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I don’t know what you want to know. If anything. But I imagine that you are back in a family now; you have your own family, a professor husband, a child (I know that’s not his, that’s from another marriage). I’ve never been to Uncle Sam’s great U.S. but I can choose and furnish your house from the movies … how else? And you in it. No movie to supply that one.

I suppose that house and you in it is a good idea. So that with it you may want to know the sort of things people want to know when they have family houses. The other cousins: maybe you’d like to hear about them. They all three have careers. Mark’s a urologist, a neighbor of yours, more or less, in Philadelphia. Brian’s in banking: Clive — I’m not sure what he’s doing, can’t remember for the moment, but whatever it is he’s very successful — I met him once, on a plane going to Cape Town. He gave me a card which I lost. Maybe you have a card now: Professor and Ms Hillela — what? Pauline didn’t say; you keep your other name when you lecture.

It’s wonderful to be with blacks. Working with blacks. Already there are some who are senior to me, one or two who have been, for training, to England and West Germany. I take my orders from them. So I suppose I’m like Pauline, really. Where I get my thrills. It’s wonderful and sometimes it’s a terrible let-down. Alpheus’s garage was luxury compared with the flat near the Point I’m living in, but I’m still cut off from the vigorous ugliness of the life they live, different from my ugliness; what they find to talk about in their endless dialectic — no, synthesis — of laughter, anger and mimicry, their Sunday booze-ups, the childhood loyalties they never seem to give up — it’s not in a manner of speaking that they call each other brother.

But what am I saying. You were married to a black. It must have been different, for you. Perhaps I should marry a black girl — if that were possible. (By the way, the law against that is going to go, too, one of these days. They’re looking for ways they can trim off the straggly edges without harming white power.) But I have to tell you I’m not attracted to black girls. Not so far. As if they could care.

The kind of job I do — it’s neither legal nor illegal. It’s not really new, either. I’m making no great break-through for progress. It was done before we were born or when we were little kids by people whose names I’ve learned, Afrikaners like the Cornelius sisters and Bettie du Toit, and Jews like me, Solly Sachs and Eli Weinberg. Before the laws put a stop to it. Some of them landed in jail and exile, and others gave in and settled for working in white unions. So now it has to be begun over again, but this time there’ll be no stopping it. The gumboot dance won’t be hustled off the arena when the whites have had enough for their amusement. Our offices have been raided a few times; the police seem bewildered by what they find, might as well be reading upside-down. I’ve been questioned, along with another white involved. But they don’t seem to know what to do about us, yet.

It was not prying, to read the letter meant for Hillela. As he read he saw that when he was writing to her, he was writing to himself. He tore up his letter and dropped it into the office waste basket among memoranda, spoilt photocopies, and the Coke cans his colleagues aimed there.

The signals from the General’s free radio stations became stronger and stronger. His pilots, training in Bulgaria to fly MIGs, qualified and came back to the bush to operate from the captured provincial towns with their airports or airstrips. The government troops were fighting from besieged towns. The General rocket-attacked and bombed military bases but gave strict instructions that the oil refinery and the country’s two ports were not to be touched, nor were there to be any but unavoidable civilian targets. — I’m not going to walk into a ruined city and take on a wrecked economy. — But in the end there was fighting in the streets in which his former comrades, his neighbours when he was a young officer, his friends and perhaps even some members of his own family would be killed. Only the best of them was safe by his side, and no-one dared to recall that the Colonel had once belonged with the enemies his father had overcome. The General did not have to explain to Hillela his feelings about this; she had seen the homeless wanderers between army and army, war and war, sitting in the bush, she had brought the soup powder that comes after shrapnel.

Some time before the army headquarters, police headquarters, broadcasting station and telecommunications centre in the real capital were taken by the General’s troops, and he entered the capital in a procession of armoured cars and tanks whose engine power was quickly superseded by the lava of crowds that carried them forward in battered, ecstatic eruption, the marriage took place in some Hilton or Intercontinental hotel where he flew to join Hillela for twenty-four hours. It was then that the General gave her her African name. She had forgotten the promise, taken as one of the kind offered her meaninglessly so often in the playfulness of sexual advances. — You’ll be there on the register: Chiemeka Hillela. — Now she remembered. — What does it mean? — He took a smiling breath that expanded the muscles of his neck as well as his big chest. — It’s not a name in my language, it comes from another country, but it means the same as my real name does. ‘God has done very well’.—

His bell of laughter broke and reverberated, back and forth. She embraced him, the accolade of victorious commanders, her arms hardly able to reach around his shoulders.

She had drawn back. The shine of her one cheekbone was impressed with the ridges of the insignia he bore, her eyes were inescapable; he found the challenge very attractive. — Why in another language? Because I’m a stranger?—

— Now, now. Wait a minute. It’s an Igbo name, from Nigeria. I had a good friend there, I stayed with him and his mother, she treated me like her son. It’s in her honour I call you. She fed me, she clothed me the first time I was in exile, as a youngster. And her name was the same as mine, a female version; a name that was fated …—

The name that was ready for her has been hers for official purposes ever since, but between the couple she remained Hillela, as he remained for her Reuel, his colonial baptismal name at the Catholic font. So that ‘Hillela’ has become the name of intimacy, withdrawn from the currency of general use and thereby confusing her identity and whereabouts, for others, further than these already had been. It was only by her face that Olga recognized the President’s wife in the newspaper photograph, that time, sitting there right next to Yasir Arafat.

State Houses

Aleopard stands in the entrance of State House. When Nomo has a week to spare between seasonal haute couture presentations in Paris, Rome, New York and London, and flies out to Africa, the moment of arrival for her is when she passes an elongated hand over the creature’s head in recognition of the way the namesake climbed on its back the first time she was brought to visit, as an eleven-year-old child. She has a leopard-skin coat at home in her Trastevere apartment or London mews flat (depending where she passes the winter). It was designed for her by one of the Japanese couturiers who have superseded the French since Chanel and Dior died.