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“I’ll tear this bed apart,” he threatened.

“And then you’ll have to answer to my aunts. They’re very proud of this bed. Ripped some poor bloke’s castle apart, stone by stone, to get it, too. Do you want to tell them what happened to their bed when they get back?”

Growling and seriously annoyed, Addolgar still had to admit, “No. I do not.”

“That’s what I thought.”

Who knew Braith could be so bloody smug? So damn haughty? And gods in heaven, a hand had never felt so good before.

“Braith,” he groaned out, unable to stay mad at her for long when she was doing such wonderful things to—

“Oy!” he snapped when she pulled her hand away. “Put your hand back there, female!”

“Calm yourself, Sergeant.”

She grabbed the bottom of her green cotton shirt, a loan from one of her cousins. Clothes from a fellow female that actually fit Braith’s shoulders, neck, and arms. She pulled the material over her head and tossed it aside.

“I’ll be right back,” she said before burrowing under the fur covering.

Addolgar leaned up to see what she was doing. “You’ll be right back? Braith of the Darkness, what exactly are you up—gods!

Her hot mouth pressed against the side of his cock, her tongue teasing as it followed the veins to the tip.

Addolgar got even harder. As he was unable to see anything but her head moving under that fur covering, all he could do was feel and it felt bloody amazing.

He gripped the chains with his fingers, cursing the fact that Braith seemed to be right. Volcano dragon steel was impossible to break.

Braith now had the head of his cock in her mouth, and Addolgar was trying to focus on the crystals hanging from the cave ceiling. They sparkled, reflecting the light from the nearby pit fire.

No. That wasn’t working. He didn’t give a centaur’s shit about crystals hanging from the ceiling. He didn’t give a centaur’s shit about anything at the moment except Braith, her mouth, and what they were both doing to his cock.

Addolgar really didn’t think he could take much more, but then Braith did something no other female had ever done to him before—she released her flame.

Not a giant ball of it, meant to destroy or batter everything in her way. Just a bit of flame. Just enough, in fact, to almost have him coming right there.

Braith,” he snarled out between gritted teeth. “Braith, get up here now. Now!

She crawled up his chest until her head came out from under the fur covering. “Too much?” she asked. Although the grin on her face told him she didn’t care if it was.

“Get naked, Braith,” he ordered. “And ride me. Now.”


“No more joking, Braith. Either you ride me now, hard, or I tear this bed apart and you will have to deal with your aunts. You.”

She sat up, the fur covering falling away as she did. Her nipples were hard, and she was breathing deep, her green eyes dark as she watched him.

“Fuck me, Braith of the Darkness,” Addolgar told her. “Fuck me before I destroy everything just to get to you.”

Braith couldn’t get out of her boots and trousers fast enough. In fact, she still had her trousers hanging from one leg when she straddled his hips. She couldn’t be bothered to take them off completely. Not when his cock was pointing right to the ceiling, hard and true, his face begging her to take what was hers.

Holding his cock between her fingers, she maneuvered over it, and then slowly lowered herself down. It filled her, so thick and long that Braith had to stretch her thighs farther apart. She took her hand away and let her weight do the rest.

When she finally rested against Addolgar’s body, they were both panting. She’d never felt like this before. It was as if her entire body was alive, feeling everything, wanting to feel everything. She no longer missed her safe haven in the cave where she spent all her hours alone. Not when she could have this. And for the first time in her life, she felt she could have this. She could have it if she wanted it.

She began rocking her hips against Addolgar, using her muscles to squeeze his cock. His back arched, pushing himself deeper inside her, and Braith leaned forward, pressing one hand against his chest to hold her body up.

She gazed deep into his eyes and Addolgar stared right back.

“You are so beautiful,” he said—and she believed him. She believed that he believed she was beautiful.

The hand braced against him slid up until she tightly gripped his shoulder. Her other hand, with her gaze still locked with his, slid down her stomach and between her thighs. With the tip of her middle finger, she circled her clit. She wanted them to come together, and Addolgar’s hands were currently . . . occupied.

Their groans filled the chamber, their bodies writhing on the bed as Braith did what Addolgar had ordered her to do and rode him harder and harder, until he came inside her, his body nearly lifting off the bed. Braith’s own orgasm followed close behind, her thighs gripping him so tight she feared she’d broken his hips.

When her body had stopped shaking, Braith dropped down on Addolgar’s chest, his still-hard cock buried inside her.

It took them long minutes to get their breath back. And when they finally did, Addolgar stated, “I am so hungry now. And I blame you for that, Braith of the Darkness.”

And, yes, Braith did consider that a compliment.

Chapter 16

At some point, Braith had removed Addolgar’s chains, but by then he’d had no desire to go anywhere. He was much too comfortable, too bloody happy, to even consider leaving this bed. Not when he had her asleep in his arms, one impossibly long leg wrapped around his waist, her silky hair sweeping across his chest.

He stroked her back and let her sleep until he heard the happy scream of returning hatchlings.

“Braith,” he murmured softly. “Wake up, luv. Your kin are home.”

She lifted her head, pushing her hair off her face. “Huh?”

“Your kin have returned.”

Braith rested her arms on his chest and frowned into his face. “So? Oh. Did they call for me?”

“No, but—”

Owena walked in. “When you’re up,” she said to Braith, “come into the hall. We have something for you.”

“Ooooh!” Braith cheered. “Gifts!”

Owena laughed and walked out. That’s when Addolgar realized something. “They don’t care, do they?”

“Don’t care about what?”

“You, the long lost daughter of their sister, being with someone like me.”

“Someone like you?”

“A Cadwaladr. A low born.”

“Considering they sigh every time your father’s name is mentioned, I’d have to say no, they don’t care.”

“For good or bad, there were few who escaped my father’s attention before he mated with me mum. But it was never far from anyone’s mind that he was and always would be a Cadwaladr. A battle dog that the royals use for protection.”

“I like dogs,” she softly mused. “Especially when they have a little extra fat and are well seasoned.”

“Don’t”—Addolgar closed his eyes and worked hard to not laugh—“ever say that to my mother. She has a fondness for dogs. Live, happy ones.”

“Is that why there were all those dogs running around your—”

“Gods,” he cut in, “you didn’t eat one, did you?”

“No, no.” Braith sat up. “I was too annoyed at you to eat much of anything while at your parents’ home.”

He chuckled. “Aye. You were.”