"If I'm not mistaken... 'igneus saevio'... very impressive."
"Igneus saevio?" questioned Peter, just beating Tank and Gee Tee to it.
"Yeah, means... 'fiery rage'," remarked Flash thoughtfully, "from my least favourite beings on the whole planet... the nagas. Although, to give them credit, this was one of the best things they've ever produced and if memory serves me correctly, it was specially concocted for one of the dragon kings, a gift for the aid he rendered them in some kind of battle they were losing. A gift that incorporates all their renowned alchemy skills, I might add."
The three others all looked on in astonishment.
"Anyway... bums in the air," Flash announced, taking a slightly bigger sip than Tank had.
"I think you mean... bottoms up," corrected Peter, in a voice that sounded very much like that of a teacher.
"I know what I meant," gurgled Flash, much to Peter's chagrin.
Paul Cude is a husband, father, field hockey player and aspiring photographer. Lost without his hockey stick, he can often be found in between writing and chauffeuring children, reading anything from comics to sci-fi, fantasy to thrillers. Too often found chained to his computer, it would be little surprise to find him, in his free time, somewhere on the Dorset coastline, chasing over rocks and sand in an effort to capture his wonderful wife and lovely kids with his camera. Paul Cude is also the author of the Bentwhistle the Dragon series of books.
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