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- Whether can we stop now? And to stop asking questions?

- Why should I place books at the platform which a mass reader cannot understand? What is the meaning of the existence of my account in this situation? Don't I have the right to delete my account?

(Allow to return to the beginning of the text? To start the reading the text once again?).

May 3, 2018 19:39

Translation from Russian into English: May 4, 2018 05:43.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Вопросы об издательской платформе и об удалении аккаунта".

27. Questions about an Internet-Platforms for Publications and about a "Traditional" Publishing Houses

- Why the "Questions about the Internet-Platform for Publications and about the deletion of the User's Account" are creating a slightly strange impression about the such internet-platforms?

- Did you get acquainted with opinions of the "beginning" writers about "traditional" publishing houses?

- "Traditional" publishers, "traditional" publishing houses - who are they?

- Is this notion - the royalties, advance payments, "paper" books, author copies, a delivery of books to readers through traditional distribution systems? Is it - the people who can work with the market? Publish and sell on the market circulation - three, five, ten, twenty-five thousand "paper" copies? The people capable to recoup the costs? Achieve a profit? Includes this notion - an author's honorariums dependent on a volumes of purchases of a circulation? - Legends about a fairy-tale good old times?

- Legends are alive still? The beginners writers are forming for themselves a slightly strange impression about the existing modern "traditional" publishing houses? - judging by Internet chats?

- Will modern "traditional" publishing houses essentially differ from other institutions? Whether it was necessary to accept the special legislative rules obliging the state organizations to respond to letters and addresses of citizens with observance of established periods?

- Whether modern "traditional" publishing houses will essentially differ from other institutions? Whether it was necessary to accept the special legislative rules obliging the state organizations to respond to letters and addresses of citizens with observance of established periods?

- Can any citizen create the account on the website of the internet-platform for publications and with enthusiasm to direct own forces for the publishing of own book?

- Probably, it is a some life experience?

- Will receive any money the citizen who has focused his energy for an achievement of the literary victories ? In exchange for results of the creative activity? At a cooperation with the publishing platform or with modern "traditional" publishing house?

- Will he receive? Or he will spend?!

- Can be spent except money, probably, both forces, and time??

- If you will go for training in gym, or you will go to play on the tennis court, - you, probably, will spend both money, and time, and forces, too?

- In what is the advantage of an internet-platform for publications?

- Perhaps, you may to save your own time? Do you reduce the period of negotiations and correspondence? Do you get in the accelerated mode a new life experience?

- Do you need this experience and in this volume? And what will be with results of your literary creativity?

- Who should answer these questions?

- Why I am convinced - intuitively? - that the total annual revenues from sale of all paper and electronic books is a quite noticeable and is giving a considerable amounts of money?

- What can tell about the distilled, obvious figures ?

- Knows a statistics about everything?

- Will we ask questions about a statistics now?

- Have you ever compared the cultural levels of employees of the internet-platform for publications and employees of the" traditional " publishing house?

- Are you hinting at the possibility of communicating on the Internet with cultural and trained people?

- The internet and remote communication with users now is a new format of reality? For a new reality a new people are needed ?

- And what? No income, and some costs? - As in a process of the interaction with the online platform, so in a communication with the modern "traditional" publishers? And in both cases, you gain an experience? Can you to form the opinion, perhaps, the correct, that on the Internet you are communicating with a very prepared, cultural and educated people? But when you create an account, do you start acting instead of waiting for answers to letters??

- It seems that the Internet-Platform for Publications - the idea not bad?

- Are the excessive sketchiness and pessimism useful?

- Do you hint at the information on the large royalties received by writers, at the information, which is periodically appearing in media? About books - the champions of circulation and of sales? About writers - millionaires? "Traditional" publishing houses are still useful?

- Are there more things in information business, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy?

- Shakespeare?

- Homer?

- Myths?

- Tales, dialogues?

- Questions?

- Maybe with them was necessary to begin?

May 4, 2018 - May 5, 2018.

Translation from Russian into English: May 5, 2018.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Вопросы об издательских интернет-платформах и о "традиционных" издательствах".

28. The Sketch about the Literary Prikaz

He returned after shopping and visiting a spa beauty salon.

"The prices are rather big, of course". "But it is necessary to be in the native circle of contacts". "The writer-millionaire shouldn't be among the different ones ..."

On the table he found "Questions." Questions about that and about this... "The reviewer has leaved them on the table again". "What is literature?" - he has pressed "Questions" by the finger toward a table surface. - "This concept abstract ... It is possible to ask as much as necessary ... Life such is what it is ...".

He has phoned: "Have brought?"

In several seconds on his table laid the text of article prepared by an employee of a trusted literary factory.

He has thrown a cursory glance along the page: "Orders - the effective form of a governmental management..." "It is a big art to plan the orders correctly ..." "Until the one of the orders ten days. Until another - ten nights, until third - ten weeks.... " "After the each order there will be literary achievements ...".