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"Then what will we do?" Wanda asked fearfully, her eyes glued to the dial which showed them running on gas fumes.

"Ass for gas!" Karen announced calmly. "Pull into the next station you see that doesn't have too many customers. I'll fuck 'em for a tankful!"

"I can't let you do that!" Jason yelled, suddenly alarmed by Karen's resolute suggestion.

"Well, unless you got a wad of bills stashed on you or a better idea, I don't see what else there is to do!" Karen told him. "I'm the only one who's got the means to earn instant cash, which is what we need right now."

The stunning auburn-haired girl smiled at Jason. "After all, darlin', it's easier to peddle my ass than yours, isn't it? And it isn't like I never sold it before!"

"Yeah, but I never wanted you to have to do that again," Jason said sadly.

"Well, maybe after we get out West, she won't have to," Wanda interrupted at that moment. "Rut for right now, there's a station up ahead that looks perfect!"

Jason looked ahead and saw that the girl was right. Reluctantly, he steered the old Buick into the pumps and shut off the ignition.

"Better let me make the deal," Karen said, getting quickly put of the car and heading for the small office.

Wanda watched her older sister wiggle her way seductively across the concrete driveway. She vowed to learn how to walk like that some day, noticing how the two teenage boys inside the office were ogling her sister's long, trim legs and her bouncing, braless jugs beneath her low cut dress.

Karen opened the door and went inside, a big smile on her pretty face. The boys were about eighteen or nineteen, Wanda judged, and not bad looking, except for the greasy uniforms they wore. Their hair was tangy from the hot desert breeze that blew relentlessly across the lonely gas oasis.

There was a short discussion between the three of them, ending in anxious appraisal by the boys of Karen's statuesque body. The two of them nodded vigorously, then the oldest of the pair said something and gave Karen a wily look. She nodded at last and came back out to the car.

"They want to lock Jason in the lube room until we finish… our business," Karen said, eyes downcast. "And they won't pump any gas until after they're… satisfied. They're smart. I get the feeling the older one is an old hand at this kinda thing!"

"What-what about me?" Wanda asked nervously, her heart beating faster because she felt she already knew the answer. "Do they want me in the lube room too?"

"No, honey," Karen answered ashamedly. "I'm afraid they want to look you over. When they see what an eyeful your body makes, I'm awfully afraid they'll want you as part of the bargain!"

Wanda sucked in her breath sharply. The idea of fucking two perfect strangers certainly didn't appall her any more, and doing it in front of and with her lovely older sister somehow made it all the more exciting!

"We need the gas, let's go!" Wanda told Karen, trying to keep the excitement out of her voice. "If they get both of us, though, we get more than just a friggin' tank of gas!"

Karen grinned as her sister got out of the car, relieved at the way Wanda was taking it. "You know it, honey! We'll get some money too, enough so that we don't have to pull this dodge again!"

The two sisters linked arms and marched into the station, Jason following morosely along behind. Wanda grew even more nervous as they went inside, partly from worrying about fucking the two boys, partly from thinking about what the violent, handsome Jason might do to the two station attendants at the last minute.

Jason proved to be fairly docile on this occasion, however. He made no protest as one of the two teenage boys took him in back and locked him away.

"Well, let's adjourn to the back room and get down to business, ladies!" the oldest boy said with a horny grin.

Wanda and Karen shrugged and let the two grease monkeys lead them through a door into the mechanic's area. They went inside a small room containing a cot and boxes of oil stacked to the roof. The blanket on the cot looked old but clean.

"Just make yourself at home… and available, girls," the older boy, whose shirt proclaimed him to be "Terry", told them, indicating they should take off their clothes.

Wanda unbuttoned the front of her blouse and tugged it off, exposing her foxy, full sized melons to the boys' eager view. The girl peeled off her tight pants and took off her sandals. Nude, except for a pair of sheer lime colored panties, Wanda started to slip them off when Karen's hand stopped her.

"Well, boys, you done seen the merchandise, or at least most of it," Karen drawled slowly. "Turn around, Wanda darlin', and show the boys your tight buns and those fine, slim legs of yours. Wiggle your tithes for 'em and shake that long, black hair."

Wanda blushed but did as her big sister instructed. The boys looked ready to swallow their tongues with desire as she did a bump and grind in front of them, her big tits rolling from side to side and her sleek butt jiggling ever so slightly beneath the thin panties.

"Now, all of that is yours, boys, plus my own… bountiful charms…" Karen stopped talking for a moment and undid the back of her dress and let her twin moons pop out into view. She squeezed her nipples enticingly and smiled at the boys… "But first, let's talk price!"

"B-But you said a tank of gas!" the boy blurted, his hungry eyes flitting from Wanda's naked tits to Karen's nude jugs.

"For me, baby, for ME!" Karen grinned. "Now, if we're talking about my sweet sister as part of the bargain, our price just multiplied about ten, twelve times as high!"

"Fuck you!" the older boy, Terry, shouted angrily. "Oh, she's a tight lookin' piece all right. But that's a hundred or so bucks you're talkin' now, honey. You can shove it for those prices!"

Wanda giggled and dropped her panties. She cocked her hips backward and spread her legs, aiming her cunt opening directly at the older boy's eyes.

"No, honey, YOU can shove it for that price!" Wanda said in a gruff, seductive whisper. "You can shove your big, thick cock right up this tasty hole!"

To illustrate, the tiny temptress pushed her forefinger slowly up into her own lightly dewy snatch as the enraptured boys stared at her. The girl twirled her finger around in her own honeypot until it was slick with hot pussy lube. She pulled it out and sucked it clean, smacking her lips noisily.

"Mmmmmmmm,goooood eatin', if I do say so myself!" she sighed.

The two boys' eyes lit up like slot machines about to pay off. They looked eagerly at each other and the older one finally nodded.

"Okay," Terry said. "We can give 'em a couple tires and tell the boss they got stolen. He won't find out they're missin' for a week!"

"What will we do with tires?" Karen asked suspiciously, not used to being paid in anything short of long green.

"Sell the fuckers, Lady!" The boy, named Tom, spoke up quickly, his eyes never leaving Wanda's naked cunt.

"Yeah, they'll bring you forty bucks apiece, easy," Terry assured Karen. "And we'll give you three of 'em! Now, what do you say?"

Karen smiled and undid the dress the rest of the way and stepped out of it. She tossed it on the cot and worked her pantyhose off, leaving herself dressed in a sheer pair of red panties.

"I say…" Karen paused dramatically and worked the tiny bikini bottoms off her lush hips and down over her furry gash, "let's… fuck!"

The auburn-haired temptress let the silky underthings drop in a fluttery puddle to her feet and stepped out of them, holding out her arms toward the stunned, expectant teenagers. She laughed as the two boys scrambled toward her and Wanda, tripping over their own feet and tearing at their greasy work shirts and tight jeans.

In moments, the boys were naked except for their shorts. They picked up the girls' clothes and hung them rapidly on the clothing rack behind the cot.