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“Can you pay?”

She nodded.

“You haven’t said a word. What are you, mute?”

Lana opened her mouth wide.

As the doctor leaned in, she saw that his face had been horribly scarred from some long-ago bout of smallpox. He smelled of stale cigar smoke.

“Maybe you aren’t a whore after all. Where the hell’s your tongue?”

Lana lifted her right arm, held her thumb, fore, and middle fingers together.

“You can write?”

She nodded.

He placed his ear to her chest for a moment, then sat up, flattened his palm against her forehead.

“Time is not on our side. That arm isn’t off by daybreak, the infection’ll hit your bloodstream. Then it won’t matter what I cut off.”

Dr. Primack walked over to a dresser and returned to the bed, where he eased down beside Lana and opened his satchel—a black pebbled-leather handcase lined with chamois and brimming with scalpels, a stethoscope, pessaries, a catheter, forceps, a splint, and various bottles containing tonics, bitters, and tinctures.

As he withdrew a brown leather-bound journal, the man who’d been snoozing in the rocker rubbed his eyes and sat up.

“How she doin, Doc?”

Dr. Primack shook his head and pulled a bottle out of the handcase, unscrewed the cap.

“Laudanum,” he said. “It’ll dull the edge on the pain.”

Lana swallowed two mouthfuls, and then the doctor placed a Waterman fountain pen between the fingers of her right hand and opened the journal in her lap to a blank page.

“What’s your name?”

She wrote: Lana Hartman.

“You live in Silver—”

She stopped him with a raised hand, wrote: From Abandon. Preacher locked town in mine. Everyone dying.

He stared hard into her eyes, as if attempting to discern whether the claim was valid or just the raving of a madwoman.

“You stretching the blanket for me?”

She scrawled: I’m not crazy.

The doctor sighed.

“Why’d he do it?”

She shrugged, wrote: Went crazy. Locked gold in, too.

He whispered, “How much?”

Whole string of burros to carry it.

Dr. Primack stood up, said, “Excuse me, Miss Hartman,” and turned to the man in the rocker.

“Milton, could I speak with you in private?”

Lana craned her neck to peek out one of the windows beside her bed. The darkness was riddled and blurred with flecks of light like some syphilitic rash upon the town, the nefarious amusement of Blair Street and its salas and silver exchanges unrestrained even at this hour—pianos, dogs barking, aggressive laughter, breaking glass.

I’m not supposed to die in this town. Please God, she prayed.

The door opened and the doctor walked in, alone.

He came and sat down on the bed and repositioned the pen between her fingers.

“How long have they been locked in?”

She wrote: Since Christmas night.

“Do they have food? Water?”

She shook her head.

“Where is this mine, exactly?”

She was becoming light-headed, and twice the pen slipped from her grasp and she had to start over, make the words legible. She finally wrote: Above town on west slope, I think. Sorry I feel so poorly. Bring my cape.

Dr. Primack looked annoyed as he rose from the bed and lifted the ruined, sodden garment from the board floor beside the dresser. He brought it over, said, “Why do you want this?”

Lana reached for it, her right hand slipping into the inner pocket, grasping the key.

“What’s that open?”

She wrote: The mine. You have to get them out. There’s children. Get the sheriff. “Of course.” He took it out of her hand, stroked the key’s long stem, its teeth. “I should operate immediately.”

Lana was crying as Dr. Primack handed Milton the cloth, standing poised beside her left arm.

“I’ll have it off in two minutes.”

She stared at the finely serrated blade of the amputation saw dripping red water onto the bed, the collection of knives laid out on the sheets, the bottle of ether, the Kelly pad under her arm, the washtub glistening red under the electric light.

Though she was fading from the big dose of laudanum, her heart still reeled.

“Go ahead, Milton.”

Here came the cloth, sharp bite of ether in the back of her throat, and then she floated in a warm gray sea, flanked by swirling voices.

“Damn, that was fast.”

“Hold the cloth to her mouth.”

“She ain’t awake.”

“Do what I tell you or get the fuck out.”

Lana smiled, gleaming with morphine, and still in that same bed in that same room in the Grand Imperial, only now it was filled with the natural light of morning and noise from the street below.

She thought, I’ve survived.

Beautiful Dr. Primack stood at the foot of her bed, speaking with another man—round and gray-bearded, holding a bowler against his thigh, a shiny object catching early sunlight pinned to his black frock coat.

When she tried to lift her right hand to catch their attention, she felt the straps binding both arms to her sides.

She made a noise with her throat.

The men quit talking and looked at her. They walked over, sat on either side of the bed.

The older, bearded man ran his fingers through his thinning hair, his dirty nails leaving fleeting white trails in the ripples of his rosy scalp.

“Miss, I’m Sheriff Donaway, and Dr. Primack has explained to me the tragic predicament.”

Thank God, she thought.

“He’s had to take off both legs and arms, and arrangements are being made to transport you on the narrow-gauge to Mercy Hospital in Durango.”

She looked up at Dr. Primack, who watched her with something that might have been mistaken for compassion.

The doctor turned back the cover so Lana could see the bloody, bandaged stubs below both elbows.

The morphine elation fading.

My right arm was fine. You told me it was.

“I understand this is most upsetting,” he said, “but there was nothing I could do. Both arms had sustained severe damage. You’d be dead by now if I hadn’t taken them off.”

She opened her mouth. Why haven’t you told him about Abandon? But it came out as little more than the ramblings of an idiot.

“Try to settle down, Miss Hartman,” the doctor said. “You’re in a fragile state.”

They’re dying.

“Please, Miss Hartman.”

Why are you doing this?

“Can you give her something, Doc?”

“I sure can.”

Dr. Primack hurried over to his hand case, which was sitting on the dresser.

She heard the words in her head as clearly as she used to speak them, but the room resonated with only an ugly, tongueless noise.

“Listen,” the sheriff said, and he placed his hand on her shoulder. “Dr. Primack has also divulged to me your mental condition.”

Bottles clinked in Primack’s hand case.

“You’re going to recover in Durango.”

The doctor was coming back now.

“I have a connection with the asylum in Pueblo.”

Primack unscrewed the cap, tilting the bottle’s open mouth onto a white cloth.

“I’m certain I can get you admitted. They’ll help you there, Miss Hartman. Make the life God has seen fit to afflict you with as dignified and comfortable as can be hoped for.”

Look in his notebook. For Chrissakes.

“You’re lucky to have fallen under the care of Primack.”