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'There, dear,' said Rose, 'that's were a gentleman should have his hand when a lady is making love to him. Have you ever had a naked woman in this position before? Tell me, you darling boy' (in a low tone), 'have you ever fucked a lady? Do you know what that is?' Now, I had half expected some such question as this, for I had gathered that they took me, from my youth and the surprise they had seen in my eyes at the display of breasts, for an innocent, and I decided to deceive them.

'No. Of course I know what it is, but I haven't dared…' 'Beautiful, beautiful! Ethel, he doesn't know what a naked girl is like.

Strip, strip yourself at once, and show him all you have. That will make him so randy he will fuck us both. Yes, Harry, you will not leave this house tonight till you know all an amiable woman can do for an amiable lad, and that shall be your reward for succoring two poor women in distress.

Feel me, feel me all over-everywhere you want. Look, Ethel is quite naked. Isn't she a handsome girl? Look at her well, Harry: you won't often come across a better. Get on that low chair, dear: bend well down, and show him your pretty bottom, and what you have between your legs, so that he can see as well as feel how a lady's built.' All this was ripped out breathlessly under the vivid play of my fingers, and the exhortation at this point suddenly finished with, 'But, oh, oh, wait a minute… I'm coming… he's been too much for me… quick, Ethel, put your fingers in too… quick, quick… and help… him to… to… finish me.' The ponderous bubbies were shaking and trembling like jelly in an erotic convulsion. Rose's mouth was half open, and her eyes stared fixedly. Her thighs clasped mine energetically, and when Ethel, kneeling down, inserted two fingers from the back and added her efforts to my vigorous frigging, her mother's pent-up feelings gave way in a burst of spray, accompanied by some rather lurid language of a sort I had imagined only whores were supposed to use. Little I knew then of the ways of a lovely woman in full heat, but I was in a fair way to learn. Ethel, I believe, was biting her parent's bottom to add to her fury.

I withdrew my hand, sopping and scented with Rose's discharge, and remembering Ethel's trick, laid it on the girl's mouth. She kissed and licked it, saying, 'Mamma, I'm afraid you've been having a spend.

Harry's hand tastes very much to my fancy as if it had been up your naughty thing.' I sniffed at it myself, and found it impregnated not only with the familiar odor di femina, but with some artificial fragrance as well. Both of them had scented themselves for the combat, and I detected the same incense under their arms, on their breasts, on their mottes, and afterwards in their dear little arseholes.

Rose now put her hand under my shirt and took possession of my elongated prick. She rapidly ran her hand along it, as though to test its dimensions, and heaved a sigh of satisfaction at finding it not too small.

Doubtless, knowing she was no tender pullet, she was afraid I might not entirely fill the gap in her anatomy through which many a stout prick had already passed. Still, it was a lascivious velvety cunt, and I looked forward with anxiety to the moment when I should be called upon to test its capacity.

'Be careful, dear lady,' I said, 'be careful, you know not what you do,' for, carried away by her excitement, she was groping and squeezing in a manner that threatened to send my spunk flying again.

'Yes,' she said smiling, 'I mustn't waste it. How are you built down below? She felt for my balls and gathered them in her hand. 'Capital, capital, they hold enough for six good fucks at least. What a night we will have! Now, Ethel, get up on that chair, and show Harry that pretty arse once more, and your delicate cunny.' 'Oh, mother,' protested Ethel, 'how you do run on. I'm sure Harry will take us for two lewd women of the town.' 'Whereas we are two highly respectable ladies,' laughed Rose, looking at her own nakedness and then at Ethel who was blushing to her bottom, and presenting a lovely pink and white spectacle-'especially in our present state. But Harry will learn in time that modesty goes off with the petticoats, and I feel sure he is not the man to shrink from an appetising fuck because it's spiced with a few seasonable immoralities.' 'No, no, I want to learn. Teach me all you know, dear ladies. You will hear no reproach from me. Remember I am only a beginner. I am clay to be moulded in the hands of the two most amiable women I have ever met, and the two most handsome, too,' I added enthusiastically.

'That's right, dear. You mustn't be surprised at anything, and afterwards I will tell you how it comes about you find us apparently so abandoned. Now feast your eye on that picture, and tickle my quim again nicely. And Ethel, keep your great bottom out of my face. I want to watch Harry as he gazes upon you, and enjoy the surprise upon his features. Bend down a little more, and open your cunt. It isn't as big as mine, Harry, but you will find you will be able to get thoroughly into it.

Probably you won't think her quite as good a fuck as I am, for all her youth, because she hasn't the experience. In fact Ethel has only allowed herself one sweetheart yet, and so, though she isn't exactly new, you will at any rate not find the gloss entirely off. As for me, old as I am' (she was only thirty-seven, or so), 'I can still' (with an amusing assumption of self-deprecation) 'afford suitable entertainment to man…' 'Or beast-if those fellows had got into you,' I put in. 'Yes: nice tit-bits two women like us would have proved for the ruffians. I am sure, by the look in their eyes, they meant to fuck us. Just fancy having to admit their filthy pricks into our decent cunts when a nice handsome boy was waiting for us!' 'Don't get excited, mamma, or your pussy will dilate so much that Harry will fall in bodily when he gets on top of you, and then there'll be no fucking for me.' Mamma's answer to this impertinence was to put her arm round the slender waist, and push the youthful bottom on my face. I kissed it eagerly, and tempted by the fragrant cunt, said, 'May I?' 'Of course, dear: kiss it, and suck it, too, if you like.' It was the first time I had thought of such a caress, or knew it to be allowable. Rose fitted the lovely arse on my face, and, excitedly frigging my staff, cried, 'Rub your cunt on his lips, Etheclass="underline" let him taste it all. Put your tongue in, Harry, well in. Gamahuche the little bitch. I warrant she wants it badly.' I did my best, and Ethel cooed and bobbed her bottom up and down and was only too delighted to get the chance of frigging her dainty crack on a masculine mouth. Rose's excitable manipulation had laid bare my most private parts, and her daughter was casting curious glances at the ruddy pole. I was the proud possessor of seven or eight inches of stout-headed penis, and the girl was probably wondering what effect it would have on her still unextended quim. Rose, seeing her eyes directed at the startling apparition, jocosely cried, 'Keep your eyes off, miss. The idea of an unmarried girl casting covetous glances at a man's horrid appurtenances! They must be hidden from sight at once.

Get up a minute, Harry.' I did, and Rose immediately pulled my trousers down, regardless of the fact that her action threw off her last mantle and left her completely naked. The broad belly with its splash of curly hair and the salient motte between the sweeping thighs made me lick my lips.

'There's nothing like naked flesh when you're going to have a hearty fuck,' said Rose, fitting my prick into her yawning crack and lowering herself again. 'I was tired of feeling this rough cloth on my bottom. A capital prick this, Ethel. I have swallowed it right up to the balls, and even they are between the lips.' She hoisted my shirt, and having fixed her tongue in my mouth as Ethel had done, moved up and down the shaft that was embedded in her belly. Ethel had gone round to the back of her mother, and was kneeling down doing something I could not see, but I felt her bosoms on my knees. I ventured to ask Rose what she was up to, but she merely smiled and said, 'What I'll do to you presently, my dear, if you fuck me well.' After the manipulation my cock had undergone, a few strokes of the powerful quim would have brought on a premature dischargewhich Rose was probably well aware of, for she stopped to give me a rest. Her sensations must all the same have been very pleasurable, for she murmured, 'Dear girl,' and writhed about, sucking my lips savagely, while her cunt began to contract ominously.