Skoropadsky, Hetman Paulo, 549, 555
Slavgorod, 657
Slavophiles, Slavophilism, 66, 80, 87, 134
Smena vekh (Change of Landmarks), 700
Smidovich, S. N., 621
Smilga, Ivan, 475–6, 660n
Smolensk, 258, 596, 753, 774
Smolny Institute, 217, 389, 452, 459, 472, 474–5, 479, 480, 482, 483–4, 486, 494, 496, 500, 501, 504, 509, 516, 537, 545, 589, 627, 673, 674, 683; corruption in, 682; Petrograd Soviet housed in, 438, 452, 459, 472, 474; Second All-Russian Soviet Congress (October 1917), 470, 471, 472, 474, 475, 476, 477, 481, 483, 484, 485, 489–90, 498, 512, 589
Snowden, Ethel, 605
Social Democrats, Social Democracy, 147–8, 149 and n, 150, 151, 152, 218, 225, 292. See also Bolsheviks, Marxism, Mensheviks
Social structure, 35, 43, 44, 162–3; merchantry, 161; domination of nobility, 35, 54; and nationality, 80; and rationing system, 726–7; weakness of middle classes, 43, 163–4
Socialist Encyclopedia, 736
Socialist Revolutionaries, Socialist Revolutionary Party, 161, 218, 225, 293, 294, 301, 325, 372, 383, 395, 457, 458, 459, 467–8, 471, 472, 478, 482, 490–1, 502, 507, 508, 515, 516, 517–20, 576, 577–8, 584, 585, 587, 624–5, 626, 685 and n, 692, 755, 760; Left SRs, 464–5, 468, 480–1, 489, 491, 505, 507, 512, 513, 516, 517, 539, 549, 550, 592, 631, 632–5; reluctance to form Soviet government, 331–4, 384, 431, 436, 464–9, 490; Trial (1922), 629n, 769
Sokolnikov, Grigorii, 548
Sokolov, Boris, 315, 517, 518, 519
Sokolov, N. A., 675; The Murder of the Imperial Family, 641
Sokolov, N. D., 324, 330, 334, 440–1
Soldiers, 55, 56, 57, 58, 257–8, 261, 303, 325, 327, 346, 350–1, 379–80, 414, 415–18, 454; soldiers’ committees, 378, 438, 444, 591; violence against officers, 378–9, 438–41, 541, 599
Solovki, concentration camp, 767
Solovyov, Vladimir, 179, 208
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 66
Sormovo, 110
Sorokin, Pitirim, 322, 510, 515, 773n
Soskice, David, 456, 479
Soviet Union Treaty (1924), 799
Soviets, 190, 199, 359, 369, 458–9, 460–1, 465, 502–3, 505–7, 512, 513, 520, 612, 626, 684–90, 756, 761, 762, 811, 812; Northern Regional Congress of Soviets, 475, 476; rural Soviets, 463–4, 505 and n, 506, 510, 512, 519, 579–80, 617–18, 689–90, 752, 791–2; ALL-RUSSIAN CONGRESSES: First, 375–6, 397; Second, 470, 471, 472, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 489–91, 492, 498, 512, 589; Third, 517; Fifth, 633, 634, 639; Sixth, 621; PETROGRAD SOVIET: 190, 199, 204, 217, 322, 324–6, 327–31, 334–8, 349, 359, 360, 367, 376, 381, 382–3, 395, 397–8, 407, 409, 410, 413, 414n, 422, 435–6, 438, 443, 444, 447, 452, 470, 476, 477, 481, 485, 636; Bolsheviks win first majority in, 455, 459; Duma’s negotiations with, 334–8; in July Days, 423, 424–33, 435–6; Military Commission, 327, 330; Order Number One, 330–1, 378, 411, 414, 440; transferred to Smolny Institute from Tauride Palace, 438, 474
Sovnarkom (Council of People’s Commissars), 501, 504–5, 506–7, 508, 510, 511 and n, 512, 513, 626, 631, 632, 641, 647, 782, 795–6, 804
Spala: imperial hunting estate, 30
Spartacist Revolt, Berlin, 701
Speshnev, Nikolai, 128
