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Heavens! to hear the engaging girl reeling off these obscenities from her dainty lips gave me a thrill which was imparted to my cock, not yet quite dead.

'The fact is,' said Rose, 'I think Ethel badly wants a porous plaster in her belly, too. How's your bally prick, Harry? Fit for another tussle? Beauti- ful… I declare it will be up in a minute, with a little sucking. On to him, Ethel, and lick it stiff, and then I'll let you see how I pay out such an awful young reprobate for his remarks on my person. No, not that way: show him your cunt and your bottom.' Ethel straddled me quickly enough, and her fragrant, oozy quim was greedily sucked and her tender arse, too, which made me wonder if I could manage to get my prick into the dear little hole. Rose all the time was lying in the same position, holding her cunt closed with her hand to prevent the mingled spendings issuing, and when she saw I had got a gigantic horn again she said, 'Lie down, Harry, and I will show you a new way.' She reposed on me with her haunches on my chest, and adjusted her quim to my mouth-a rather startling apparition, filled as it was with what looked like melted blancmange relieved by the pink and reddish raw flesh. Inclining herself to the side, she left my prick free to Ethel, whose tight quim quickly gobbled it to the balls. Rose had only to look up and she could see the fuck from beginning to end. I sucked the mother's cunt contentedly while Ethel did the work. In her overwrought state a dozen strokes brought her a hearty effusion, the girl prattling pretty obscenities all the while in imitation of her mamma. Then she went to work vigorously once more, and extracted from my bollocks the fourth libation they had poured forth that night. 'There, ducky,' she cooed as our convulsions died away, 'was that a bloody good fuck? Don't move. Our juice is splashing into mother's face, and she's catching it in her mouth.' Rose had, indeed, changed her position, and true to her determination not to waste anything, was quietly imbibing the spunk as it dropped down; after which she fiercely clasped her daughter's bottom, and drew it on to her lips to get at what was left in the cunt. Truly the lascivious George's lessons had not been in vain.

After that we kissed all round, and every mouth was reeking with semen, for after a while Rose had again shifted position, and planting her arsehole squarely on my face, had received the titillation of my tongue in that delicate quarter, thus leaving her cunt free to Ethel, who licked up what I had missed. A fresh appeal to the wine-cup breathed new vigor and new lust into us, and I am afraid we were all a little tizzy when Rose resumed. She said that when Lucy described her first gamahuche and the horribly obscene manner in which it had been contrived, she started a little, for up to then George had not gone further than fucking her in her twin holes. Lucy noticed it.


Lucy's Story Continued

Do you mean to say George hasn't given you a dose in the mouth yet? Well, I am surprised. I should have thought that by this time there wasn't a hole or a crevice in you that hadn't had his randy prick in it.

But I suppose he thinks a little more is due to a wife that to one of his pissing-whores. Excuse my dreadful language, Rose, but really it is all his fault.

'Oh yes, as I said before I have learned a lot in that way. The names he has for my cunt vary from cream-jug to pisspot. Go on.' Well, curious as it may seem, when he discharged without ceremony into my mouth, the taste of his abominable spunk appeared to take possession of me, and I felt that, as he said, I was his thing… his whore. If he had proceeded to fuck me, sore as my cunny was, I should have welcomed him, and caressed him with a fervour all the greater for his brutality. In fact I secretly hoped he would ram it in, then and there, and if he had chosen to bugger me again I shouldn't have protested, even had he split my arsehole open. What he did, however, was to undress himself and strip my nightdress off, and the more naked we became the more I kissed and fondled him. I seized his cock again of my own volition, and sucked it frantically till it came up once more, and all the time the handsome devil was chaffing me about the difference in my attitude, boasting how he had tamed me, and telling me I would be as good a grind as Tottie yet, and so on. Then he laid me down, got on top, and told me to hold my breasts up, so that he could have a fuck between them.

'Then you'll see how the stuff shoots out,' he said, 'and what it's like, and if you choose to catch it in your mouth, you can.' How funny his bollocks felt rolling about on my diaphragm, and how eagerly I watched the great head bob through and through my bubbies, with my eye fixed on the little aperture for the first appearance of his spunk. First a clear moisture exuded from the tube, then it increased, George panted and damned, and "swish" it came, four or five jets. They splashed over chin, mouth, lips and nose, and some even over my eyes, and overpowered me with the virile odour of the stuff. 'Oh, George, what a lot!' I said admiringly. 'I thought I had got most of it in my mouth, but there is as much as ever.' 'Oh, I can generally give the girls I fuck as much as they want and more-some of them.' The wretch laughed as he thought of the many ivory bellies whose shape he had temporarily spoiled.

'Now we'll have a nice little double suck, if your cunt isn't too sore.' So saying he turned round, and I saw his manly arse, robust, strong and hairy, looming overhead. The still half-stiff prick and his great rods dangled over my mouth and I kissed them passionately. George opened my thighs and began gently to lick my cunt, fearing to excite it too much.

Oh! Rose, what a heavenly sensation it is to have a man's head between your thighs! Ah, naughty girl, I can see by your pleased look he has been at the same game with you. I sucked his sticky cock, and when it was nearly erect George pulled it out of my mouth and put it between my bubbies again, but this time in the reverse way. The big bottom with the ominous-looking brown hole in its centre sank slowly to my face. Did he…? Good Heavens, could he expect me to kiss that? There was very little doubt, for in a moment what I should have privately designated to myself the day before 'his stinking arsehole' was planted firmly on my lips. Nay more. He was not content with that, and edging backwards rubbed it several times on my nose. Then I was ordered, if you please, to put my tongue in and lick it thoroughly. With a last sight at my degradation, followed by a wave of lust sweeping from my irritated cunt to my brain, I licked slowly and deliberately, thrusting my tongue as far up his bottom as I could. Yes, my dear, there was I, Miss Lucy Crofton, granddaughter of a lord, a girl of fashion and society, whoring with a naked man whose most beastly part was glued to my lips! Not that it was particularly dirty or unpleasant: and I must say that when, later on, George returned the compliment I experienced so pleasurable a sensation that if a man wants to fuck me now I take care to make him suck my arse as well. And I must say, too (with a perk), I haven't found anyone who hesitated as soon as he saw my bottom, which even George was good enough to admire.