Taranto, 178
Tarentum, 178
Tarim valley, 430
Tartars, 167, 197, 232, 243, 288, 290, 334
Tasmania, 59, 322, 393
Tattooing, 70
Taxation, 271, 337
Tea, 247, 337
Teeth, 19, 20
Telamon, battle of, 182
Telegraph, electric, 340, 358, 382, 384, 396
Telescope, 355
Temples, 77, 83, 101, 129, 131, 167, 174, 184, 186, 211, 212, 213, 240
Tennessee, 386
Testament, Old, 115, 116
Teutons, 431
Texas, 384, 385
Texel, 344
Thales, 131, 161
Thebes, 101, 102, 129, 136
Theocrasia, 209
Theodora, Empress, 238
Theodoric the Goth, 236, 431
Theodosius II, 234, 238
Theodosius the Great, 226, 229, 431
Thermopylæ, battle of, 136, 430
Thessaly, 145, 178
Thirty Years’ War, 326
Thothmes III, 96, 127, 147, 429
Thought and research, 140
Thought, primitive, 60 et seq.
Thrace, 135
Three Estates, council of the, 285
Three Teachings, the, 170
Tiberius Cæsar, 195, 214, 430
Tibet, 196, 400
Tides, 18
Tigers, 42, 43
Tiglath Pileser I, 97, 429
Tiglath Pileser III, 97, 108, 109, 429
Tigris, 77, 84
Time, 5, 6
Timor, 329
Timurlane, 290, 334
Tin, 360
Tiryns, 108
Titanotherium, the, 39, 42
Tonkin, 402
Tortoises, 27, 28
Toulon, 345
Trade, early, 83, 88
Trade, Grecian, 129
Trade routes, 119
Traders, 132, 335
Traders, sea, 92
Trafalgar, battle of, 348
Trajan, 195, 430
Transport, 319, 358, 382
Transvaal, 398
Transylvania, 195
Trasimere, Lake, 182
Trench warfare, 412
Trevithick, 356
Tribal life, 61
Trilobites, 13
Trinidad, 407
Trinil, Java, 45
Trinitarians, 224
Trinity, doctrine of the, 224, 261
Triremes, 180
Triumvirates, 194
Trojans, 94
Troy, 92, 127
Troyes, battle of, 235, 431
Tsar, title of, 327
Tshushima, Straits of, 404
Ts’i, 173
Ts’in, 173, 431
Tuileries, 342, 343
Tunis, 185
Turkestan, 77, 108, 148, 196, 197, 198, 199, 245, 253, 287, 290, 292, 334
Turkey, 390, 411
Turkoman dynasty, 405
Turkomans, 334
Turks, 167, 197, 243, 245, 263, 267, 287, 292, 310, 312, 334, 353, 354, 434
Turtles, 27, 28
Tushratta, king of Mitanni, 97
Twelve tribes, the, 116
Tyrannosaurus, 28
Tyre, 92, 118, 119, 122, 123, 134, 147
Uintatheres, 42
Uncleanness, 68
United States, 357, 410, 411, 422, 434; Declaration of Independence, 338; treaty with Britain, 339; expansion of, 382 et seq.
Universities, 295, 304, 355, 361
Uranus, 2, 3
Urban II, Pope, 268, 272, 432
Urban VI, Pope, 285, 433
Utopias, 140, 142, 144
Valens, Emperor, 229
Valerian, 430
Valladolid, 314, 315, 316
Valmy, battle of, 434
Vandals, 227, 229, 230, 232, 431
Varennes, 343, 434
Vassalage, 259
Vatican, 265, 266, 272, 285
Vedas, 106
Vegetation of Mesozoic period, 28
Veii, 177, 178
Vendée, 345
Venetia, 235
Venetians, 301
Venice, 235, 272, 274, 294, 327, 351, 432
Venus (goddess), 213
Venus (planet), 2, 3
Verona, 345
Versailles, 325, 327, 341, 342
Versailles, Peace Conference of, 421
Versailles, Treaty of, 421, 422
Vertebrata, 19; ancestors of, 20
Verulam, Lord, (See Bacon, Sir Francis)
Vespasian, 430
Vesuvius, 191
Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy, 435
Victoria, Queen, 394, 434
Vienna, 292, 312, 433, 434
Vienna, Congress of, 348, 349, 350
Vienna, Treaty of, 355
Vilna, 356
Vindhya Mountains, 159
Virginia, 337, 383, 386
Visigoths, 227, 229, 232, 235, 259, 431. (Cf. Goths)
Vitellus, 430
Vittoria, ship, 302
Viviparous mammals, 33
Vivisection, Herophilus and, 151
Volcanoes, 37
Volga, 200, 227
Volta, 358
Voltaire, 328
Votes, 382
Waldenses, 276, 280, 305
Waldo, 276
Walid I, 432
War and Warfare, 96, 344, 390, 422
War of American Independence, 338 et seq.
Warsaw, 353
Washington, 340, 357, 383, 386, 389
Washington, Conference of, 425
Washington, George, 338
Waterloo, battle of, 348
Watt engine, 356
Weapons, 100, 106
Weaving, 65, 75
Wei-hai-wei, 400
Wellington, Duke of, 348
West Indies, 330, 385, 393, 394
Western Empire, 431
Westminster, 306
Westphalia, Peace of, 326, 355, 433
Wheat, 66, 104
White Huns. (See Ephthalites)
William Duke of Normandy (William I), 432
William II, German Emperor, 410, 435
Wilson, President, 422, 423, 424
Wings, birds’, 32
Wisby, 294
Wisconsin, 385
“Wisdom lovers,” the first, 133
Witchcraft, 68
Wittenberg, 306
Wolfe, General, 434
Wolsey, Cardinal, 324
Wood blocks for printing, 247
Wool, 102, 395
Workers’ Internationals, 377
World, The, creation of, 1; in time, 5 et seq.
Wrangel, General, 419
Writing, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, 94, 124, 176; dawn of, 57
Wycliffe, John, and his followers, 286, 304, 433
Xavier, Francis, 400
Xenophon, 150
Xerxes, 136, 138, 147, 150
Yang-Chow, 300
Yang-tse-Kiang, 173
Yangtse valley, 173
Yarmuk, battle of, the, 253, 431
Yedo Bay, 401
Yorktown, 338
Yuan dynasty, 290, 433
Yucatan, 74
Yudenitch, General, 419
Yuste, 314, 317
Zama, battle of, 182, 430
Zanzibar, 329
Zarathustra, 241
Zeppelins, 413
Zero sign, 257
Zeus, 211
Zimbabwe, 397
Zoophytes, fossilized, 13
Zoroaster (and Zoroastrianism), 241, 243, 255