at Berezovsky party 1
blacklist proposed by 1
British embassy visit of 1
and CPL 1
and discovery of AL report 1
divorce and subsequent marriage of 1
elected to Duma 1
freezing of UK assets of 1
hotel CCTV captures 1, 2
in inquiry report 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Ivanov dossier produced by 1
Ivanov report passed to 1
jailing of (alleged) 1
Kovtun’s friendship with 1;
rekindled 1;
terminated 1
lie-detector test taken by 1
military service of 1
murder charge against 1
nature of mission of 1
and Patarkatsishvili 1
press conference of 1
Putin honours 1, 2
response of, to inquiry findings 1
returns to UK for second poisoning attempt 1
Russia refuses to hand over 1, 2
and T-shirt 1
toxin brought into UK by 1
UK blamed by 1
UK investigators’ interview with 1
victim status attributed to 1
Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR) 1, 2, 3
Luzhkov, Yuri 1
Maclean, Donald 1, 2
MacLeod, Sian 1, 2
MacShane, Denis 1
mafia (Russian), see under Russia
Mafia State (Harding) 1, 2
Magnitsky, Sergei 1, 2
Malyshev, Alexander 1, 2, 3
Markov, Georgi 1, 2
‘Martin’ (MI6 officer) 1, 2, 3, 4
Mascall, DI Craig 1
May, Theresa 1, 2
Mayak complex 1, 2, 3
Medvedev, Dmitry 1, 2, 3
Menzel, Thomas 1, 2
Menzies, George 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Michena, Valentina 1
Miliband, David 1, 2
Millennium Hotel 1, 2, 3
Mirzoyan, Gari 1
MI6 1
and AL files, non-release of 1
AL works for 1, 2
evidence submitted to
inquiry by 1
learns of AL’s poisoning 1
and Lugovoi 1
secrecy surrounding records of 1
Mogilevich, Semion 1
Morgan, Jennifer 1
Morozova, Tatiana 1
My Friend Sasha 1
Nagasaki 1
Nalobin, Nicolai 1
Nalobin, Sergei 1
National Security Agency (NSA) 1, 2
Navalny, Alexei 1, 2
Navama, Avi 1, 2
Nayem, Mustafa 1, 2
Nechaev, Gen. Mikhail 1, 2
Nekrasov, Andrei 1, 2
Nemtsov, Boris 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
assassination of 1
Obama, Barack 1, 2, 3
Oniani, Tariel 1
Onishchenko, Gennady 1
Oppenheimer, Robert 1
ORT 1, 2, 3
Otvodov, Alexander 1, 2, 3
Owen, Sir Robert 1, 2, 3
inquiry headed by 1, 2, 3
inquiry report of 1;
Russia’s response to 1;
televised statement concerning 1;
two versions of 1;
UK’s response to 1, 2;
on web 1
Panchul, Yuri 1
Patarkatsishvili, Badri 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Patrushev, Nikolai 1, 2, 3
in inquiry report 1, 2, 3
Pavlov, Andrei 1
Perepilichnyy, Alexander 1, 2
Peskov, Dmitry 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Petrov, Gennady 1
Philby, Kim 1
Pietras, Radoslaw 1
Pocock, John 1
Politkovskaya, Anna 1, 2, 3
polonium 1
in AL’s bloodstream 1
amount ingested by AL 1
brought into UK 1
confirmed in AL 1
cost of 1, 2
discovery of 1
Dombey’s report on 1 passim, 2
found in AL 1
in inquiry report 1, 2
lethal properties of 1
manufacture of 1, 2, 3
other cases concerning 1
restricted access to 1
role of 1
traces left by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11;
in Germany 1, 2, 3;
in Lugovoi family 1;
on planes 1
UK researches 1
Ponkin, Andrei 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Poole, Dr Simon 1
Poroshenko, Petro 1
Potemkin, Alexei 1
Powers, Gary 1
Prikazchikov, Yuri 1, 2
Proca, Vitalie 1
Prodi, Romano 1
Pushilin, Denis 1
Pushkin, Alexander 1
Pussy Riot 1
Putin, Vladimir:
and Abramovich 1
AL a critic of 1
AL alleges culpability of 1, 2, 3
AL’s father blames 1, 2;
and recantation 1
AL’s feud with, origins of 1
AL’s hatred of 1
AL’s meeting with 1, 2
in AL’s memoir 1
annual press conference of 1
becomes FSB head 1
and Berezovsky 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
and Berezovsky vs Abramovich 1, 2
Berezovsky’s open letter to 1
and Browder 1
and Bush 1
Cameron’s meetings with 1, 2
corruption allegations against 1
and Crimea, see Crimea
criminal links of 1, 2, 3
and drug-trafficking cover-up 1
early life of 1
Emmerson on 1
GDR post of 1
grievances of, against US 1
in inquiry report 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
investigation into AL ordered by 1
and Ivanov 1
in KGB 1, 2
Khokholkov’s ‘common money’ with 1
Litvinenko fired by 1
and Magnitsky law 1
and Nemtsov murder, see Nemtsov, Boris
paedophile allegation against 1
‘pathological liar’ 1
personal wealth of 1
presidency assumed by 1, 2
presidency resumed by 1, 2
public inquiry discusses, see under Litvinenko, Alexander
question of culpability of 1
refuses to extradite Lugovoi 1
rising ratings of 1
and Sobchak 1
suggested assassination of 1
TASS post of 1
‘totally amoral’ 1
UK visits of 1, 2
and Ukraine crisis, see Ukraine
US suspects complicity of 1
Quirke, Daniel 1
Rabinowitz, Laurence 1, 2, 3
Raduyev, Salman 1
Reilly, Tim 1
Reiman, Leonid 1
Renko, Arkady 1
Reznik, Vladimir 1
Rifkind, Sir Malcolm 1
RISC 1, 2, 3, 4
Rondini, Giuliana 1
Rotenberg, Arkady 1
Rotenberg, Boris 1
Royal, Richard 1
Ruslan and Lyudmila 1
Russia (see also Putin, Vladimir; Soviet Union):
access to information in 1
anti-government rally in 1, 2, 3
author expelled by 1
Bear bombers head for UK from 1
degradation suffered in 1
elimination of ‘extremists’ sanctified by 1
fatal polonium alleged made by 1, 2
mafia in 1 (see also Spain);
AL passes information on 1, 2;
and Colombia 1;
and Kremlin connection 1;
and Spain 1, 2
morphs from communist to hyper-capitalist 1
other state-sanctioned killings by 1
prima facie case against 1
and public inquiry, see under Litvinenko, Alexander; Owen, Sir Robert
return to dictatorship by 1
sanctions against 1
and Syria 1, 2
and Ukraine crisis, see Donetsk People’s Republic; Ukraine
UK’s and west’s cooling relations with 1
weapons supplied to rebels by 1
in WikiLeaks cables 1
‘wild east’ 1
Rybak, Vladimir 1
Saakashvili, Mikheil 1
Saddam Hussein 1, 2
St George’s Hill 1
Sakharov, Andrei 1, 2, 3
Sanchez, Ilich Ramirez (Carlos the Jackal) 1
Sarov complex 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Scaramella, Mario 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
as suspect 1, 2