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"Oh God, baby! I ain't got no more!" Woodly sighed, pulling his limp prick out of the girl's still sucking mouth. "You done milked me for every drop, honey!"

Wanda licked the small pool of man-cream off her chin and guiltily eased her tits out of the landlord's hands. It had been wonderful, sucking a man's cock – she admitted to herself reluctantly but it had been terribly wrong!

"Yes Sir, you suck dick as well as your sister, baby!" Woodly laughed, putting his cleaned off cock back in his shorts ant re-zipping his pouts. "You learn real fast!"

The landlord got up and headed for the door, leaving the naked, guilt-ridden girl kneeling on the rug. Woodly turned the handle, then paused.

"Tell your sis that I said we're square this month now, hear?" the bald man chuckled, then he went out.

Wanda swallowed the last strand of salty cum in her mouth and went back into her bedroom. "Paid in full!" she sighed bitterly.


Karen closed the door of her beat up old Buick and went into the Shangrila Club through the side entrance. She had to get her paycheck from Sam Garvey today, that was just all there was to it. Otherwise, that check she had written to the landlord would be totally worthless!

"Yeah, conic on in!" Sam Garvey called from within his office. "Mah door is always open to y'all!"

Karen slipped inside, leaving the door open behind her. Garvey was seated at his desk, a fat, jovial-looking man in a custom-tailored, very loud, Western cut suit.

"Why, Karen, my favorite flower!" Garvey sighed as he saw who it was. "What can I do for you this fine morning, sweetheart?"

"Uh, I wondered if it might be possible for me to pick up my check today, instead of tomorrow, Mr. Garvey?" Karen smiled her sweetest, most timid smile.

"Tomorrow's payday, honey, not today!" Garvey said evenly, the smile hardening on his features. "Course, for a pretty thing like you, some kinda accommodation might be reached."

"What kind of accommodation?" Karen asked warily.

"Oh, if y'all was to kinda come over here and sit on my desk and let me pour some cock to you, darlin', I just might slip your check and a little somethin' extra in your purse before you leave!" Garvey chuckled.

Karen winced. It wasn't that she had never made it with her boss before. Indeed, it was Sam Garvey who had broken her into the play-for-pay trade a year ago, showing her how she could supplement her cocktail waitress earnings with "outside income" – with a percentage going to Sam Garvey, of course!

It was just that she found Garvey personally repulsive and she had made a vow with herself never to ball him again for any reason. The thought of doing so now – paycheck or no paycheck – made Karen physically ill.

"Uh, that's a mighty attractive offer, Mr. Garvey, but I had a date last night who tired me out completely. I doubt I could perform well at all today," Karen lied. "Why don't we just take a raincheck on our little get-together and do it later in the week?"

The overbearing bar owner was too shrewd to be taken in by Karen's promise. He pressed the silent alarm under his desk.

Karen saw him hit the alarm and turned to leave the office, but it was already too late. The doorway was filled with the tall, muscular form of Buck, the bouncer/bartender.

"You call me, Mr. Garvey?" Buck asked.

"Yeah, Buck, I want you to hold Missy Karen's hand over there on the couch, while I see how well she performs the chores of her profession. You see, she's reluctant to give me a little demonstration, if you can imagine such a thing!" Grey laughed.

Buck laughed too, a booming, guttural howl that Karen had often heard just before the giant bouncer went into action against some hapless patron and broke his jaw. In a twinkling, Buck had grabbed Karen's right hand and bent the thumb back in a pain-searing come-along hold; he dragged her to the couch and sat her down.

"Ahhhh! Christ, you big ape, you're killin' meee!" Karen screamed in agony.

"That's right, Buck!" Garvey complimented his hired goon. "You don't pay her no mind now, just hold her right there and don't let her up!"

The fat bar owner got up and unzipped his slacks, moving over to shut his office door. Karen screamed again and Buck slapped her.

"Hey, what's going on here?" a male voice asked from the hallway.

Karen recognized the voice at once – it was Jason Marks, the young, good-looking dishwasher who had breezed into town just last week. Jason was a tall, lanky man with the long, sinewy muscles of a gymnast. He was clearly no match for the mountain-like Buck.

Jason was in the room now, his handsome, boyish face creased with an incredulous expression as he saw what the wealthy bar owner and his hired goon were planning. He took a step toward Buck and Garvey.

"Now, you just back your way out into the hall and shut that fuckin' door behind yourself, boy!" Garvey growled. "This ain't no concern of yours!"

Buck let go of Karen and turned to face Jason. The scared bar girl jumped to her feet and ran for the door.

"You bitch!" Buck screamed, bounding after her. "Come back here!"

Karen saw what happened out of the corner of her eye, from the hallway. Jason's foot came up so fast, she could barely focus on it. The dishwasher's shoe caught the onrushing bartender in the nuts and the huge man bellowed like a wounded ox and doubled over. Jason hit him once, on the side of his massive neck, and Buck slumped down to the floor.

"You're fired!" Garvey screamed at Jason, confronting him.

"You're a tub of shit!" Jason told the bar owner, kicking him calmly in the balls, as he had felled Buck.

Garvey's normally florid face went white and he sunk to his knees next to the unconscious bouncer. Jason drew back a fist but Garvey gasped and passed out before he could throw the punch.

"Oh, Jesus, let's get out of here!" Karen shouted to Jason, grabbing him by the hand and practically dragging him out the side door with her.

"Hey, all my stuff's back there!" Jason protested as the pretty hooker drug him to her old car.

"Listen, when Buck and his boss get up off the floor, your life won't be worth two cents in this county!" Karen told the man frantically. "You helped me, now I'm going way out on the old limb to help you. You want my help or not?"

Jason grinned. "Well, drive on, Lady," he chuckled.

Karen shook her head in exasperation and started her old car. They tore out of the parking lot and headed out of town.

"Well, I guess I ought to thank you for rescuing me from a fate worse than death, Jason!" Karen laughed nervously.

They were parked outside of town, on an old side road leading out to a big ranch property. Karen was fearful about the future but she was tremendously relieved to be out of town and safe for the moment. "Hey, I did you what I though was a real favor back there," Jason said, obviously a little irritated by the girl's flip attitude. "Did you want to fuck that gorilla, Garvey?"

Karen leaned over and kissed Jason lightly of the lips. "No, I sure didn't," she whispered softly. "Thank you for being so gallant."

Jason worked one arm over the back of the seat and around Karen's shoulders. He smiled winningly at her and drew her to him again, his mouth opening as their lips touched.

It's been so long since I've kissed a man for myself, not because he paid me to do it – Karen opened her mouth to Jason's questing tongue. The thought thrilled her almost as much as the man's darting tongue in her mouth.

"Ummmmm, ohhhh!" Karen hummed, sucking at Jason's tongue as it roamed excitedly all over the roof of her mouth and tangled with her own in slippery lust.

Jason's hand dropped onto Karen's left tit and a tremendous flash of desire flamed instantly to life in the girl's breast. Karen felt like a high school girl on her first date, and the pureness and innocence of it all somehow made the male fingers gently kneading her fleshy mounds all the more exciting.