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"Yes Dora?" came the immediate response.

"I am taking the afternoon off, set these latest two to begin training Monday, okay?"

"Good, give me five minutes and I'll come with you."

"Why, Paige I haven't had that good of an offer for two years now!" but Dora's voice lacked the enthusiasm it once had for such a double entendre.

"Ha-ha, you are so not funny anymore, what happened to your humor?"

"I grew up. Anyway have them here at seven on Monday morning, with enough stuff for a 'Tier One' course, okay?"

"Only minimal training? I thought they looked like they had potential for better…" said Paige. The agency had three tiers of training, simply known as tiers one, two and three. Ninety percent of all augmented humans fit inside of 'tier one', 'tier two' took ninety percent of what was left, leaving only one person in a hundred as a tier three.

"Lord, I need a break and you are an optimist. Fine if you think they are so good, we will run them through a tier two training, but you're my helper." Dora made it her personal responsibility to test anyone not lumped into tier one, which was very possibly the reason so many people were put into that first group.

"Like you're doing me a favor or something." Paige handled training for all the tier ones. "Look, I didn't say they were good enough for higher training, just that they had potential. I think they do. One is a cop, a detective, and what is another week of training? You need to recover from our last job anyway. Another week of kicking around here before we go out again will do us both good."

Dora thought about it a moment, another week to let her injuries heal would be a good idea, "Alright, you have convinced me. I'm too tired for this shit anymore. You got five minutes to make the calls then we are going out. Maybe I will get laid."

"You need to. I hear there is an Army unit in town on rotation, we can hit the bars and see what we come up with."

Dora sighed heavily, "I don't want this to turn into a working night out." The army units were where she and others in her department did most of their recruiting; they constantly scanned the units for those who might join them as special agents.

"Okay no working, just cruising. I'll be your wing woman."

"It's a date. Four minutes."

Dora powered down her computer and hoped the new trainees, Kaylee and Brian, were worth the extra training that she and Paige would be putting them through. They had better be, because their files stated that they been involved in that dust up down in Des Moines a few weeks ago and there were rumors that Jake had been involved. Dora felt a strong need to investigate anything involving Jake, but whether her sense of obligation was from hatred or friendship, she just wasn't sure.

— end~