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"I don't think so. He's quite in demand and doesn't seem inclined to settle down."

"He is perfect," she sighed.

"Margaret, I am all astonishment. I thought you'd no intention of marrying."

"I don't want to marry him, but I am desperate for someone to flirt with. Perhaps the good duke and I can come to some sort of understanding that can see me through the rest of the Season. He pays court, which keeps my parents happy, but is safe in the knowledge that I've no desire to marry him. When he hasn't proposed and it's time for me to go to Oxford, they'll return to America, armed with stories about the English lord who let their daughter slip away."

"Lady Frideswide would never forgive you. She's been trying to catch Jeremy for her daughter almost since the girl was born."

"And what does the daughter think?"

"I've not the slightest idea."

"She's awfully young. It won't harm her to wait another Season. Will you introduce me?"

"I suppose so. Were they coming this way?"

"They're upstairs looking at mummies." Margaret looked at me expectantly.

"Are you suggesting that you want me to rush over there and nonchalantly introduce you to the Duke of Bainbridge? Won't it look a bit obvious?" I turned back to my sketch. "No one comes to the museum without visiting the Elgin Room. Be patient, Margaret, and your duke will come to you."

I was right. Not half an hour passed before Jeremy and his party, which had expanded to include Lady Elinor and Isabelle, appeared. The ladies were dressed with such violent elegance that I almost regretted having chosen to abandon the tight lacing of corsets. To stave off the feeling, I took a breath far deeper than any of them could hope to draw and smiled broadly, giving my hand to the duke. Greetings were exchanged and introductions made, following which there was little conversation of substance. Lady Elinor complimented my drawing, and I her pin, a striking bird of paradise fashioned out of gold, its feathers covered with sapphires, rubies, and emeralds. Margaret was politeness itself, eager to impress Jeremy, who clearly felt no discomfort at finding himself the only gentleman in such a large group of ladies. The younger members of the party remained silent, posed prettily behind their mothers, until Lettice stepped towards me, squinting as she looked at the sculptures in front of us.

"Where's the baby?" she asked. "The sign says this shows the birth of Athena."

"There is no baby," I said, smiling. "Athena sprang fully grown from Zeus's head."

"Really?" She looked at me, then at Isabelle. "I don't know the story."

"Athena's mother was Metis, Zeus's first wife — "

"Yes, thank you, Lady Ashton." Lady Frideswide took Lettice's arm and steered her back to Isabelle. I was stunned by her rudeness and decided there was no reason now for me not to act boldly on Margaret's behalf.

"Have you plans for luncheon, Your Grace?" I asked, turning to Jeremy.

"Really, Lady Ashton," he replied, stressing each syllable of my name. "There's no need for such formality. We've known each other since we were babies. I'm lunching at my club."

"What a disappointment," I said. "I should so like to visit with you." Lady Frideswide flashed a look of disbelief. "Leave your club for tomorrow and join Miss Seward and me today."

"Is there a man in Britain able to resist you, Lady Ashton? What time do you want me?" Jeremy's acceptance of this invitation would be viewed as a social coup. Luncheon was typically a ladies' meal; gentlemen preferred their clubs. My mother would certainly pay me a visit the moment she heard of this. I turned to Margaret as the duke and ladies left us.

"You are going to be forever indebted to me for this."

"Oh, he's perfectly agreeable. You didn't have to work on him at all. I love him already."

"The gossips will say that I've set my cap for the Duke of Bainbridge."

"Not once he turns his attentions to me."

"How, precisely, do you plan to manage that? Are you going to speak to him directly about what you want?"

"I was hoping you could broker it for me, Emily. Then I truly will be forever indebted to you."

Margaret excused herself soon after we had retired to the sitting room following the luncheon. Jeremy squirmed uncomfortably, clearly surprised at having been left alone with me.

"Have you contrived this meeting, Em?" he asked, addressing me as he had since he was five years old. "What's going on?"

"Don't worry, Jeremy, you're quite safe from me. I've no interest in marrying you."

He slumped in his chair. "That's a relief. Although I will say candidly that when at last I accept the inevitable and marry, I won't be able to find a more charming wife than you."

"Don't waste your flattery on me."

"Let me flatter you. Doing it to anyone else will set tongues wagging across town and lead to rumors of imminent marriage."

"I know your plight only too well."

"I suppose you do. But I thought you and Hargreaves..." He stopped.

"Colin and I are not engaged," I said. "What about you and Lettice Frideswide?"

"There is no affection between us. Lettice seems more terrified of me than anything, and there has never been any talk of an engagement except by our mothers. You and I are similar creatures. Each with perfect opportunity before us yet unwilling to take it. Perhaps we should join forces. If all of society believes we have an understanding, they'll leave us alone."

"An interesting proposition, Jeremy, and very similar to the one I was about to make to you, but not for myself."

"For whom, then?"

"Margaret." I quickly described her situation. "If her parents think she's got a duke, they'll let her do whatever she wants."

Jeremy laughed loudly. "This is priceless. What a lark. Tell her I'll do it," he said, continuing to laugh. "I'd never have expected such a devious plan from you."

"All credit goes to Margaret."

"And, Emily" — he grew serious — "if you ever...if Hargreaves doesn't...if you do need someone...I think you and I could come to a mutually satisfactory understanding."

"Really, Jeremy, that has to be one of the most romantic proposals in all of English history. May I record it in my diary?"

"I mean it, Em."

"I shall keep that in mind, Your Grace."


To say that my mother was gratified by the attentions bestowed on me by the Duke of Bainbridge would be a grotesque understatement. Although our families were close, her friendship with Lady Frideswide had precluded her considering him as a potential husband for me. Now, however, she was convinced that the duke had strayed from Lettice of his own accord, and if her daughter was now the object of his affections, who was she to protest? I insisted to her that Margaret, not I, was in his sights, but she refused to accept this. No one could make her believe that a duke would choose an American over the daughter of an English peer.

"I'll listen to none of this nonsense," she said, after she had accosted me on the banks of the Thames at the Henley Regatta. "Between the Duke and Colin Hargreaves, you're sure to make an excellent match before the end of the Season. Neither will be willing to let you wait knowing that the other is competing for your favor." She looked at me and frowned. "Where is your parasol?"

"I didn't feel like dragging it along with me."

"My child, I fear for you. You are mere days away from completely destroying your complexion." She tugged at my hat, trying to make it better shade my face. "I've had a lovely day. His Grace was kind enough to offer me a spot on Temple Island. How I wish you could have joined us!"