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"Aghhhhh! You wild bitch!" Jason shouted at that moment. "Here it comes!"

Wanda screwed as the gushes of searing, thick sperm rolled into her clasping cunny. The intense heat of the man's orgasmic crown threatened to drive the girl completely crazy with cum-fever. She rode the spurting cock wildly, her pussy inundated by the raging white river of spunk.

The rutting, frantic couple clung together like two fugitives from a shipwreck, their bodies tearing and humping at each other until the last of the delicious, tingling thrills had ebbed away. Jason withdrew his spent prick slowly at last, and rolled off onto the bed next to the heavily breathing nymphet.

"That was the boat cherry I ever took!" he panted, smiling at the girl.

Wanda laughed. "I'd say it was the best fuck I ever had, but I guess that'd seem kinda silly, since it's obviously the first fuck I ever had!" She giggled.

Jason joined her in the infectious happiness that rolled from her lips. He chuckled and toyed with her tremendously long, black hair.

"Come on," he said after a while. "Let's get cleaned up and dressed. Wouldn't do to have Karen find us like this!"


Wanda and Jason were sitting in the living room when Karen finally returned home an hour later. They were both completely dressed and were careful to give no indication of the bond of intimacy that existed between them now.

"Jason, honey, you gotta get out of ton!" Karen told the lanky ex-dishwasher as she leaned in the door and looked around. "I mean NOW! Tonight! It may not even be safe to stay here! Have any of Garvey's bone crushers been by here yet?"

"Uh, no," Jason answered, a little flustered by the girl's vehemence. "No one's come here."

"Well, it's only a matter of time before they do!" the beautiful hooker replied. "They're not too bright, but they're bound to figure out that you might have come here eventually. After all, it was me you got into this mess over!"

"Hmmmm, yeah, I guess you're right," Jason nodded. "What do you think I ought to do? Where can I go that'll be safe?"

"I can only think of one place!" Karen told him. "I'll get some blankets and we'll take off out of town and sleep in the car for tonight!"

"We?" Jason asked.

"Sure, sugar!" Karen replied quickly. "The word is Garvey is plenty pissed at me too. He ordered them to rearrange my face when he finds us. You, he just wants dead!"

"Lovely!" Jason grinned. "How about Wanda here?"

"She can stay here, I think," Karen said, sorting through the hall closet for blankets. "You cunt!" he mouthed silently to Wanda, shaking his head. She grinned at him and gave him a saucy wink as she shook her titties at him.

"Come on, let's get the fuck out of here!" Karen said breathlessly, returning to the living room with a huge pile of blankets.

"I'll call you in the morning and see what's happening!" she told Wanda as she and Jason disappeared out the front door.

Wanda locked the latch behind them and went into her bedroom. She put on a sheer pair of Karen's pajamas and the transparent robe and tiled to go to sleep. She wasn't too worded about herself – what Karen said had probably been right, at far as she was concerned – but she felt the cold grip of fear each time she thought of her sister and Jason and what might happen to them if Garvey's men caught them.

A solid knock on the front door jarred Wanda into consciousness the next morning at a little past seven. Sure it was the police with horrible news about her sister and the handsome Jason, Wanda sprang out of bed and ran to the front room and unbolted the lock.

There was a splintering crack as a size twelve shoe hit the door just above the lock. The deadbolt was pulled back and the door flew open. Wanda instinctively jumped back out of the way. The two, big, sinister-looking men were in the apartment in seconds, one of them clamping a huge hand over the frightened girl's mouth before she could even gasp.

"Bedroom, Jimmy!" the man holding Wanda said to his friend.

The other man nodded and yanked out of a shoulder holster, the biggest, longest barreled gun that Wanda had ever seen. In moments, the man was back, the gun hanging loosely at his side, still in his ham-like fist.

"Nothin', Ray-Bob!" he growled to the man with Wanda.

"Shit!" Ray-Bob hissed, letting go of the girl. "Now what the fuck we gonna do, Jimmy boy?"

"We wait, that's what!" the other man snapped, closing the door and flopping heavily on the couch. "Fuck, man, you looked at this cunt? She's kin to that Karen bitch sure as I breathe. Looks just like her!"

"Fuckin' A! You right as rain, Jimmy!" Ray-Bob grinned at Wanda, showing an ugly set of yellow teeth that made the girl shiver. "Looks just like her, 'cept her tits ain't quite as big!"

Wanda shuddered again as she felt the two animalistic men staring at her lush young body. She crossed her arms self consciously over her nipples and tried to look relaxed, failing miserably. She lacked just as scared and defenseless as she felt.

Like sharks zeroing in on blood in the water, the two men felt her fear and smiled. The one still standing, Ray-Bob, waked over to her and put a hand an the robe and gathered in a fistful of pajama top as well.

"Don't be like that, baby," he laughed. "Show us them hot jugs of yours. Show us if we was right about the size of them melons!"

Wanda started to answer but the feel of the big man's hand tightening on the thin fabric and the sound of it tearing loose halted her. The girl clutched frantically at the blue fabric of her pajama top but the man's strength was way too much for her and the flimsy garment to cope with. It came away in the man's hand, leaving Wanda nude from the waist up.

"Noooooo!" the terrified girl squealed, covering her bouncing tits as best she could with her hands.

"Now, honey, don't fuckin' make me MAD!" Ray-Bob screamed, slapping Wanda on the arm so hard that she thought at first he had broken it.

The sobbing girl's arms dropped to her sides, exposing both of her jutting, plump globes to the leering eyes of the two strong men. Ray-Bob and Jimmy both grinned at the nubile, fleshy display.

"Now, that's better, sweet cunt!" Ray-Bob chuckled like an idiot. "See, Jimmy, them tits ain't quite the size of old Karen cunt's, but they right fine anyway!"

"Yeah!" Jimmy agreed, his little pig-like eyes narrowing with lust as he watched the beautiful peaks roll to a stop. "How about that pussy, Ray-Bob? How you reckon that looks?"

Ray-Bob laughed again, snaring a handful of the blue, translucent material. "Let's us see!" he chortled, pulling.

The blue panties tore away as easily as the top and the robe had, rendering Wanda totally naked before the two grinning, hoods. The embarrassed girl cried harder and turned her head away from the men's leering gaze, not trying to cover her raven colored snatch fur. She had learned her painful lesson; her arm still throbbed where Ray-Bob had hit her earlier.

"Mmmmmmmmm, my, my!" Jimmy wheezed excitedly, staring up into the girl's tight furrow. "Would you look at that sweet stuff, partner!"

"I'm fuckin' lookin!" Ray-Bob laughed, eyeing Wanda's trim butt from the back. "I'm fuckin' lookin' and wonderin' why I'm lookin' instead a fuckin'!"

"Whooooooeeeeee!" Jimmy shouted hornily. "You done said it there, partner! Let's pass us some pleasant time while we wait for old Karen and lover boy to come back! You want heads or tails to start out with?"

Wanda was reduced to a mass of sobbing, quivering flesh at the thought of having her tender body used by these two ugly, Godless bastards, but she could do little to stop them, she realized with a sinking heart. She watched in horror as Jimmy fished out a fifty cent piece and flipped it high in the air.