Spiridonova, Maria, 512, 633, 634, 635
Stalin, Josef, 11, 90n, 142, 276, 296, 297, 391, 396, 397, 433n, 544, 592, 593 and n, 594, 613, 649, 662n, 675n, 686, 699, 701, 702, 706, 707, 709, 710, 714, 715, 716, 737, 738, 765, 793–801, 812, 818, 819; autonomization plan of, 798; Chairman of Secretariat, 794, 795; Commissar for Nationalities, 794, 798; country mansion of, 684; General Secretary of Party (1922), 765, 794; and Gorky, 821–3; growing power and ambitions of, 794–5, 800; head of Orgburo, 794, 807; head of Rabkrin, 694, 794; Krupskaya incident, 800–1; Lenin’s illness and death, 793, 795, 797, 800–1, 805, 806; Lenin’s suspicions and condemnation of, 795–7, 798–801; Lenin’s Testament, 797, 798–800, 801–2 and n; patronage of, 693; People’s Commissar for State Control, 682; rivalry between Trotsky and, 592, 593, 660n, 794, 795–7, 800, 801–4
Stanislavsky, Stanislas, 437 and n, 736, 779
Stankevich, V. B., 336, 391
Stashkov, Roman, 540–1
Stasova, Elena, 664
State Council, 216, 219, 220, 227, 228, 229, 274
State Unity Council, 568
Statute on Socialist Land Organization, (1919), 729–30
Stavka, 258, 259, 261, 269, 279, 281, 282, 287, 288, 339, 342, 406, 442, 444, 446, 453, 502, 541, 558
Stavropol, 526, 567
Steinberg, I. N., 512, 536, 635
Steklov, Iurii, 333, 334
Stepniak, S. M., 136
Stepun, F. A., 446, 448
Stockholm Peace Conference, 409
Stolypin, P. A., 22, 24, 34, 44, 45, 220, 221–31, 246, 288, 363, 573, 718, 786; assassination of (1911), 211, 227, 230, 231; Governor of Saratov, 223; Marshal of the Kovno nobility, 222–3; Minister of the Interior, 223; Prime Minister (1906–11), 220, 221, 222, 223–30; reforms of, 54, 99 and n, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227–9, 230–2, 235, 237–8, 239, 240, 241, 786
Struve, Petr, 43, 141, 148, 162, 167, 168–9 and n, 209, 247, 389, 412, 559–60, 571, 652n
Struve, V. V., 251, 389
Stürmer, Boris, 278, 284, 288
Subbotniki, 725–6
Sukhanov, Nikolai, 311, 318, 321, 322, 323–4, 330, 334, 335, 383, 387, 397, 425, 426, 430, 452, 459, 472, 489, 490, 589, 794
Sukhomlinov, General V. A., 61, 259, 262, 268, 273, 275, 286
Sultan-Galiev, Mirsaid, 709–10
Sumy Republic, 183
Susanin, Ivan, 10–11
Suzdal, 5; zemstvo, 53
Sverdlov, Yakov, 293n, 396, 397, 506, 636–7, 638, 639, 641, 686
Sviatopolk-Mirsky, Prince P. D., 171–3, 175, 179, 186
Sytin, General P. P., 592
Syzran, 577
Taganrog, 526, 562, 565, 566
Tajikstan, 711
Tambov, 104, 106, 143, 157, 159, 258, 365, 422, 462–3, 534, 596, 600, 609, 611, 621, 663, 666, 730, 733, 761, 775; rebellion (1920–21), 619, 753–5, 757, 766–9
Tannenberg, Battle of (1914), 256, 261
Tashkent, 166, 180, 710, 711
Tatar region, Tatars, 76, 578, 579, 653, 687, 708–9, 711
Tatlin, Vladimir, 607, 736, 738, 739
Tatyana Nikolaevna, Grand Duchess, 24, 112
Tauride Palace, 213, 215–16, 217–20, 244, 252, 287, 288, 315, 319, 322, 324, 326–31, 334–8, 344, 348, 387, 388, 452, 483, 492, 509, 513–14, 515, 517; Catherine Hall, 217, 219, 325, 328, 330, 344, 425, 431, 515; and July Days, 424, 425, 427, 428, 429–31, 432; Ministerial Pavilion, 329; Petrograd Soviet in, 324–6, 327, 328, 329; Soviet expelled from, 438, 474
