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The late August sun beat on the white concrete, causing the barefoot executive to stick to the shady areas while bringing the pitcher of iced tea out to the table. The pool was a brilliant blue, crystal clear and ready for swimming. Setting the tray down, Ronnie walked to the diving board.

Rose arrived just in time to see her lover walk down the length of the diving board. The two piece black thong bikini Ronnie wore hid nothing, much to the young woman’s enjoyment. Her own pale yellow outfit was a bit more reserved…but not by much. Instead of being a thong like Ronnie’s, Rose’s had a small strip that covered the crack of her rear and half of each cheek. The top, however, barely covered her nipples and she was certain that once again a smaller size was purchased to make her show more cleavage.

Lowering herself into the shallow end, Rose watched as Ronnie sprang off the board again and dived into the water with barely a splash. Soon Ronnie joined her and they splashed and played about for a while before retiring to the padded lounge chairs.

Ronnie used a napkin to wipe the sweat off the outside of the glass before handing the iced tea to her.

“Thanks, Hon,” Rose said, draining half of the cool drink before setting the glass on the side table. “I can’t believe how hot it is out here today.”

“The humidity is up,” Ronnie replied, wringing the excess water from her hair. “Five minutes and I guarantee you we’ll be wanting to go back into the water.” She wiped her brow. “I think I’m perspiring already.” She took her glass and laid down on the lounge chair, grateful that the umbrella provided shade for them against the burning sun. She did not see Rose fish an ice cube out of the pitcher and gasped in surprise when it landed on her chest. “Whooo, that’s cold!” she yelped.

“I thought you said you were hot?” the young woman grinned. The predatory look in her lover’s eyes quickly apprised her that she had made a mistake. “Uh oh. Um…Ronnie Honey? You know I love you, right? You wouldn’t think of seeking revenge, right?”

“Me?” The tall woman feigned innocence, her fingers digging cubes out of her glass. Rose found herself pinned to the lounge chair before she could move and several cubes were shoved between the yellow bikini top and her skin.

“Oooh, get them out of there. Oh that’s cold.” She pulled the top up, freeing the ice, which bounced harmlessly to the concrete ground.

“Well, that was worth the effort,” Ronnie quirked, her mouth only inches away from the bared nipples made erect by the cubes. “Would you like me to help warm you up, birthday girl?”

“But we’re outside.” Rose looked around even though she knew no one was nearby.

“Well then I’d better make sure you’re covered,” Ronnie said.

Rose gasped as a hand covered her left breast and soft lips claimed the other. “Oh Ronnie…Um, wh-what do you think you’re doing?”

“Mmm, loving you,” came the muffled reply. Rose found herself pressed back against the cushion of the lounge chair and the feelings began to build up within her.

the young woman thought to herself. Reaching between their bodies, her fingers found what they were looking for. Soon Ronnie was breathing just as hard as she was and Rose was certain they were going to make love right there on the lounge chair when the sound of a car pulling up in the driveway caught her ear.

“Damn,” Ronnie muttered as she moved off. “Someone’s here.” She grabbed a nearby towel and wrapped it around her waist while Rose fumbled with her top.

Susan’s sons Timmy and John came running around the side of the house. “Aunt Ronnie, Aunt Rose!” the younger boy shouted. “Mommy said we could come over here and go swimming today, isn’t that great?” Ricky had his arms full with the PlayStation and obviously was planning on taking over the television for a few hours if the number of games he’d brought with him were any indication. John jumped onto Rose’s lap and wrapped his arms around her neck. “Aunt Rose, would you go swimming with me?”

“Sure Hon, but only in the shallow end.”

“Okay.” His little face beamed. “Can Tabitha go swimming with us too?”

Rose laughed at the thought. “No John. Tabitha is a cat. Cats don’t like water.”

“Speak of the devil,” Ronnie said, nodding her head in the direction of the house. The sliding glass door had been left open and the curious feline wandered out in search of new worlds to conquer. She looked at the boys. “Why don’t you two go get changed. There are towels in the pool house.” She turned to Rose. “You think you can handle things out here?”

“Sure.” She scooted the boy off her lap. “John, I think there’s a ball in the pool house that we can play with. See if you can find it, okay?”

“Okay, Aunt Rose.” He followed his brother away from the pool. Ronnie watched them leave.

“Looks like we’re going to have company for a while.”

“Seems that way,” the young woman agreed as she stood up. “Why aren’t they using their own pool?”

“Susan said something about her pump breaking. Sorry Hon, ” she said apologetically. “I know it’s your birthday and all, but…”

“No, it’s fine that they’re here,” Rose said. “I just wish I was wearing something else. I feel really naked in this.” She tugged at the thin strap of her bikini top.

“I’ll get you a tee shirt.”

“Make it one of yours or else bring a pair of shorts with you too.” Covering herself with the towel, Rose greeted Susan and Jack as they approached.

Ronnie returned a few minutes later carrying one of her tee shirts. She had changed from her two piece bikini to a more appropriate black one piece that covered most of her rear and provided very little cleavage.

“Is that your family get-together suit?” Rose asked when her lover reached her side.

“You think I want to be the subject of my nephew’s fantasies?” she asked while handing over the tee shirt. “Hi Susan.” She turned and nodded at her brother-in-law. “How are you, Jack?”

“Fine, Ronnie, and yourself?”

“Perfect,” she said, flashing a smile at Rose. “Well, since you’re here, why don’t we have a barbecue? It won’t take long to heat up the grill and I’m sure we have something that isn’t frozen.”

“Sounds good,” Susan said, sharing a wink with her sister when Rose was not looking. “It’s just a lazy day and you two weren’t planning on doing anything, were you?”

“No,” Ronnie replied. “I’ll go look and see what we have that we can grill up.”

An hour later Jack was busy tending the grill while the women and boys played around in the water. Timmy and Ronnie raced each other across the length of the pool while Rose and John splashed around in the shallow end, occasionally playing with the brightly colored beach ball. When the young woman asked Ronnie where Susan was, she received a vague answer about the redhead not being a swimmer. John’s fair skin showed signs quickly of turning pink and when Rose offered to take him inside, Ronnie stepped up and said she had to go get something anyway. A few minutes later Jack came over to the pool and whispered something in Timmy’s ear, causing the boy to exit and head inside, leaving Rose as the only person in the water.