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Tag and Kosiev looked at each other holding their bag of popcorn and Tag said, “Maybe there is something to this important decisions and popcorn.”

“Sir, the Planet Ross has just asked if they can donate one of their continents to build additional ship building facilities. They will give the land freely.”

Kosiev said, “If we get this kind of support, we can probably make that happen if Sten will send some of his planners to Ross.”

“Let’s get him on the line and see if he can help with that project. We should wait until Sten has all his facilities completed and then send the workers to Ross. We also need to determine how to distribute these ships to our members. If they are all contributing to this effort, then they should receive some benefit.”

“Tag,” Kosiev said, “Let’s think about that; why have 830 fleets? There should only be one navy and all of the members will provide crews. After we start this project and get it on the way, we’ll get Danielle to announce the formation of a new Navy that will defend all of its members and request all new warships be made a part of the new fleet. Leaders of the various elements of the fleets will be selected from each member.”

“What a great concept. We’ll start it by asking the members to provide the crews for the new ships and tell them that these ships are going to be the nucleus of the Stars Realm Navy. We will then ask them to provide ships to us to use in our plans against the plants. It will then be a simple matter to consolidate all our ships into one organization; but first, let’s com Sten about Ross.”

Tag and Kosiev sat on board Moscow and looked at the fifty new ships joining their fleet. It had been a fast six months since Danielle had asked for support and the new worlds responded splendidly. The facilities were completed in three weeks and then the loads of raw materials began to arrive. Another 100 ships were being delivered in thirty days. Ross had its first facility on line within four weeks after the work crews arrived and twenty more were due to begin operation within forty days. Ross was planning for eighty ship building facilities when all were completed. The plants had still not shown up at the Dremels planet and the asteroid forts were in place. More than 4,000 ships were in their system forty of them were megaships.

“We need to rethink the Navy idea,” Kosiev said.

Tag looked at him and said, “I wondered if you were going to bring that up.”

“Why? Do you know something I don’t?”

“No, I just got to thinking that why would we want all of those out of date ships in our navy. As long as we can prevent the various members from ever attacking each other, we really don’t need them disarmed. We will also have more ships than we can effectively command within twelve months and double that number twelve months later. All we really need is crews that we can train for the new ships.”

Kosiev sighed and said, “You’re right. I think now we need Danielle to announce the creation of the new Navy and a meeting to select the one to lead it.”

“I thought it would be you,” Tag said.

“They might select me, but to just appoint me would smack of favoritism and would start us out on the wrong foot. We have to allow the leader and his second in command to be selected by all our members.”

“You’re right. I’ll get Danielle to make the announcement. If you’re not selected, can you serve under someone else?”

Kosiev cocked his head to the right and said, “What do you think I’ve been doing with you? I know who has the real power here.”

Tag smiled and said, “Maybe, but you’re the one that made it happen. Don’t sell yourself short.”

Kosiev said, “Ensign Orton, get Terl and Tgon-Gee on a channel.”

Tag and Kosiev went to the mess and got a bag of popcorn and a sweet drink and came back to the bridge just as the two leaders came on their display. “What do you need Mr. Gardner?” Tgon-Gee asked.

“We’ve been discussing the organization of our fleet now that we have the new Megaships coming on line and we think we have a suggestion and would like your take on it.”

“Go ahead,” Terl said.

“We think that instead of having 837 navies we should have a fleet that is commanded by our Queen. It will be the Stars Realm Navy and the members will provide the crews that man its ships. The purpose of the fleet is to protect the members of the Realm from all dangers both foreign and domestic.”

Terl and Tgon-Gee looked at the display and then Terl said, “You expect us to give up our warships?”

Kosiev said, “Absolutely not. Only the ships that all the members have contributed to build will be in the fleet. All the members will keep their ships. Only the ships built on Sten’s planet and Ross will be in the fleet.”

“Who will command the fleet?” Tgon-Gee asked.

“That’s why we called you. We should get all the member worlds to send a military representative to a gathering where the Fleet commander will be selected. This is a Navy of all the members and all of them should participate in its founding.” Tag paused for a moment and then said, “We should also have an Academy where the crews of the fleet are trained. The first crews will actually be existing sailors on current assignments but once our fleet is manned, the next generation should be trained by the Stars Realm trainers.”

Tgon-Gee looked at Tag and said, “I initially felt huge reservations about this suggestion. I felt I was giving up my independence and protection but the reality is that I would trust that fleet more than any other fleet in our membership other than Earth and Cainth of course. We will instill in those crews that the duty to protect our worlds is the most important role they play. We will also have multiple races on each ship so we can start building commonality among our members.”

Terl listened intently and then said, “I don’t care if you took all of my ships. Except for your forgiveness, we would have no ships. I think the idea is outstanding. Where will the fleet be headquartered?”

Tag hesitated but then said, “It will be located at the Capital of the Stars Realm.”

Tgon-Gee said, “So Earth will have control of the fleet.”

“Danielle has chosen to locate her Capital on the planet named Ross in honor of those that gave their life there to found our new brotherhood.”

Tgon-Gee started laughing.

Terl looked at him and said, “What’s so funny?”

“Every time I fall back into my old distrustful ways, my Queen does something to show me just how much I’ve yet to grow. Ross is the only choice for our capital, fleet, and academy. It is the spiritual founding of our coming together. It represents what can come from the worse of us to be the best of us. I however, do disagree about how you’ll select the Fleet commander.”

“How is that?” Tag asked.

“We are not a democracy anymore, if we ever were for that matter. We are a monarchy. What the Queen decides, that’s what we will do. If you start trying to get 830 worlds to agree on any course of action, then we’ll never get anything done. Quite frankly, I wouldn’t trust those new ships under anyone else’s control and I’m quite sure after having seen how it destroyed that Plant Scout, most of the member worlds would agree with me. They trust their Queen and rightly so.”

“Gentlemen, do you mind if I include the Queen in this conversation?”

“No, please invite her,” Terl said.

“Ensign Orton,” Kosiev said, “Please com the Queen and ask if she has a moment to talk with us.”

“Danielle,” Tag thought.

“Yes, Love.”

“You have a call coming in requesting you join our meeting. I think you really need to be in on this.”