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Before the decisive moment during the battle of Poltava, the Russian Emperor addressed his soldiers with the words:

"Soldiers! Here the hour has come which will decide the fate of the Fatherland. And so you shouldn't think that you fight for Peter, but for the state, entrusted to Peter, for the country... You also should not confuse the glory of the enemy. Think about your victories over him.

As for Peter, know that his life is not dear to him. His purpose is only to Russia lived in happiness and glory for our well-being".

During the battle of Poltava the Swedish army adopted the linear order of battle, and at 9 a.m. went on the attack. In a fierce melee the Swedes managed to press the Russian centre, but in this moment, Peter I personally led the counter-attack by the second battalion of the Novgorod regiment and restored the situation. During this fight one Swedish bullet pierced his hat, another one stuck in the saddle, and the third flattened Golden crucifix on the chest.

Practical mindset of Peter the Great combined with philosophical generalizations. For some time before the death of Peter, among unbearable suffering, he spoke ironically: "I know what the poor animal is man!"

The influence of the reforms of Peter the Great was so significant and lasting that in spite of turmoil in Russia, its political power has not been shaken.

Quite aptly and eloquently described the diverse transforming activity of Peter the Great, the famous Russian historian Pogodin:

"We Wake up. What is now the day? January 1, 1841. Peter the Great ordered to count years from the birth of Christ, Peter the Great commanded to count the months from Jan. (...) Catches the eye of the book - Peter the Great introduced the use of this font, and he carved the letters. (...) Brought Newspapers - Peter the Great started them. You need to buy different things - all, from the neck of a silk shawl to a shoe sole, will remind you of Peter the Great: he prescribed, introduced them into use... (...) Lunch from salt herrings to wine, all meals will tell you about Peter the Great. (...) Meet the ladies admitted into the company of men at the request of Peter the Great. Go to University - the first secular school was established under Peter the Great, etc."

In conversation with You, Mr. Pavlenkov, the publisher, I cannot fail to note, - Ivanov tapped fingers lying beside the newspaper. - Learned some foreign languages, Peter found time to read books of historical and technical. After dinner he usually read the Dutch Newspapers, making marks with a pencil on "St. Petersburg Vedomosti". Peter was actively engaged in the selection of books for translation; he edited textbooks, managed the compilation of the maps and descriptions of various localities, took part in printing and publishing. Decrees and legislation of the era of transformation - for the most part the works of Peter himself, or prepared under his direct supervision.

Peter I was the author and editor of a number of statutes, military-theoretical and historical works. Among them - "The Book of military regulations", "The Book of the marine regulations", "Regulations concerning the administration of Admiralty and the shipyard...", "Book of Mars or military Affairs..."

Essays "History of the Swedish war" and "Reflections on the causes of the Northern war" were prepared with close cooperation of Peter.

He was proportionally complex, his figure was not overwhelmed by its size. Full, dark, precisely sculpted face exuded calm and deep awareness. Quick, shrewd, slightly contemptuous glance, large and massive forehead...

As if summing up the reflections on the contents of a compact 100 page book about Peter the Great, Ivanov has formulated the wish:

- However, we will not lose hope that the General reader will - over time - to buy and read "thick" books with a lot of detail, figures, thinking, versions, and interpretations ...

- Financial conditions of cooperation of the authors with our series "Life of remarkable people" are no secret, - continued Pavlenkov.

- Yes, - responded Ivanov.

- Are you ready to start writing a biographical sketch of the life and public activities of Peter the Great for the series "Life of remarkable people"? The approximate volume of the book - 100 pages? - said Pavlenko.

- Yes, - said Ivanov.

- In that case, - I propose to begin! - summed up the negotiations Pavlenkov.

27 may 2017.

Translation from Russian language into English language: 04.09.2017.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Диалог о Петре Великом".

5. The Tale about William Gladstone and about an exhibition

November, 1877. Science Museum, London. Exhibition of archeological finds.

William Gladstone approached one of the twenty-four showcases with ancient artifacts.

A lot of time, efforts he has expended, promoting opening of this exhibition.

Numerous visitors gave the opportunity to come near the display case.

All became silent.

All were waiting for opinion of the connoisseur of Homer, the author of books on theological and church questions.

Suddenly the British officer has spoken, which also was standing next to a showcase. He in appearance already had combat experience.

- Or - victories, or - the fate of archaeological finds, - the officer has formulated the thought briefly - as in an army.

Visitors of an exhibition with amazement have translated views to the officer.

William Gladstone looked at the officer with interest.

The officer, encouraged by general amazement, has continued:

- Archeologists are useful. Asia. Egypt and Arabia. Diaries. Topography. Exploring the terrain. Knowledge of languages and history. Magnificent exhibition! Britain again ahead!

The officer has kindly looked at William Gladston, has slightly inclined the head. Then for a second he was before William Gladstone on standing at attention.

"How many efforts were required to cancel practice of sale of officer patents, but tried not in vain", - William Gladstone has thought.

Aloud he has spoken:

- The commitment of the people, the common people to the throne and Britain is more valuable than the Army and Navy, gold and silver. It is honor and glory of the country. This exhibition, the first in the history the public exposition of unusual archaeological finds, exhibition, which can be visited by any Briton and guest of our state, makes honor to our country and serves the benefit of science!

In 1883 in the second premiership of William Gladstone the officer has been attached to the Egyptian army, held important posts. And in 1892 (this year W. Gladstone became a prime minister for the fourth time) the officer has held a position of "sirdar", that is the Commander-in-Chief of the Egyptian army.

In the winter of 1888, two European scientists with research goals swam on a hired yacht up the Nile.

Suddenly their yacht has been shooted from the coast. There was a danger of capture and the yacht, and crew, and scientists.