Somebody, Fred said, will get us all anyhow eventually.
Itll be a relief. A distinct relief. Going farther into his pile of notes, Hank said, Jerry Fabin. Well, well write him off. N.A.C. The boys down the hail say Fabin told the responding officers on the way to the clinic that a little contract man three feet high, legless, on a cart, had been rolling after him day and night. But he never told anybody because if he did theyd freak and get the hell out and then hed have no friends, nobody to talk to.
Yeah, Fred said stoically. Fabin has had it. I read the EEG analysis from the clinic. We can forget about him.
Whenever he sat facing Hank and did his reporting thing, he experienced a certain deep change in himself. Afterward was when he usually noticed it, although at the time he sensed that for a reason he assumed a measured and uninvolved attitude. Whatever came up and whoever it was about possessed no emotional significance to him during these sessions.
At first he had believed it to be the scramble suits that both of them wore; they could not physically sense each other. Later on he conjectured that the suits made no actual difference; it was the situation itself. Hank, for professional reasons, purposefully played down the usual warmth, the usual arousal in all directions; no anger, no love, no strong emotions of any sort would help either of them. How could intense natural involvement be of use when they were discussing crimes, serious crimes, committed by persons close to Fred and even, as in the case of Luckman and Donna, dear to him? He had to neutralize himself; they both did, him more so than Hank. They became neutral; they spoke in a neutral fashion; they looked neutral. Gradually it became easy to do so, without prearrangement.
And then afterward all his feelings seeped back.
Indignation at many of the events he had seen, even horror, in retrospect: shock. Great overpowering runs for which there had been no previews. With the audio always up too loud inside his head.
But while he sat across the table from Hank he felt none of these. Theoretically, he could describe anything he had witnessed in an impassive way. Or hear anything from Hank.
For example, he could offhandedly say Donna is dying of hep and using her needle to wipe out as many of her friends as she can. Best thing here would be to pistol-whip her until she knocks it off. His own chick if he had observed that or knew it for a fact. Or Donna suffered a massive vasoconstriction from a mickey-mouse LSD analogue the other day and half the blood vessels in her brain shut down. Or Donna is dead. And Hank would note that down and maybe say Who sold her the stuff and wheres it made? or Wheres the funeral, and we should get license numbers and names, and hed discuss that without feeling.
This was Fred. But then later on Fred evolved into Bob Arctor, somewhere along the sidewalk between the Pizza Hut and the Arco gas station (regular now a dollar two cents a gallon), and the terrible colors seeped back into him whether he liked it or not.
This change in him as Fred was an economy of the passions. Firemen and doctors and morticians did the same trip in their work. None of them could leap up and exclaim each few moments; they would first wear themselves out and be worthless and then wear out everyone else, both as technicians on the job and as humans off. An individual had just so much energy.
Hank did not force this dispassion on him; he allowed him to be like this. For his own sake. Fred appreciated it.
What about Arctor? Hank asked.
In addition to everyone else, Fred in his scramble suit naturally reported on himself. If he did not, his superiorand through him the whole law-enforcement apparatuswould become aware of who Fred was, suit or not. The agency plants would report back, and very soon he as Bob Arctor, sitting in his living room smoking dope and dropping dope with the other dopers, would find he had a little threefoot-high contract man on a cart coasting after him, too. And he would not be hallucinating, as had been Jerry Fabin.
Arctors not doing anything much, Fred said, as he always did. Works at his nowhere Blue Chip Stamp job, drops a few tabs of death cut with meth during the day
Im not sure. Hank fiddled with one particular sheet of paper. We have a tip here from an informant whose tips generally pan out that Arctor has funds above and beyond what the Blue Chip Redemption Center pays him. We called them and asked what his take-home pay is. Its not much. And then we inquired into that, why that is, and we found he isnt employed there full time throughout the week.
No shit, Fred said dismally, realizing that the aboveand-beyond funds were of course those provided him for his narking. Every week small-denomination bills were dispensed to him by a machine masquerading as a Dr. Pepper source at a Mexican bar and restaurant in Placentia. This was in essence payoffs on information he gave that resulted in convictions. Sometimes this sum became exceptionally great, as when a major heroin seizure occurred.
Hank read on reflectively, And according to this informant, Arctor comes and goes mysteriously, especially around sunset. After he arrives home he eats, then on what may be pretexts takes off again. Sometimes very fast. But hes never gone for long. He glanced upthe scramble suit glanced upat Fred. Have you observed any of this? Can you verify? Does it amount to anything?
Most likely his chick, Donna, Fred said.
Well, most likely. Youre supposed to know.
Its Donna. Hes over there banging her night and day. He felt acutely uncomfortable. But Ill check into it and let you know. Whos this informant? Might be a burn toward Arctor.
Hell, we dont know. On the phone. No printhe used some sort of rinky-dink electronic grid. Hank chuckled; it sounded odd, coming out metallically as it did. But it worked. Enough.
Christ, Fred protested, its that burned-out acid head Jim Barris doing a schizy grudge number on Arctors head! Barris took endless electronic-repair courses in the Service, plus heavy-machinery maintenance. I wouldnt give him the time of day as an informant.
Hank said, We dont know its Barris, and anyhow there may be more to Barris than burned-out acid head. Weve got several people looking into it. Nothing I feel would be of use to you, at least so far.
Anyhow, its one of Arctors friends, Fred said.
Yes, its undoubtedly a vengeance burn trip. These dopersphoning in on each other every time they get sore. As a matter of fact, he did seem to know Arctor from a close standpoint.
Nice guy, Fred said bitterly.
Well, thats how we find out, Hank said. Whats the difference between that and what youre doing?
Im not doing it for a grudge, Fred said.
Why are you doing it, actually?
Fred, after an interval said, Damned if I know.
Youre off Weeks. I think for the time being Ill assign you primarily to observe Bob Arctor. Does he have a middle name? He uses the initial
Fred made a strangled, robotlike noise. Why Arctor?
Covertly funded, covertly engaged, making enemies by his activities. Whats Arctors middle name? Hanks pen poised patiently. He waited to hear.
How do you spell that?
I dont know, I dont fucking know, Fred said.
Postlethwaite, Hank said, writing a few letters. What nationality is that?
Welsh, Fred said curtly. He could barely hear; his ears had blurred out, and one by one his other senses as well.
Are those the people who sing about the men of Harlech? What is Harlech? A town somewhere?
Harlech is where the heroic defense against the Yorkists in 1468 Fred broke off. Shit, he thought. This is terrible.
Wait, I want to get this down, Hank was saying, writing away with his pen.
Fred said, Does this mean youll be bugging Arctors house and car?
Yes, with the new holographic system; its better, and we currently have a number of them unrequisitioned. Youll want storage and printout on everything, I would assume. Hank noted that too.
Ill take what I can get, Fred said. He felt totally spaced from all this; he wished the debriefing session would end and he thought: If only I could drop a couple tabs
Across from him the other formless blur wrote and wrote, filling in all the inventory ident numbers for all the technological gadgetry that would, if approval came through, soon be available to him, by which to set up a constant monitoring system of the latest design, on his own house, on himself.