“Or salary,” Stier repeated, loving this. And so, it seemed, was the jury. “Now, Mr. Schermer,” he went on, “is there any way to reliably identify the existence of this sort of money-laundering scheme?”
“Yes, there is. That’s what my work essentially entails.”
“Can you explain?”
“Well, in our example above, I think we can all see that there is actually less coffee poured than there is a record of. So by comparing the amount of raw coffee beans actually bought by the business with the income that would be produced by the sale of that coffee, cup by cup, we can pretty accurately determine if there is a discrepancy.”
“And did you find such a discrepancy in your analysis of BBW?”
“And to what extent?”
“Well, based on the actual amount of coffee beans bought, by weight-we’ve seen this on one of our graphs, if you remember-the maximum gross income from the sale of coffee drinks over the past fiscal year should have been no greater than about three hundred and seventy thousand dollars, as opposed to a reported four hundred and sixty-two thousand.”
“So, a difference of ninety-two thousand dollars? Almost precisely Dylan Vogler’s salary?”
“That’s correct.”
“Thank you, Mr. Schermer, no further questions.” He turned to Hardy. “Your witness.”
But Braun interrupted. “Mr. Hardy, as it’s getting close to noon, I suggest we hold off beginning your cross-examination until after our lunch recess. Is that acceptable to you?”
“That’s fine, Your Honor.”
“All right, then.” Braun tapped her gavel. “Court’s adjourned until one-thirty.”
Stier might have simply decided to ignore the Ruiz murder as a factor in Maya’s case, but as head of homicide, Glitsky could not do that, even if he was of a mind to. Which he most assuredly was not.
Over the past several months, while Abe had been perpetually brooding over his son’s accident and ultimate prognosis and his own karma, Hardy had grown unhappily accustomed to his new, low-affect persona, to the point that now-meeting with him behind a curtain in a private booth at Sam’s-the full flower of evident rage emanating from his friend’s demeanor struck him as perhaps actually dangerous. To Abe’s own health, maybe, but more to his inspectors, the source of this anger.
“And, if you can imagine,” he was saying with a guttural intensity, “now Schiff is all bent out of shape because I didn’t put them on Ruiz. After what they’ve done to Vogler and Preslee, they should be happy they’re not busted down to robbery, or even patrol. Learn a few of the basics over again.”
Hardy smeared butter on some sourdough. “Maybe you could drop by the courtroom after we’re done here and share some of these thoughts with Braun. She needs to hear them.”
“I’m not saying your client’s innocent, Diz.”
“No. Of course not. You just asked me here to talk secretly because no one else would have lunch with you. And I can’t say that I blame them. Although I’m a little surprised about Treya. You’d think, being your wife and all, she’d at least feel sorry for you.” He popped the bread into his mouth. “Why did Schiff want Ruiz? And Bracco, too, I assume.”
“Why do you think?”
“Obviously, because it’s BBW again. And if that’s the case, they’ve got doubts about Maya.”
“No, they don’t. Not even one. Don’t even ask them.”
“How about you?”
“Not so much doubt about Maya, Diz.” Glitsky tipped up his water glass and chewed some ice. “I just don’t know how they moved the case even this far along.”
“You don’t know? I know. It’s Jerry Glass and Schiff. They got the whole thing out of whack. As a righteous murder, much less two, it hasn’t made any sense from the beginning. Not that Maya couldn’t have actually done these guys, but there’s never been any case, evidencewise. You know this.”
“Well, at least I’m thinking it now. I just wonder what else is going to pop that’s going to make the detail look even more incompetent.”
“You mean like Lori Bradford?”
“Close enough. Have you talked to her?”
“Not yet, but Wyatt Hunt did. I put her on my witness list, which is great for the good guys, but not for you.”
“Schiff and Bracco knew all about her and decided she wasn’t important.”
“That’s what I gathered. I think, though, she might be.”
Glitsky sat back as the tuxedoed, ultimate professional waiter drew back the curtain and took their orders-Hardy’s every-time-he-came-here sand dabs and a Crab Louis for Glitsky. When he’d gone, a small silence settled, until Hardy said, “So. You didn’t invite me down here to help me get Maya off.”
“So the bottom line is the case is starting to look like a loser for us. Certainly the Preslee side.”
“As it should be.”
“Okay, granted, maybe. That’s the problem when things start out so sloppy and get all political.”
“I’m more or less aware of that, Abe. What do you want?”
Glitsky took a beat. “I want to know if you’ve got something I need to know on Ruiz.”
“Like what?”
“If I knew, I wouldn’t need to ask, would I?”
“If I do know something, how’s it going to help my client?”
“It probably won’t.”
Hardy broke a grin. “Wow, you really make it tempting. What do you have so far?”
“Essentially, nothing. If he hadn’t worked at BBW, we’d be at absolute zero.” Glitsky chewed another piece of ice. “As you may have surmised, this goes a little up the food chain.”
Hardy considered for a second, remained deadpan against the urge to show his surprise and pleasure. “Kathy?”
A nod. “Backstage, of course, and always deniable. But through Clarence, then Batiste.” The DA and the chief of police, respectively. Serious high-level pressure from above. “Her mayorship has made her case, especially after hearing about this Lori Bradford fiasco yesterday, that somehow a solid investigation into another BBW-related murder will set Maya free. I’m not so sure of that. It might help on Vogler, though I think she’s going down for that, and she won’t need it on Preslee. But whatever, Kathy thinks Ruiz is going to open a door, and she’s more or less dared us to do something on it, and fast, or maybe a head or two will roll.”
“Not impossible. Maybe even the chief’s too. Who, you remember, serves at the mayor’s pleasure.”
The waiter knocked, opened the drapes, and delivered their plates. As the curtain closed, Hardy said to Glitsky, “So where were we?”
“Kathy West and Eugenio Ruiz.”
Hardy forked a bite of fish, taking his time. Finally, he made his decision and came out with his answer. “I might have something.”
“Might. I like that.”
“I knew you would. Hence my careful locution. I might have something if you’ve got something to trade.”
“Probably not. But what?”
“If you find something based on what I give you, I want it too.”
Glitsky didn’t hesitate an instant, shaking his head from side to side. “I can’t do that.”
“No argument, Abe. You can’t do it, you can’t do it.”