with these stiff dollies dancing about.' Here mamma stroked their young pizzles, each of quite respectable length, but not much thicker than one's finger. She gave the young gentlemen a shuddery feeling.

'Stand up in front of one another, and let me see which is the bigger.' The two pricks showed scarcely any difference, and together formed a good-sized rod, quite thick enough to fill a full-grown quim. 'I wonder,' said mamma thoughtfully, looking at me. 'I wonder… shall I try?' She lifted her gown, stepped over and between the two lads and began fumbling at their pricks. 'See if you can get them in for me, Ethel, this is rather awkward.' I lifted the skirt, and a good length of naked limb naturally appeared, but a lot mamma cared for that. We got both heads in, bade the boys stand fast, and mother, lowering herself, gradually worked them in, and told the youngsters to push alternately. I suppose Mrs. Fletcher's exertions had made mother's pussy moist, for the little cocks both slipped in to the balls, and then mamma holding on to the front boy to work hard for a spend. We were all laughing excitedly at the grotesque idea, and the lads now thoroughly randy clasping mother's naked waist and thighs under the wrapper-when in stalked their mother.

'Well, I declare,' Rose, she cried, 'what are you up to now?' 'Giving the boys a treat,' replied mamma, as cool as a cucumber.

'What! both together? Who'd have thought it? But go on, don't mind me.' 'I don't intend to. It's jolly good fun, and I… shall get… a… lovely… burst… on in a… minute…' accentuating each word with a firm downward thrust that made the youngsters totter.

'Well if you intend to finish them off,' said Mrs. Fletcher equally coolly, 'I don't see why the poor boys shouldn't have their fun complete and see what they're poking.' So she raised the wrapper, drew it over mother's head, and there she was impudently naked between the two kiddies. My word, how they stared-the one as the big bubbies descended in an avalanche on his face-the other when he saw himself adjoined to a great soft spreading bottom rubbing up and down his belly. But I fancy somehow it was not the first naked woman the rascals had seen, for Freddie started sucking the titties at once, and as for Jack he hugged the bottom close, and passing his hand round seized mother's mons Veneris and twined his fingers in its curls. Mother was too near the climax to care about being naked before anyone. She rammed away and called on the boys to drive into her as hard as they could.

Mrs. Fletcher was laughing all the time, and eagerly slapping both her sons' and mamma's bottoms. 'Look at her great bottom, Jack,' she cried, 'doesn't it feel like an aircushion on your belly? What do you think of it, my boy?' 'Oh mother, it's even bigger than yours and quite as soft and warm.' 'Give them a hand, Ethel. Put your fist between Freddy's thighs, and squeeze his little purse, and I will do the same for Jack. Ram your pricks well in, boys. Give the great impudent thing all she wants. The idea of her having the cheek to ravish my innocent cherubs in this way! Good Lord!' (here she choked with laughter) 'what if they got you in pup, Rose? Oh, what a lark! How I should scream if they dropped you in for it! Boys, if you get Mrs. Aintree's belly up, and make her as fat as young Mrs. Rossiter-you know how her stomach sticks out-I declare I'll give you a bicycle apiece. Go on, your pricks are quite long enough, I believe. Oh, they're all coming. Your mother's nick has been too much for their poor little pricks, Ethel. They'll let off in a moment.' (Really, mother's eyes were rolling furiously.) 'Hold Freddy tight, Rose, or the spasm will be too acute for him, and he'll fall. I'll look after Jack, but for heaven's sake don't thump that fat bottom of yours so on to him or he'll lose his grip.' The lively dame held Jack up by the bottom, and I did the same for Freddy, while they heaved their souls out into mamma's glowing belly.