"If the principle "profit - from a sale of books" is acting, then why they are not interested in the authors?..."
"However, skilled people with irony say that a some happiness they had - to receive the royalties: near fifteen thousands rubles [approximately 190 euros]. It a payment for a half a year - a year (and can be, and more), necessary for writing a book, and for the tons of the headache, getting at the subsequent correspondence ... If only a writing of letters - without any answers - it is possible to call correspondence ..."
"Generally, this system of "publishing houses" and "book trade" has the own secrets and laws ..."
"If the person-university was engaged in studying of this system, then he, perhaps, would open the law of a saving of money ... and still some laws ..." - the schnauzer has joked silently.
"Well, if the system of "publishing" and "book trade" to leave aside, and then to go from the traditional fees back to the budget again, to public finance for culture, and to those lucky people who are somehow involved in this budget...
Of course, literally you won't convert the budget money into the money of royalties ... you will not be for the budget money to buy fully or partially a book circulation ... ... you will not be for the budget money to buy fully or partially a book circulation ...
However, and if to buy for libraries (a civils or a militaries)?. For some state and municipal organizations - that to put a books on a regiment in a visible place ... How many did remain libraries?. . The publishing house receives money from budgets after a buying a circulation, a part of money a publisher gives to the author - here and the fee ..." "Not really is heard about it ... Probably or practice this not really widespread, or it isn't accepted to speak about it ... But, in any case, there is money, there are books, there are creative people ... Perhaps, among these people there are our modern Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Gogol?..."
"Yes, hardly", - the schnauzer has again begun to doubt, - "about Tolstoy, about Dostoyevsky, about Gogol almost all knew in Russia. And if there is no information, then what Gogol it is?"
"Then we come to the budget financing of projects, programs, events..." "Here I go to the radio station, and this radio station received a certain amount... There, for example, a thousand people are employed: from the janitor and the elevator operator till the editor and proofreader... There, probably, and fees can to appear...
However, it is simpler to work through a traditional (time-based) salary: and a creative person gets used to a relative reliability, and for the administration it is more easy ... A loyalty ...
And in general, all - are members of the creative team. And lifters, and watchmen, and editors, and proofreaders..."
"There is, of course, in the tax law a concept a "fees" ("royalties", "honorarium"). Probably, data are in tax administration - who and how many ... But, first, there is such concept a "tax secret", secondly, the information may be absolutely unexpected ..."
"What I to myself ask riddles?" - the schnauzer has begun to be tired of the own questions. - "Who they, the creative people?" "Who geniuses and subgeniuses?" "Who Dostoyevsky and Gogol?" "What sums of the fees?" "Who they, which had received money from the budget? And how many was received?" "This creative people not a millions? To Maxim Gorky, when he lived at the Capri, a several hundreds of the beginners writers from Russia letters were written ..."
"Who at us a cultural figures? And bloggers are not cultural figures? All know them and about them!..."
"Bloggers! But hardly they get something from the budget ..." "And this culture (from the most famous bloggers) - mostly the culture of a tea strainer from Ilf and Petrov's book ..."
"In general it is natural ... Heinrich Schliemann, let us assume, learned different languages, he prepared himself for the career of the archeologist, was engaged in business, sport ... and someone from his contemporaries spent time at a balls, dances and lunches ... There can't be at all identical interests ..."
"And in general... With this "culture" ... All this is very strange ..."
The schnauzer, at last, has reached the radio station. The moment has come to present the ideas to radio listeners.
"Owners of tricycles are people careless. It is necessary to train them more", - has sounded in a radio air.
"To organize a dialogue with listeners on a subject! To find out the relation of "people" to a theme!..." - the staff of the radio station were worried ...
Radio listeners have switched off radio receivers.
May 22, 2018 22:23
Translation from Russian into English: May 23, 2018 - May 24, 2018.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Монолог о Папа у Пети силен в арифметике".
The Collection was composed: May 24, 2018.