“I’m glad.” Rook touched her mouth, looked into her eyes and smiled. “You’re beat, Mac.”
He kissed her softly, without any of last night’s hunger and fire. But the longing was there, she knew. She could feel it in herself, too.
He smiled. “Get some sleep.”
The kiss, his touch – the few sips of whiskey – only added to her overall sense that she was on the verge of spinning out of control. She grabbed her backpack, grateful when Rook didn’t follow her up to the guest room.
Brian Rook met her in the hall. “I put some towels out for you in the bathroom and, uh, cleaned up a little.”
He shrugged, heading off to his room. He was obviously shaken by Cal’s visit and the reaction to it – and he had doubts. Tough to admit to doubts about anything to an uncle as confident as Andrew Rook. Mackenzie started to follow Brian and talk to him, but stopped herself. The kid was nineteen. Doubts, even for a Rook, were probably a good thing.
When she heard Cal stumbling into the house, Bernadette threw off her covers and ran downstairs, pleased she’d had the good sense to wear her L.L. Bean pajamas to bed.
She confronted her ex-husband as he poured himself a large glass of Scotch in the kitchen. She remained in the doorway, arms crossed on her chest, but she’d never been able to intimidate Cal. Whatever his faults, she’d always admired that about him. “Where’s Harris?”
“Harris Mayer? I have no idea.” Cal took a long drink, eyeing her with a frankness that she used to find appealing, sexy even. “He’s your friend, not mine.”
“He’s taken off.”
“So? He’s a grown man. He can take off without telling anyone.”
She could see she wasn’t going to get anywhere asking Cal about Harris directly. “Why did you stop at Andrew Rook’s house tonight?”
He faltered only slightly. “Nothing you need to concern yourself about.”
“No? Where are you right now, Cal? You’re in my house. I have a right to know if you’re mixed up with something that’s going to backfire on me.”
“You’ve done nothing. You’re pure, Bernadette.”
“Do you think it’ll matter if I’ve done nothing and you have? Do you think anyone will care? Appearances -”
“Appearances won’t land you in prison.” He gulped the Scotch and banged the glass on the counter, refilled it. “I’m going to bed. I’ll be out of here this weekend. Then you can start pretending we were never married.”
“I’ve already started,” she said, regretting her acidic comment immediately, if only because it would put him more on the defensive. “Cal – please. I don’t want to argue with you. If you’re in trouble, you know what to do. You’re a capable attorney.”
He gave a bitter laugh. “Thanks for that, Judge.”
“What aren’t you telling me?” She stepped toward him. “What’s happened to you, Cal?”
“Do you believe in the devil?”
Her heart jumped. “What?”
He abandoned whatever he’d started to say. “You’ll be gone in the morning before I get up. Have a good trip to New Hampshire.” He managed a small smile. “Say hi to the loons for me.”
“Cal -”
“I don’t want anything to happen to you, Bernadette. I never have.”
He walked away from her, taking his drink with him. She debated following him, but what good would another fight do? He was stubborn and secretive by nature, qualities that had their advantages, as well as their liabilities. But she’d never been able to penetrate the hard shell that he’d developed to protect the most vulnerable parts of him, where his insecurities lived. She’d gotten tired of trying. If he gave in to his compulsions instead of rising above them, what could she do?
Get out of range when they backfire, she thought.
But she knew better. She adhered to the judicial code of ethics as strictly as any of her colleagues, but that wouldn’t help her when it came to appearances. If Cal was in trouble, she had no idea if their divorce would protect her from public backlash, or if she’d end up like Harris Mayer, disgraced and ostracized.
No charges were ever brought against Harris, but that didn’t make him innocent, she reminded herself. Regardless of his personal culpability, he’d had a hand in some shady dealings.
Most people she knew appreciated her unwillingness to completely cut off an old friend, even if they didn’t understand it. But would they understand if she’d unwittingly paired Harris and Cal, and they’d cooked up some fraudulent deals?
“You’re getting ahead of yourself,” she said aloud, looking around at her empty kitchen. Cal would be gone when she returned from New Hampshire. She’d have her life back. She smiled suddenly, surprising herself. “Thank heaven.”
She headed upstairs, replacing visions of unpleasant imagined headlines with real memories of the lake, the mountains, the feel of cold dew on her feet on a late summer morning, memories, she thought, of home.
Mackenzie noticed a fat spider scurry in front of Cal Benton’s shoe into the lush greenery of the “natural” courtyard of his condominium complex on the Potomac. Cal had called her on her cell phone, reaching her just after she’d had her stitches removed. He’d asked her to meet him privately as soon as possible. Since she’d allowed for more time than she’d ended up needing for her appointment, and had her own reasons for talking to him, she’d agreed and drove straight to his condo. He’d met her in the lobby and brought her out to the courtyard.
He was visibly tense, sweat already glistening on his upper lip as he stood on the cobblestone walk in the shade of a clump birch. The air was dead still. Nothing but the spider moved. A perpendicular walk led to an air-conditioned glass breezeway that connected the main building with the parking garage. Cal was undeterred, apparently, by the oppressive heat, dark clouds and rumble of thunder.
The spider disappeared, and Mackenzie tilted her head and gave Cal a long look. He was dressed casually, appropriate for a blistering Friday in August – not to mention his impending move. “Not going to give me the grand tour of your new condo?”
“Another time, perhaps.”
Meaning never, she thought. “Bernadette’s on her way to New Hampshire?”
“I assume so. She left before I got up this morning.” He nodded to the sky. “I hope she can make it to the lake before this line of storms reaches her.”
“She’s been making that trip for a lot of years.”
He lowered his eyes. “Yes, she has. Mackenzie – I’ll be blunt.” He raised his gaze to her, his expression serious, but she thought she detected a measure of embarrassment, too. “I have no intention of telling Bernadette about what you saw earlier this summer. If you weren’t in Washington and seeing her regularly, you wouldn’t consider telling her, either.”
“That’s not true -”
“It’s not that you feel she needs to know as much as it is you don’t like keeping something from her. You’re worried what she’ll think of you if she finds out you knew about this situation and said nothing.”
Mackenzie didn’t let him get to her. “The attack on me at the lake changes the equation. It happened on Beanie’s land, and that puts her under scrutiny. The police, the FBI, the marshals – reporters, even – will look into her background for any evidence she has a history with this man. The longer they can’t find him, the more likely her life at the lake will go under the microscope.”
“That means my life, too,” Cal said quietly. “I hadn’t looked at it that way.”
“Cal, she can’t find out about your brunette from the police or reporters. She needs to find out from you.”