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It’s the acid. I didn’t see it. It’s the acid. It’s the acid…


What are we going to do? We have to call an ambulance, the police, something… (sudden realization)

Where’s Kimmy?

ADULT ERIC turns to YOUNG JANICE, who cannot see or hear him. Tears are in his eyes. ADULT ERIC

I’m sorry, Jan-Jan. Oh, God, I’m so sorry. It was all my fault.

YOUNG ERIC looks up at the mention of KIMMY. A look of guilt flashes across his face. YOUNG ERIC

Kimmy’s fine. She’s fine. I think… she went out walking. Yeah, she’s out in front. YOUNG JANICE

I can’t stand this! I feel like things are crawling all over me. Eric, what are we going to do about Topher? ADULT ERIC

I’m so, so sorry…


It’s okay. We’re all tripping — we’re just high, having a bit of a freak-out. Stay with me. Stay with me. It’ll be okay. Y

OUNG JANICE (wanting to believe)

You think so? Will you put your arms around me? I’m really scared.

YOUNG ERIC wraps his arms around her and they stand swaying in the middle of the living room.

ADULT ERIC slowly reaches his hand out to the two of them, then lets it drop as we SLOW DISSOLVE TO:


ADULT JANICE stands in a darkened, deserted hallway of the present-day house, moonlight coming in through the windows. A few objects left when the house was emptied and some windblown leaves lie on the floors. After a moment, she hears a sniffling sound — someone CRYING. Frightened, she makes her way slowly down the hallway, listening, until she stops in front of one of the doors. She opens that door, but instead of a room, there’s ANOTHER HALLWAY — incredibly long, equally dark, with a huddled shape sitting at the far end. The crying is louder.




You never came back for me.

JANICE is suddenly near tears. Music rises quietly — ELO’s “Telephone”.


I… I didn’t know…


You followed Eric like you were his dog. He was so much more important to you than me — your best friend…!

JANICE moves toward her but the hallway does not seem to get any shorter. KIMMY is still far away, her back to JANICE, face hidden.


I didn’t know any better. He was my boyfriend… Oh, Kimmy, that was twenty-five years ago!

KIMMY (a cracked laugh)

Not for me. For me it’s still happening. For me, it’s always happening…


I’m so sorry!

The distance suddenly telescopes — JANICE is right on top of KIMMY. She reaches out to touch her.


Kimmy? Can I do anything… anything to make it better?

KIMMY turns, except it isn’t KIMMY, it’s YOUNG JANICE, but still with KIMMY’s voice. YOUNG JANICE lifts BLOODY HANDS.


You betrayed me…!

ADULT JANICE screams; it echoes down the long corridor, twisting, growing fainter as we follow it around many twists and turns, until it fades back into the music of Hendrix, still playing somewhere. ADULT BRENT is standing in a corridor of his own, an Escher-like impossibilty of stairs and weird angles. He turns, bewildered. A little SMOKE drifts along the passageway.

BRENT is frightened and clearly lost. He takes a step, then another. A shadow falls on the wall across from him, and he turns with eyes wide. A dark figure steps

from an open door — it’s the ADULT ERIC.


Brent? That you?


Oh my God. Oh my God. I’ve been in here for hours — where did you go? Where’s Janice?


I don’t know. Everything’s… strange.


We have to get out of here. We should never have come. He’s going to…


There must be some kind of sense to it, like Janice said. A reason. We were his friends…!


No! He’s crazy. It wasn’t anybody’s fault — things just went wrong.


Really? I thought you said it was all your fault.


Let’s just get out of here.


No, you distinctly said it was your fault. In fact, you were going to say that you betrayed him, weren’t you?


What… what are you talking about?


Come on… Brent. You know what betrayal is, don’t you?

ERIC steps closer, resting his hands on BRENT’s shoulders. BRENT is struggling, but he can’t get away.


“You don’t know who your friends really are until you trip with them… ” Remember that? Remember?

BRENT (struggling)

Let go of me!

ERIC’s face is beginning to change — to harden and grow brittle. BRENT struggles harder, but it’s like being held by a statue. ERIC’s face grows completely rigid, like TOPHER’s SHELL. Then it cracks, and falls away, to reveal the YOUNG TOPHER beneath.

YOUNG TOPHER (big grin)

It’s all about the Court of the Crimson King, Brent. And hell has a special place saved for traitors…

BRENT’s clothes start to smolder where TOPHER is holding them. BRENT shrieks and flails and at last breaks away, falling backward.


Wait! There’s still the big finale…

TOPHER reaches up and PEELS AWAY his face, revealing YOUNG BRENT’s FACE underneath. ADULT BRENT doesn’t stay to watch — he drags himself to his feet, running down the distorted corridor, shrieking and crying, as we CUT TO:


ADULT ERIC is miserably watching his YOUNG ERIC self combing through the carpet of the living room floor while YOUNG JANICE watches him, worried. No music is playing.


Eric? Eric, what are you doing?


He’s faking. He has to be faking. He couldn’t have taken all of those pills…

YOUNG BRENT looks up from his records.


Hey, where’s Kimmy?

ADULT ERIC (a hopeless whisper)

Just tell them…

YOUNG ERIC (hurriedly)

Outside! She went for a walk!

BRENT rises and heads for the front door. He pauses in the open doorway.


The moon! It’s fucking huge — like a big eye!

As he goes out, YOUNG ERIC is still on his hands and knees, running his fingers through the carpet, searching.


It’s all bullshit. It has to be! We’re just too high.


What are you talking about?

YOUNG ERIC (looks up, desperate-eyed)

It’s not real. We’re all just tripping. Topher’s trying to freak us out. He just pretended to catch those pills, but they’re here somewhere. I’ll find them. That’ll prove it.

He goes back to his relentless combing of the carpet, crawling with his face practically down against the fibers. YOUNG BRENT comes back in and walks past them, then heads up the stairs. ADULT ERIC looks after him, then closes his eyes.

YOUNG JANICE doesn’t know what to do. She looks up at the stairway, then toward the front door. She watches YOUNG ERIC for a moment then sits back, hugging herself and looking very frightened. ADULT ERIC moves toward her, and although she can’t see him, he kneels in front of her.


You were right. Oh, God, I was a fucking idiot, a terrified kid, trying to talk myself into thinking everything made sense. (a beat)

And now I’m a just a ghost and you can’t hear me…

For a moment YOUNG JANICE almost does seems to hear him: she tilts her head, as though searching for a tiny sound. Abruptly, the stereo comes on full-blast — “Iron Man”, by Black Sabbath — and she jerks her head back around to stare at it. There’s no one nearby: it has turned on by itself.

We begin to experience the first scene over again, but this time from ADULT ERIC’s viewpoint.


Eric! Eric, talk to me!