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'Are you ready?' she cried. I nodded. Rose fairly bounded in the saddle, and abandoning all restraint screamed, 'Buck away, too, you young bugger; split my cunt if you can-let me feel your jelly-all, all. Do you hear? Deluge me, or I'll bite your balls off… ah… oh… lo-ovely… I am coming too!' Her head fell on my shoulder; the fleshy body quivered all over, and my hand, dropping to the enormous arse, encountered Ethel's face buried between the cheeks. The spunk hurtled from my spike and poured out in successive jets, a thick clotted stream, and Rose shrieked with pleasure as she felt it lubricating her excited vagina.

'Thank you, dear. It was a splendid fuck. And you-confess haven't I procured you a heavenly sensation? Did you ever dream before what fun you could get out of your prick, or that a woman had got such a pump between her thighs?'


Further Acquaintance

To sustain my part, I pretended wonder and delight and all the rest of it, and really I had never had so glorious a piece of copulation before.

The slippery cunt exercised such exquisite pressure, without too much force, on my tool that the latter seemed fairly to burst when the explosion came, and the intensity of the spasm left me momentarily without strength.

My gratification was not lessened when Rose said, 'Ethel, run and get a glass. I want to look at my quim. It seems to me to be spouting juice.

Yes,' she went on after examining it, 'good measure and running over.

Young man, you will be a notable fucker. Seldom have I received such a dose, and never from a comparative boy.' The reckless woman put a couple of fingers in her sticky cunt, let them soak, drew them forth with a supply of spend, and put them in her mouth. After rolling it round her tongue and savouring the taste she passed judgment with the air of a connoisseur sampling a choice vintage.

'Yes, good thick healthy spend: none of your thin gruel about that. It will give me the greatest pleasure to suck just such another lot straight out of your cads presently, Harry. You look astonished. Oh, I assure you it is just as nice to drink a man off as you found it to suck at Ethel's fountain a minute ago. But we must give you a rest. That was a very heavy spend. Have some more wine.' She turned, and the full proportions of her majestic arse for the first time burst on my view. What a noble dome it was! The very thought of having a bottom like that to play with at liberty made my prick begin to revive. Ethel saw my admiration and smiled.

'You appreciate mother's bottom? A good many gentlemen have found their pleasure there, haven't they, mamma? It's mother's greatest attraction to some. You don't know her yet, Harry, and you've no idea of the uses she can put it to. It makes me laugh though, sometimes, when I hear the men smacking it, and mamma grunting. She has one admirer who pays no attention to anything other than her bum.' 'Yes,' said Rose putting her hand behind her and most indecently shaking the cheeks and pulling them apart. 'I think my bottom's good for some years yet. There is no doubt a handsome bum is a great magnet to the men. Ethel will have a pretty good one, too, when she has been well fucked. Come and show them together, my dear.' Ethel ranged up, and I'm dashed if her arse wasn't the exact counterpart in shape of the elder lady's. Only the size was different.

The contour was just the same, and even the dimple in the cheeks was there. I couldn't help kissing and hugging the two beautiful moons-the full and the half-and the handsome creatures, looking over their shoulders, smiled down approval of my homage. I persuaded them to take various postures, kneeling one above the other, lying on top of one another back to belly, and finally Rose lying on her back with a cushion to bring the broad hams into prominence while Ethel straddled her. Luscious white thighs, cunts, arses and arseholes stood out in full relief. It was an engaging and cock-stirring scene, and mentally I promised myself that as the two ladies seemed so easynatured it should not be the last of the kind.

Rose, noticing my cock was regaining its vigour, threw herself across me again, and frigging the inviting shaft with rapid fingers carried my hand to her wet cunny and provoked me to imitate her. Leaning over to my ear she said quietly, 'If you carry your hand a little further, dear, you will find I have more than one hole. Both are equally at your service.' 'Do you mean this?' I said delightedly, shifting my hand between the pendant cheeks, and searching out the orifice.

'Yes, ducky. Put your finger in and tickle it; don't be afraid.' 'Why,' I stammered, 'isn't that…?' 'Buggery?-oh no: only a sort of preliminary.' 'It is true, then, that men sometimes shove their pricks up bottoms.' 'Rather!' put in Ethel laughing at my shocked expression.

'Didn't I tell you one of mother's friends only used her bottom. Well, he scarcely ever fucks her anywhere else, except when mamma sucks his cock. Sometimes, to tease him, she won't let go till it spits out its cream into her mouth.' I began to wonder whether I had not really hit on two arrant whores despite their style and their abode. By this time I had got a greasy finger well into the upper hole. It slipped in without trouble. Rose twisted and wriggled and evidently enjoyed the feeling.

'Isn't your quim rather wet?' I suggested; 'aren't you going to wipe it?' 'Wipe it! Not much, when I've got a naked boy and a randy girl to lick and clean it. What can be more attractive to suck and taste than a well-fucked cunt? Look here.' Rose rammed her hand into her quim and licked it passionately.

Digging her fingers in again she smeared her voluptuous lips with the contents and pressed them to mine. I was not prepared for this and squirmed a bit, to their amusement.

'That seems to surprise you, young man. Ethel, get down and lick my cunt till it is dry.' Ethel sat on the floor, leaned her face under the fleshy canopy, and brought her head up against my balls with her mouth on the reeking cunt. Rose put her hands down and opened it to its full extent. I could easily see her daughter's tongue busily rummaging in the strongscented cavern 'Good girl; you deserve a fuck now. But we will go upstairs where there are more conveniences.' Taking with us some refreshments, to which we heartily applied ourselves, we ascended, and went into Rose's bedroom. The chamber was large and, besides the bed, held a number of low chairs, and a lounge of peculiar shape, curving at the end and very sloping at the head. But what struck me most was the number of mirrors. There was a large one in the ceiling above the bed, one in the framework of the bed-end, two cheval-glasses, almost full length, and two more in a wardrobe. The first thing they did was to strip off the remainder of my clothes, and then the well-lighted chamber seemed full of flitting naked forms. Observing me looking curiously at the mirrors about the bed, Rose said, 'You see, the one above enables me to watch the hairy arses of my fuckers bobbing about, or gives them a still more entrancing view, though I say it myself, when I'm on top' (slapping her backside significantly). 'The one at the foot is principally for my lovers, as I find they like to see their pricks surging in and out of my quim or my bottom, as may be. It is also useful in many other positions that give a spice to fucking by their variety and novelty.' 'Get on top of his prick, Ethel, and let him have a view of that bonny bottom at work.' Ethel did so with a little cry of pleasure, for she had been waiting for her turn long enough, and having worked my cock into her still narrow notch, began a charming rise and fall that were duly reflected in both glasses. I could see the whole length of my doodle appearing and disappearing, and very proud I felt of it as I perceived how it distended her quim. The lips progressively curved inwards till nothing but a smooth ellipse of flesh could be seen with the great piston boring into the centre. Rose, after letting me enjoy the view for a while, laid herself on my legs, and actually had the nerve to get a big toe into her cunt on which she leisurely began a frig. Bending forward she sucked at my balls, and occasionally licked my prick as it emerged from the sheath formed by her daughter's rapidly moistening cunny. Finally she got her hand under my arse and pushed the tip of her finger into my anus, twisting it round and round and giving me an indescribable sensation of shame and pleasure combined.