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Juanita had turned quite pale, but she grinned and shrugged her shoulders so expressively that her sweater fell off onto the floor. When Fielding bent over to pick it up, she snatched it out of his hand. “So? The kids will be just as good off there as they are in this nuthouse with you crawling around on your knees half the time.”

Mrs. Rosario for the first time looked directly at Fielding. “Where are you taking my daughter?”

“He’s not taking me anyplace,” Juanita said. “I’m taking him. I’m the one with the car.”

“You leave that car in the garage. Joe says you’re too wild to drive. You’ll be killed. You can’t afford to be killed with so many sins on your soul you haven’t confessed.”

“We had planned on going to a movie,” Fielding said to Mrs. Rosario. “But if you don’t approve — that is, I wouldn’t want to be the cause of any family friction.”

“Then you’d better leave. My daughter is a married woman. Married women don’t go to movies with strangers, and gentlemen don’t ask them to. I don’t even know who you are.”

“Stan Foster, ma’am.”

“What does that tell me? Nothing.”

“Leave him alone,” Juanita said. “And keep your nose out of my business.”

“This is my house; what goes on here is my business.”

“O.K., take your damn house. Keep it. It’s only a lousy little shack anyway.”

“It’s sheltered you and your children in times of trouble. You’d be out on the street if it wasn’t for...”

“I like the street.”

“Yes, sure, now that it’s warm and sunny you like it. Wait till the night comes, wait till it’s cold and maybe it starts to rain. You’ll come crying.”

“You’d love that, wouldn’t you, me coming crying. All right, start praying for rain, see if I come crying.” Juanita opened the front door and motioned to Fielding to go out ahead of her. “Just see if I come crying.”

“Gypsy,” Mrs. Rosario said in a soft, furious whisper. “You’re no child of mine, gypsy. I found you in an open field. I took pity. There’s none of my blood in you, gypsy.”

Juanita slammed the door. The Madonnas on the wall shivered but continued to smile.

“I was born right here in St. Joseph’s hospital,” Juanita said. “It’s on the records. You didn’t believe that open field stuff, did you?”

“Let’s go someplace and have a drink.”

“Sure, but did you or didn’t you?”


“Believe that gypsy stuff.”

“No.” Fielding wanted to break into a run, to put as much distance as possible between himself and the weird house with the decapitated crucifix.

Juanita was tottering along beside him, crippled by her needle heels. “Hey, not so fast.”

“I need a drink. My nerves are shot.”

“She bugged you, eh?”


“She didn’t use to be so spooky when I lived at home before. Sure, she was religious, but it wasn’t so bad until she started trying to get people into heaven. You saw the candle, didn’t you?”

“I guess so.”

“The car’s just down here. I keep it in a separate garage so’s the kids don’t play around it and scratch the finish.”

“We don’t need a car,” Fielding said. “I can’t afford to be killed with all the sins on my soul, either.”

“She’s a crackpot.”

“Yes. Only...”

“You heard that open field stuff, didn’t you? That was all lies. It’s on the records, how I was born in St. Joseph’s hospital...”

Mrs. Rosario stood in front of the broken door as if she were trying to hide from Pinata the mortal wound of her house.

“Forgive me my curiosity,” Pinata said. “But the young man in the picture, was he Juanita’s father?”

“The name of Juanita’s father has not been spoken in this house for twenty years. I would not waste good beeswax on his soul.” She crossed her arms on her chest. “I must remind you that you were invited into my house to discuss Mr. Foster. No one else. Just Mr. Foster.”

“All right. Where did he go when he left here with your daughter?”

“I don’t know. They spoke of going to the movies. But Juanita hardly ever goes to the movies. She’s afraid of being shut up in dark places.”

“Well, what does she usually do when she gets off on a Saturday afternoon?”

“She shops or takes the children to the beach or maybe down to the wharf to fish. She likes being outdoors and talking and laughing with the fishermen that hang around the wharf. She can be a very happy girl sometimes.” She studied her hands as if she were reading the past in their lines and finding it as inscrutable as the future. “Sometimes you never saw a happier girl.”

“What does she do when she’s miserable?”

“I don’t follow her. I have the children to watch over.”

“But you hear things?”

“Friends maybe tell me when they see her acting — acting, well, not so good.”

“Does she do much drinking? I’m asking the question because Foster has a decided weakness in that direction. If Juanita shares it, it will give me some idea of where to start looking for them.”

“She drinks sometimes.”

“At the Velada?”

“No, never,” Mrs. Rosario said sharply. “Never at the Velada. Mrs. Brewster wouldn’t allow it, not even a glass of beer.”

Strike the Velada, Pinata thought. That left some twenty-five or thirty places which could strictly be called taverns, and perhaps eighty or ninety restaurants in and around town which served liquor. A great many of these restaurants would be closed to Juanita because of her race, either obviously, with a quick brush-off at the door, or subtly, with small printed signs stating the proprietor’s right to refuse service to anyone. The taverns, however, were mainly located in areas where discrimination would have meant bankruptcy. For this reason a tavern seemed the most logical place to look for Juanita. In spite of everything he’d been told about her aggressiveness, Pinata had a hunch that she was too timid to wander very far from the places where she felt welcome and at home.

“Mrs. Rosario,” Pinata said, “Juanita left town nearly four years ago to live in Los Angeles. Why?”

“She got sick of being hounded by the police and the Probation Department and the people at the Clinic. Talk, talk, talk, that’s all they did, tell her what was wrong with her, what to do, what to wear, how to manage the children.”

“They were all trying to help her, weren’t they?”

“It’s a funny kind of help that hinders,” she said scornfully. “The last time she was arrested, she wasn’t doing any harm. It’s hard, when you’re young, always being followed by five children, never going anyplace alone. When she locked them in the apartment, it was for their own good, so they wouldn’t run away or get in an accident. But the neighbors complained when they cried, and the police said what if there was a fire or an earthquake. So they arrested her and put the children in Juvenile Hall. Do you call this helping? I don’t. If that’s the only kind of help I can get, I’d rather fend for myself. Which is what she chose to do when she got out. She left right away, that same night. The children were in bed asleep, and I asked Mrs. Lopez to keep an eye on them while I went to church. When I came back, she was gone.” She moved her head back and forth in remembered pain. “I didn’t think she would leave so sudden, her with no husband, no friends, and another baby due in less than a month.”

“Did she leave a message for you?”


“You didn’t know where she was going?”