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'So you hope they've got me in the family-way, do you?' said mother.

'They certainly have spent very well for kids, but I don't think the position is very favourable to the realisation of your malicious hopes.

Still, I'll make sure. Hold still, boys.' Mamma bunched herself together, there was a swish, and a cry from the boys. A still hotter shower than their own spendings burst over their softened pricks and drenched their cods and thighs. Mother observed quietly, 'Sorry to piss on your carpet, Madge, but I flatter myself there's none of the monkeys' spendings in my cunt now. Ah, that's about the last. Quite pleasant, Madge, to piss over the prick that's just fucked you. Get a towel, Ethel.' 'You are a cool hand,' said Mrs. Fletcher admiringly. 'Never at a loss, Rose. Poor little chaps, to be made to spend their vital essence into your huge cunt, and then to be piddled over for their pains.' Mother kissed the boys nicely, thanked them for the pleasure they had given her, and then asked Jack how he came to know his mother's bottom was not as big as hers.

'Mamma often lets us play with her bottom, don't you mamma, and we do so like kissing it-and her bosoms. They are lovely, and so are yours, Mrs. Aintree. How different a lady is to a girl like Ethel, though she's a dear little playfellow.' The rogue in his turn kissed me and sucked my tender nipples, while Freddy was rubbing his face against mamma's naked skin, and purring round her like a kitten.

'Ah, ah, Madge,' gloated mother, 'I see you don't despise two young lads, either. I'll be bound besides kissing your bottom you make them kiss something else, too.' 'Rather. What do you take me for? A boys tongue's as good as a man's for that.' 'Ever…?' queried mamma, making with her hands behind her back the recognised sign of fucking.

Madge shook her head. 'Not yet.' The lads were so delighted with their new friend that they wouldn't let mother go till they had kissed and squeezed her all over. They were loud in their admiration of her beautiful limbs and body. She even had to lie down and allow them to inspect at leisure the wonderful place they had been rummaging with their cocks. Mrs. Fletcher seemed quite pleased at the way they had comported themselves, and as the two seniors went off I heard her say, 'Well Rose, you are a caution. I should never have thought of a double fuck like that. Upon my word, I've a good mind to try it myself.'


A Toast Is Drunk

'And she did try it on them,' said Rose, 'a night or two after, but whether it was that she was too small, or the boys too bashful before a stranger, she couldn't bring on a spend. I had to console them by taking Jack between my legs, and letting him fuck me. His prick was too slender to more than make me feel just pleasant, so rather to the boy's surprise, when Freddy's turn arrived I got his mother to gamahuche me while he fucked my bottom. His prick felt thin-something like Harry's finger up your arse. Afterwards, I amused myself by taking the two pricks in my mouth together-funny little things, something like a woman's teats.

Dear me, I am afraid it would be a stretch, but I really must have a try someday to see if I can manage two full-blown cocks at once. Come now, Harry, have you got a fuck left for the "old woman"?' she enquired affectionately.

I laid her on the bed face downwards, between Ethel's thighs, and straddling the soft glowing limbs douched her quim in that position, to her intense satisfaction. 'The dear fellow's always ready at duty's call,' she exclaimed. 'A glass, Ethel, and we'll drink long life to this noble prick.' Judge of my astonishment when Rose held the tumbler to her quim, and fairly wrung into it the liquor I had just spilled there. Then she filled it up with wine, 'Here's to your prick, Harry! may it never be empty,' and tossed off the mixture. Truly Rose was a woman of surprises.

As both the ladies were lying side by side, I begged them to draw near the mirror at the foot of the bed, lift their legs up and take them in their hands. When I had put a pillow under each fair rump, you may imagine the reflection presented a stirring view. The curved and sumptuous bottoms, split in the centre by a highly coloured cleft surrounded by hair, the sweeping thighs and the darkling bull's-eyes beneath impelled me to cast myself across their luscious forms and frenetically suck the glorious cunts-with all the more gusto that the whole process was repeated in front of me. Lissome fingers playing on my cock and plunging in my arse brought me once again to a state of exhilaration. This time Rose lay on the edge of the bed, and supported her legs on chairs. Ethel reclined backwards on her mother's belly, and brought all four holes into close proximity. I fucked the dear girl till she poured out a loving tribute on to her mamma's motte, and to procure my own emission buried my prick alternately in Rose's bottom and the two quims till the spasm arrived. Then I plunged it finally into Ethel's crack, and at the same time so vigorously finger-fucked her mother that the ever-ready slit simultaneously burst into tears. This posture, which was my own conception, they thought admirable, and Rose was loud in her praise of the progress that two nights had effected in the education of her pupil, as she claimed me to be.

I will not weary you, dear reader, with further details of that night, except that my mistresses pronounced themselves well satisfied, in token whereof Rose gave me leave once more to piss in her mouth.

'Though I am not going to swallow it this time, sir. Once of that wickedness goes a long way.' Ethel, used as she was to her mother's pranks, was a good deal astonished when Rose, lying on the floor with a towel under her head, quietly opened her lovely mouth and received the strong-smelling shower without flinching. It bubbled and splashed all over her face. Turning on her side she emptied what she had taken in on to the towel, rinsed out her palate, and said, 'I must be fair spoony on you, Harry, I think.' Many a thundering good grind I have had from those amiable women, since I frequently meet them in society. Ethel is now a dashing young woman, and her mother, to all appearance, nearly as young as ever. Whenever I see their bare shoulders at dinners or balls I note the admiration they inspire and secretly chuckle to think how often I have stripped them still barer and wantoned over the hills and dales of both those female forms divine.