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To read further there was no mood.

"Of course, we will publish ..." - He has chuckled. - "All the same, nobody reads this newspaper ... Now are not those times ...".

"What else?"

He has written the instructions: " Editor. Proofreader. To publish" and phoned to the assistant: "You need to sign the act of partial performance of works on the grant. Visit me". Immediately he called the number of the accounts department. "Now will bring you the act of partial performance of work on a grant. Do the count of the honorarium and transfer money to me to the my bank cash card".

"After all, the cash machine will take time."

He has ironically smiled, having touched with a look the papers lying on a table: "Peter the Great was a person outstanding, but the Literary Prikaz hasn't created ...". [The pun of Russian words: order (instruction) = prikaz (executive governmental office)]. "Tomorrow at a meeting in the spa beauty salon this pun will be useful ...".

"It seems, for today - all."

He has called the service vehicle, and has gone to an exit.

May 5, 2018 17:17

Translation from Russian into English: May 5, 2018 22:43.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Скетч о литературном приказе

29. The Sketch about a Timekeeping

- What size of the grant?

- 1000000.

- How many minutes need to be fulfilled?

- 840. That is, 14 hours - 60 minutes in each.

- It's a lot, but we will make "packages" - 2 hours each. We will try to do the all within 7 days.

- So ... 1000000 ... 840 ... And how many ideas?

- Internet filters work in online. On average, 1 idea comes in a 10 minutes period.

- But the themes of the ideas, the levels, quality of the ideas - are the different ...

- That's why they gave you 840 minutes. For 840 minutes you will receive 84 ideas. Of these, 10 percent, that is 8.4-well, rounded, - 10 ideas - more or less of a normal level and quality.

- And a literary and intellectual factories? A personal intellectual slaves?

- In these options there are elements of doubt, some risk. Why do we need to be the dubious? These are options for the fussy. The intelligent Internet crowdsourcing is a thing socially accepted and endorsed.

- You're right!

- The ideas need to be been effective presented ... At rather high level of abstraction.

- You are right. An idea is the abstraction. An idea isn't attached to any personality.

- The quantity us is small. But - and grants there isn't a lot of.

- The budget is not a rubber.

- In general, " hurry slowly." A slow, brooding way of a speaking. All sorts of emotional "seasoning". "Civilization" - "outstanding achievements" - "we" - "startups" - "discourses" - "modeling of the future". Well, in the same spirit. It is not a dogma. Of course, creativity is welcome.

- It isn't necessary to hurry with the presentation of ideas. You're "pull a thought", and ideas from the Internet are "dropping". All sorts of schoolboys, students, intellectual volunteers, suddenly left without work, restless pensioners. Also it isn't forbidden to others. You "abstract" the ideas, - you clean the ideas, as far as possible, from authorship. Also you insert the ideas into a weaves of words.

- And 1000000 in our pockets!

- Yes!

- You are a genius!

- The burlak - the barge hauler - of industrialization!

- Nevertheless not everything is so simple ...

- Well, it is clear ... Not yesterday were born ...

- Turn on the toggle-switch!

- We begin the intellectual movement!

May 18, 2018.

Translation from Russian into English: May 18, 2018.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Скетч о тайминге".

30. The Monologue about the Petya's Father is Good at Arithmetic

The schnauzer is walking along a street to the radio station and thinking.

"What is a strange tradition? No matter who from our trained community came to the radio station, no of them is possible to say anything a differ. They speak about the same thing: motorists are careless people. We need to train them more."

"But not the only the motorists among us live. Fans of history sit at the radio station and thumb through ancient editions. And we learn: it appears, and creative persons once lived, - except motorists ..."

"There were a many votings! We have the figures in the budget for the financing of culture approved... Even if you subtract all sorts of useful employees such as leaders of clubs, librarians ... plumbers in the houses of culture, finally... then a some quantity of the creative individuals, who write stories, poems, songs, must be discovered ..."

"Stop" - the schnauzer has started slipping, - "many of people... thousands, hundreds of thousands are writing ... enough to "come in" in some literary Internet service... Literary works by some of them are reading... The subject not in this... How many creative people get a part from the budget pie?... What is the exact number of geniuses and subgeniuses?... And what share of the budget pie goes to these selected creative personalities?"

"Yes, no ... what am I saying?" - the schnauzer has again stopped himself. - "Creative people - they receive fees (royalties, honorarium). Their works are bought, the authors get the a part of the money received as a result of the purchase of their works... it is clear that the songs are listened to, that the books are bought... and so on."

"But in order to buy books, they need to be published. After a publishing the books need to sell... Who publish? - Publishers!... Who sell? - Bookstores, shops, private traders stalls... Used to sell ... ... "ofens" - traders, who went through the villages ... Perhaps, the book - if it was cheap - was the best-selling product... Sytin, - the publisher, - entered in a history..."

"Yes, isn't present! Well, what publishing houses ...", - the schnauzer has begun to get confused. - "That is, firms with the name "publishing house", of course, exist ... But the publishing house, is it seems as an organization the getting profit on a sale of books. Such an organization can estimate a book market, is capable to undertake risks, to become an intermediary between the author and retail chain stores, buyers of books ... However, and with retail chain stores not everything is simple ..."

"Generally, if who of authors dealt with all this system, he, perhaps, knows that the main thing not to write the work, but to save the patience and persistence necessary for correspondence ..."