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"This isn't home, darling," Lisa laughed. "I'm sure they will have soft drinks for you."

Lisa began to undress, not really thinking about the opened door. When she did remember it, she thought about moving closer, so that Danny would see her taking off her clothes. She decided not to.

There was something about the anticipation of fucking her son that made her decide to wait.

She would take it slow and easy. It would be a long trip, and she could afford to wait to fuck her boy. It was delicious to tease herself this way. Her cunt was itching just thinking about it.

When the naked woman walked into the shower she did not think about showering. As soon as she had adjusted the water, she began to rub her cunt. The heat was too much to ignore. The cocktail party could wait, but it probably wouldn't have to anyway. As hot as she was it would take only a few minutes to make her come.

"Fuck me, Danny!" she groaned softly. The thought of her son being so close to her made her nipples burn. The sensitive bud of her cunt was throbbing with excitement. "I want to fuck you, darling! Oh, Danny! Mommy wants to fuck her boy so bad!"

"Give your big cock to suck baby!' she hissed, sure that the running water would cover the sound of her words, and not really caring if it didn't. "I want to lick it, darling! Mommy wants to taste it in her mouth! She wants to suck all your wonderful cum out. She wants to lick your hot balls and squeeze every drop of the cum from them."

She continued to rub her cunt with her finger as she reached up to run her other hand over her wet tits. The firm flesh was hot to her touch. She groaned and pinched the hard nipples of her boobs, groaning again as the sensations blended with those in her mint.

"Mommy wants to fuck! Mommy wants to fuck! Mommy wants to fuck and suck her baby!" Lisa Hargrove chanted and drove herself toward satisfaction.

It took little more. She opened her mouth to scream when the first jolt hit her body. When her mouth opened, the stream of water began to fill it and the scream came out only as a gurgling sound. Lisa closed her mouth and groaned, unable to articulate words as the power of the explosion slammed into her body and mind.

The strain was too much for her body. She slumped against the tile side of the shower and almost slid to the floor as she trembled and enjoyed her blast.

Breathing rapidly, Lisa finally managed to push herself erect again and stand on her feet under the shower. The water washed away the sweat and smells that remained from her fucking with Tom, and from her more recent fingering.

Refreshed again, the beautiful woman was smiling when she stepped from the shower. She had just enough time to dress, put on makeup and let Danny escort her down to the cocktail party.

Lisa was very proud of Danny as the two of them took the elevator down to the party. He was handsome in his new suit, and she knew that he would be the most attractive boy among the other young people on the tour.

Danny was also proud of his mother. She looked lovely in her bright red dress. It was short enough to show some of her lush thighs, and cut low enough to display a lot of her fantastic cleavage. Danny knew that all of the males at the party would be having trouble keeping their eyes off his mother.

Lisa had hardly wondered if her dress was too daring. She didn't care. If the people at the party were like most of the members of the local speaking club, then they would be a dull and stuffy group. It pleased the big-titted, lovely woman that she could shock people who were very inhibited.

All of the others were in the suite when Danny and Lisa arrived. Looking around, Lisa saw that about a dozen young people were there; eight boys and tour girls. Each was a local winner in a speaking contest, and had won the honor of being part of the national speaking tour.

Each young person was with an adult on the trip. Seven mothers and five fathers were in the room.

"Danny and Mrs. Hargrove!" Parker said when he turned from a conversation with a man and saw Danny and Lisa. "I'm pleased that you have joined us."

Lisa let Parker take her arm and lead her into the center of the room. She thought that she detected a slight look of disapproval as he looked at her dress. She smiled.

"Folks! Attention, please!" Parker said loudly. "I want you all to meet Mrs. Hargrove and her son, Danny. They are from St. Louis."

The other people gathered around Lisa and Danny to introduce themselves. Lisa noted that they were mostly a very friendly group, especially the men. She was aware of more than one man staring openly at her body. A couple of the women were a little distant. Lisa wasn't very concerned about that. She was used to women often being jealous of her.

Checking out the group of boys and girls, Lisa saw that they were all within a year of Danny's age, and were also a nice looking group. None of them were as handsome as her Danny, she noticed smugly.

Lisa soon found herself with a drink in her hand and talking to the other adults in the room, two or three at a time. She immediately took a liking to one of the mothers at the party. The woman's name was Mara.

"That's a funny story, Mara," Lisa said after the woman had told about the contest in her town, which resulted in Mara's son, Jeff, winning a spot on the national tour.

"And you should have seen how pissed this other mother was when her son didn't win," Man laughed. "She stomped out of the auditorium pulling her boy by the hand. I just laughed and gave her the finger behind her back!"

Lisa could appreciate the story. She had run into more than one ambitious mother during the many speeches Danny was required to give to win the contest.

"Where did you say you were from, Lisa?" Mara asked.

"St. Louis," Lisa smiled; She liked the fact that Mara was earthy, and was easy to talk to. The other women at the party seemed to be nice, but Lisa had decided that Mara would be her favorite.

Mara and Lisa were standing alone now, near the table where the sandwiches were. Mara looked around to be sure no one else would hear and then said to Lisa, "I had one of the best fucks of my life in St. Louis. It was when I was about fifteen. I went to St. Louis to visit a girl who had moved there and this girl had met a boy and was going with him. Well, to make a long story shorter, this girl and I fucked the shit out of the boy. The girl's parents were away for the night and we had the house to ourselves. What a great night!"

Lisa grinned. "I know the feeling."

Mara liked to talk, and Lisa enjoyed listening to the attractive woman. Mara was about Lisa's height, and perhaps a year or two older. The woman had thick black hair, and wore it long. Her tits were big, almost as big as Lisa's. Mara also wore a daring dress to the party; cut much like Lisa's, but dark blue.

"That's a nice looking boy you have, Lisa,"

Man smiled as she looked across the room at Danny.

Lisa turned her head and saw that Danny was busy talking to a pretty girl. "Yes, I know. He looks a lot like his father."

"Yummmmm," Mara licked her lips. "It's a good thing for you I'm not your neighbor. You'd have to share both father and son with me."

Lisa laughed at the blunt statement. She was not at all offended by it. Mara was the type of person who could say such a thing and make it a compliment.

"Where's your son, Mara. I must have been introduced to him, but it's hard to remember all those names and new faces."

Mara stretched her neck and looked around, frowning. "I wonder if the little bastard is out somewhere pumping his cock into one of the girls. He's the horniest boy I've ever seen."

Lisa by now was used to the woman's bold manner of speaking, and wasn't surprised by Mara's description of her son. All the talk of fucking was making her clit wetter, though.

"There he is!" Mara said when she saw Jeff talking to one of the other mothers. "He's not out with one of the girls, but it looks like he's trying to put the make on that woman. He prefers older women anyway."

Lisa felt her clit quiver. She sensed that Mara was not joking about Jeff's preference for older women. Jeff was an attractive boy; tall and strong looking. He had dark hair like his mother. Lisa wondered what his cock looked like.