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When Rutledge expressed concern, Allen reminded him, “There are good days and bad. And this hadn’t been one of my better ones. They’re farther and farther apart now. My doctor warned me, but of course one always supposes he’ll be wrong. He wasn’t.”

He closed his door and Rutledge heard the click of the bolt as he locked it.

Rutledge walked away, thinking that Allen would have a difficult time when it came to giving evidence at a trial. But he would be believed, he was that sort of man. And the view of the jury might well be that a dying man had nothing to gain by lying.

The next statement he wanted was Miller’s. Rutledge was surprised when the man answered the door. He explained what he needed.

Miller said, “I told you what I saw. I don’t see any point in writing it out.”

“What you told me is evidence in a murder inquiry. I can corroborate what you’ve said, but I can’t speak for you. It was you who saw the motorcar come back. It was you who saw Brady go into the Partridge cottage. If both events happened the way you described them to me, you have nothing to fear.”

“I’m not much for what follows, appearing in court.”

“You’ll be summoned to give evidence, whether you wish to or not. It’s out of my hands.”

“Oh, very well,” Miller replied grudgingly. “Come again in half an hour, and I’ll give it to you.” He said, almost as an afterthought, “What was it you were badgering Allen about? Did he see something as well? Let him give you a statement in my place.”

“It doesn’t work that way, Miller.”

Rutledge went to Quincy’s cottage and at first thought that Quincy might not open his door. But he did, saying, “The minders, those two constables in what was Brady’s cottage. What are they supposed to do? Arrest our killer as soon as he strikes again? They’re not fit enough to run a man down.”

A hot, spicy aroma filled the air behind him, distinctly un-English.

“They’re Hill’s men, here to keep the peace.”

Quincy snorted. “Well, they’re a damned sight too late for Willingham and Brady. And if Brady did the killing, what are we in need of minders for, tell me that? It’s the fire setter who worries me.”

“Early days yet, to be certain it was Brady.” His curiosity got the better of him. “What are you making?”

“It’s something I learned to cook in Mexico. Chili with chocolate cooked in it. Not bad. I admit to homesickness now and again. At least for the food. I’ve grown fond of a bit more flavor than boiled cabbage and boiled potatoes and boiled beef. I gather you’re looking for something other than culinary lessons. And if it’s character references you want, Dublin will do.”

“Have you told me everything you could? Or is your fear of your brother finding out you’re back in England locking up your tongue?”

“I don’t know anything more than I’ve told you. I kept the cat when he wasn’t here. We spoke from time to time and that was it.”

“He never gave you anything to keep for him, while he was away?”

“Like state secrets, do you mean?” He grinned. “Hardly. He knew he couldn’t trust me for the simple reason that I put myself above all else. I’ve a comfortable life here, and I’m not interested in setting it at risk. The kettle’s on, if you want a cup of tea.”

Rutledge followed him inside, and as Quincy worked, went into the room with the birds.

“You were lucky the cottage didn’t burn down with you in it,” he told his host. “It was a near thing.”

“And I haven’t got rid of the smell yet. Did you notice it? I expect that’s why I decided to make chili. I brought spices back with me when I came to England, and they’re running out. I need to find a way to stock them in again.”

“Surely you left behind friends who could oblige you.”

Quincy came back with the tea. “No, I didn’t. I burnt those bridges. I didn’t want someone showing up in England to surprise me. Here you are. What fascinates you about my birds?”

“How you killed them, before you mounted them.”

“That’s what Partridge asked me as well. Sorry to disappoint you, but I had others do it for me. I didn’t like that part of it. But birds live and die, either by the hand of a small boy with a slingshot or in the jaws of a predator stalking them on the jungle floor. I knew what birds I wanted, and I paid to have them brought to me. I’ve told you.”

So he had. But Rutledge still had his doubts.

Quincy said as he passed Rutledge sugar for his tea, “I borrowed the sugar from Allen, by the way. I knew you’d come calling again. All right, let’s look at the broader picture. If I’d killed Willingham and Brady, I’d have done it more efficiently. Taken my shotgun and seen them off quickly and with a minimum of fuss.”

“And a maximum of noise.”

“There’s that,” Quincy acknowledged. “But I’m not one for carving up my enemies with a knife. It’s a favorite weapon in Central America, but I never took to it. The same holds for why I didn’t kill these birds myself. I don’t have to feel guilty every time I look at them for how they may have died.”

“Everyone here has secrets. You said as much yourself. I know most of them now, and none of them appears to be worth a murder. Much less two.”

“Yes, well, there are secrets and secrets.”

“And yours might be that if your brother demands that you leave England again, you don’t dare show your face in Central America.”

Something flickered in his eyes, but Quincy said, “The world is wide, and there are other places to hide.”

Hamish said, “He canna’ return. Or he wouldna’ ha’ risked coming home.”

Rutledge smiled. “There are ways to find out if there are warrants out for your arrest.”

“I’m not so worried about the police, damn it. There’s a family out for my blood and likely to have it if I’m not careful. It’s easy to hire an assassin where people are poor and desperate. I’d never know the face of my murderer until he was on me. And so I paid a few bribes of my own and got out.”

It had the ring of truth.

But that left Allen and Miller and Singleton. As well as Rebecca Parkinson.

“Ye forgot the smith,” Hamish warned Rutledge.

He had. Finishing his tea, he asked, “What secrets did Willingham have?”

“That made him a victim? Who knows? If you caught the rough edge of his tongue, you might want to kill him on general principles.”

Rutledge rose to leave. “But you were nearly a victim as well. After Brady died.”

“Yes. We might need to ask ourselves, what set something in motion that can’t be stopped? And that’s why I sleep with the shotgun to hand. If he comes in here, I’ll be ready for him.”

It was an interesting remark, and it stayed with Rutledge after he left Quincy’s cottage.

We might need to ask ourselves, what set something in motion that can’t be stopped?

He climbed the hill and sat down on the chalk edge of the great horse’s foreleg.

Secrets within secrets…Something set in motion that can’t be stopped.

What had changed in this tiny hamlet of nine cottages over the past two years?

Partridge had come to live here, and then Allen had unwittingly given him away to someone who passed the news of Parkinson’s whereabouts to Deloran. Brady had then taken over the cottage vacated by Miss Chandler, after her fortuitous “inheritance” from a cousin had allowed her to move elsewhere.

That had covered what, the space of a few weeks or months?

And after that, nine people had lived together in peace if not in harmony until Partridge went away and failed to come back.

He’d have thought, Rutledge mused silently, that the first death ought to have been Brady’s. But Partridge had accepted his watcher and very likely proceeded to play with him by disappearing at intervals. Better the devil you know…