Tauride region, Crimea, 718, 719
Taxes, revolutionary, 525, 527, 528
Taylor, F. W.: Taylorism, 722n; theories of ‘scientific management’, 744
Tereshchenko, Mikhail, 336 and n, 370, 377, 384, 422, 446, 455n
Terrorism, 137–8, 170. See also Red Terror, White Terror
Theodossia, 527
Theophan, Archimandrite, 29, 33
Thomas, Albert, 412–13
Tiflis, 76, 346, 712, 714, 715
Tikhon, Patriarch, 528, 647, 748, 749
Tiumen’, 753
Tkachev, Petr, 122, 128, 130, 136, 137, 138, 145
Tobolsk, 636–7
Tokoi, Senator O., 375
Tolstaya, Alexandra, 779
Tolstaya, Sonya, 160, 463
Tolstoy, Count Leo, 45, 49, 51, 57, 84, 87, 127, 160–1, 181–2, 222, 233, 234, 267, 463, 609, 668, 746, 801, 820; Anna Karenina, 39, 87, 127; estate at Yasnaya Polyana, 49, 233, 463, 609, 668; Hadji-Murad, 57; ‘The Kingdom of God’, 160; Semenov’s friendship with, 233; War and Peace, 87, 609, 638
Tomsk, 198, 352, 577, 584, 658, 687, 753
Tomsky, Mikhail, 821
Trade Unions, 181, 189, 245, 369, 452, 507, 623, 624, 648, 725, 731, 732
Trans-Siberian Railway, 103, 168, 576, 577, 586, 651, 652, 658
Transcaucasia, 503n, 798
Trepov, A. F., 288, 289
Trepov, D. F., 186, 191, 197, 220, 229
Trepov, General F. F., 137
Tret’iakov, Sergei, 273, 510
Trotsky, L. D., 20, 21, 79, 82 and n, 110, 114, 141n, 180, 190, 199, 204, 205, 211, 291–3, 294–6, 297, 323, 325n, 350, 385, 387n, 388, 391, 392, 395n, 421, 423, 426, 434, 455, 466, 468, 470, 499, 502, 509–10, 539, 551, 577, 615, 629n, 641, 649, 660n, 661, 662 and n, 666, 670, 673, 674, 694, 695, 696, 699, 701, 715, 724n, 744, 766, 768, 794, 806, 807, 814; Asiatic strategy of, 703; and Brest-Litovsk peace talks, 540, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547; Chairman of Petrograd Soviet, 459; character, 593–4, 802; Commissar for Foreign Affairs, 500, 537, 540; Commissar for Transport, 721–2, 731; Commissar for War, 589–96, 660n, 661; and Constituent Assembly, 508–9; death of Lenin, 806; and defence of Petrograd, 673, 674–5; exile in Arctic Circle, 205; Internationalism, 292–7; joins Bolshevik Party (July 1917), 296, 325n, 459 and n; and July Days, 429, 430, 434; and Kronstadt mutiny, 762, 767; landed estate of, 684; Lenin’s opinion of, 794; mass conscription called for by, 594–6; Menshevism of, 190, 211–12, 292, 294, 295–6; militarization plans of, 721–5, 743; Military Opposition to, 592–4, 660n; and murder of imperial family, 636–7, 638, 639; in New York, 291, 296, 323; October insurrection, 480, 481, 482, 484, 490–1, 492–3, 498, 529; at October Plenum (1923), 803–4; and ‘permanent revolution’, 211; in Peter and Paul Fortress, 204; pioneers mass conscription of bourgeois labour, 529; political trial of (1906), 639; on possibility of reconstructing man, 734; and Red Army, 589–92, 594, 595, 598–9, 602, 655, 673; refuses post of Deputy Chairman of Sovnarkom, 759–60, 804; released from prison, 452, 455, 459; resigns as Commissar for Foreign Affairs, 548; Results and Prospects, 211; rhetorical qualities of, 459–60; rivalry between Stalin and, 794, 795–7, 800, 801–4; Vikzhel talks opposed by, 498, 499