Gunvor 1
Hague, William 1
Haran, Prof. Olexiy 1
Harding, Luke (see also Mafia State):
FSB targets 1, 2, 3, 4
Russia expels 1
Harrison, John 1
Henry, Prof. John 1
Hermitage Capital 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Hiroshima 1
Hoar, DS Chris 1, 2, 3, 4
Hohne, Inne 1
How to Poison a Spy (Panorama) 1
Hunter, Keith 1
Hyatt, DI Brent 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 passim, 6
Idrisova, Angelina 1
Ilykaev, Radii 1, 2
Ismailov, Lecha 1
Israilov, Umar 1
Ivanov, Sergei 1, 2
Ivanov, Sergey 1
Ivanov, Viktor 1, 2
and Aeroflot 1
in AL report 1, 2;
FSB discovers 1
and kickbacks 1
Lugovoi’s dossier on 1
personal operational rules of 1
and Putin 1
Ivanovich, Vladimir 1
Izguilov, Vitaly 1, 2
Jabrailov, Umar 1
James, Clive 1
Kadyrov, Ramzan 1, 2, 3
Kalashov, Zakhar 1, 2
Kalugin, Oleg 1, 2, 3
Kalugin, Gen. Yuri 1
Kamishnikov, Alexander 1, 2
Kara-Murza, Vladimir Jr 1
Kara-Murza, Vladimir Sr 1, 2
Karpov, Maj. Pavel 1
Kashin, Oleg 1
Kasparov, Garry 1
Kasyanov, Mikhail 1, 2
KGB (see also FSB):
‘absolute power’ goal achieved by 1
AL recruited by 1
approved assassinations by 1, 2
contract killers used by 1
liberation movements supported by 1
punishment for spies meted out by 1
Putin recruited by 1
track record of killings by 1
Khattab, Amir 1
Khinstein, Alexander 1
Khodorkovsky, Mikhail 1, 2
Khokholkov, Maj. Gen. Evgeny 1
Putin’s ‘common money’ with 1
transferred 1
Kirienko, Sergei 1, 2, 3
Kirov, Viktor 1
Kiselyov, Dmitry 1
Klyuyev, Dmitry 1, 2
Knott, Paul 1
Konovalets, Yevhen 1
Korobko, Alexander 1
Kotenko, Dr Konstantin 1
Kovalchuk, Yuri 1
Kovalyov, Nikolai 1, 2, 3
Kovalyov, Sergei 1
Kovtun, Dmitry (see also polonium):
AL certain of guilt of 1
AL’s meetings with Lugovoi and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
in AL’s police interview, see under Litvinenko, Alexander
arrival in UK of 1, 2
author’s meeting with 1
British embassy visit of 1
and CPL 1
and D3 1, 2
(see also D3)
drink problem of 1
freezing of UK assets of 1
German police investigation of 1
hotel CCTV captures 1, 2
and Il Porto 1, 2, 3, 4
in inquiry report 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
intention to murder AL admitted by 1
Lugovoi’s friendship with 1;
rekindled 1;
terminated 1
at Lugovoi’s press conference 1
marriages of 1, 2
military service of 1;
and desertion 1
money problems of 1
nature of mission of 1
and Perepilichnyy 1
and public inquiry, see under Litvinenko, Alexander
Russian investigation into ‘poisoning’ of 1
toxin brought into UK by 1
UK investigators’ interview with 1
victim status attributed to 1
Kozak, Dmitry 1
Krgo, Goran 1
Kryshtanovskaya, Olga 1
Kuchma, Leonid 1, 2
Kumarin, Viktor 1, 2
Kurchatov, Igor 1
Kursk 1
Kuzmin, Maj. 1
Lake Karachay 1
Landau, Lev 1
Latyshonok, Konstantin 1, 2
Lavrov, Sergei 1, 2, 3
Lebedev, Alexander 1
Lefortovo Prison 1, 2, 3, 4
Lenin, Vladimir 1
Listyev, Vladimir 1
Litvinenko, Alexander:
alleged killers of, see under Kovtun, Dmitry; Lugovoi, Andrei
arrested and imprisoned 1
arrival in UK of 1
attempts to poison 1, 2, 3;
fatal dose 1;
first 1, 2;
second 1, 2;
third, fatal 1, 2
bank statements of 1
Berezovsky’s friendship with, see under Berezovsky, Boris
and Chechnya 1
death of 1;
in German media 1, 2;
Lugovoi charged with 1;
Russians try to cover up role in 1;
UK police investigate 1, 2, 3, 4;
UK security agencies’ report on 1
deathbed photographs of 1, 2, 3, 4
deathbed statement of 1
detectives interview, post-poisoning 1
early life of 1
English name adopted by 1
escape of, from Russia 1
fatal illness of 1, 2, 3;
and hospitalisation 1
and Felshtinsky 1
FSB investigation into 1
gang attack on 1
grave of 1
Ivanov report of 1, 2;
FSB discovers 1
journalism and writing begun by 1
KGB service of 1
and Marina, see under Litvinenko, Marina
marriages of 1, 2
MI6’s use of 1, 2
other income sources sought by 1
pre-inquest hearings on 1
press conference of, with URPO 1
public inquiry into death of 1, 2;
and motives for assassination 1, 2;
report of 1, Sir Robert: inquiry report of);
website of 1, 2, 3
and Putin, see under Putin, Vladimir
Russian politicians’ verdict on 1
security-conscious 1
son’s relationship with 1
and Spain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
suspended 1
threats against 1, 2, 3, 4
treason conviction against 1
UK arrival of 1
UK immigration officials interview 1
and UK residency 1
in WikiLeaks cables 1
worsening work situation of 1
Litvinenko, Alexander Jr 1
Litvinenko, Anatoly 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
and AL’s death 1
birth of 1
English name adopted by 1
post-inquiry press conference by 1
and public inquiry 1, 2
and Putin’s guilt 1
Litvinenko, Lyuba 1
Litvinenko, Marina 1, 2, 3, 4
AL marries 1
AL meets 1
and AL’s death 1
and AL’s escape 1
and AL’s fatal illness, see under Litvinenko, Alexander
and AL’s imprisonment 1
and AL’s MI6 work 1
and Berezovsky vs Abramovich 1
and Berezovsky death 1
confident of AL’s recovery 1
English name adopted by 1
firm response called for by 1
and inquest on AL 1
on inquiry findings 1, 2
intention of, to sue Russian government 1
judicial-review claim of 1
legal costs of 1, 2
personality of 1
post-inquiry press conference by 1
and public inquiry 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
son’s relationship with 1, 2
told to take holiday 1
Litvinenko, Natalia 1, 2
Litvinenko, Sonya 1
Litvinenko, Svetlana 1
Litvinenko, Walter 1, 2, 3
LogoVAZ 1, 2
Lugovaya, Svetlana 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Lugovoi, Andrei (see also polonium):
AL certain of guilt of 1
AL partners 1
AL’s developing friendship with 1, 2
AL’s father exonerates 1
AL’s meetings with Kovtun and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
in AL’s police interview, see under Litvinenko, Alexander
arrival in UK of 1, 2
author catches up with 1
author interviews 1