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“Of all the times to be a woman,” Rose said as she took the clean pair. She did her best to smile.

“I guess the timing’s lousy, huh?”

“It happens,” Ronnie replied. “How’s the pants?”

“I don’t think I got them.” A quick check confirmed her statement. “I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

“Take your time.” Ronnie leaned down and kissed her lover’s forehead. “Don’t worry about it, Rose. It’s what…four, five days tops? We’ll survive.”

“Four or five days.” The young woman repeated the words as if they were a death sentence. Her eyes flickered at her lover and an idea formed in her mind. “You know, just because I have it doesn’t mean…”

“Yes it does. I want it to be mutual,” Ronnie said firmly, despite what her body was telling her.


“No buts. We can wait until then.” Seeing the look on Rose’s face, she knelt down and hooked the small chin with her fingers. “Hey, look at me. I’ve waited years for you. A few more days isn’t going to kill me.” She let her finger travel down the delicate throat and to the vee formed by Rose’s shirt. “I love you.” She stood up and retrieved the soiled garment. “I’ll run this out to Maria so it can be washed right away while you finish up in here.”

When bedtime came, Rose dressed in her usual Dartmouth shirt while Ronnie donned her sweats and T-shirt. They slipped under the covers and snuggled up together for a moment before the young woman let out a soft chuckle. “What?” Ronnie asked.

“Sorry, it just seems strange to be dressed after last night,” she admitted, her fingers sliding up under the short sleeve and caressing the soft skin found there.

“There’s nothing that says we have to be dressed,” Ronnie pointed out. Without warning she sat up and peeled off her shirt, the light from the lamp revealing her ample breasts to Rose’s gaze.

“Why don’t you take yours off too?”

“Well…I suppose it won’t hurt anything.”

“Of course not.” Hungry eyes took in the mouth-watering sight of Rose’s nipples as the Dartmouth shirt was removed. “God, Rose…” Ronnie swallowed. “…you are so beautiful.” She covered the smaller body with her own and let their mouths find something better to do than talk. Rose’s lips parted willingly as the kiss deepened and her hands went around her lover’s back in an attempt to pull their bodies even closer. Passions flared and hips found themselves unable to remain still. “Rose…” Her lips moved to the delicate skin of the young woman’s neck and began to kiss their way down only to be stopped inches from the pink puckered skin of her goal.

“Ronnie…I have my period, remember?” She laughed at the dejected look on her lover’s face.

“It’s only for a few days.” Her fingers grazed the sides of Ronnie’s breasts. “Of course…” One thumb brushed over a darkened nipple. “…you don’t.” The other thumb duplicated the motion.

“Ronnie…let me make love to you.”

The dark-haired woman moved off Rose’s body and laid down next to her and away from the far too distracting digits. “I can’t.” She traced the outline of the younger woman’s lips with her finger. “I want to give you the same pleasure you give me.” She paused. “You know…there are some couples that have sex even with their periods.”

“I don’t know, Ronnie…that seems icky to me. I just can’t do it.” Rose rolled onto her side and propped her head up with her hand. “I love you but I can’t let you touch me there right now.” She reached out with her free hand only to have it stopped.

“No you don’t. No teasing me.” Ronnie reached over and shut the light off. “I love you, Rose. Go to sleep.”

“You’re sure I can’t do anything for you?” Her hand went wandering again, this time reaching its goal.

“Rose…” She reluctantly removed her lover’s hand from her breast. “Only if it’s mutual.” She leaned over and her lips found Rose’s. “Now go to sleep.”

* * *

The alarm went off, signaling the start of a new day. Ronnie woke and headed downstairs for her morning workout, figuring Rose would sleep until she returned. She was surprised, therefore, when she returned to find the young woman sitting at the table, completely dressed and drinking coffee. “I thought you’d still be sleeping.”

“Oh no. Did you forget what day this is?”

Ronnie poured coffee into her mug. “Hmm?”

“You said we could go to the office today. Laura’s leaving at the end of the week.”

“Was that today?” She tried to look serious but the tug at the corner of her mouth gave her away.

“I remember, Hon. I just figured you’d take your time getting up.” She took a sip of coffee. “You won’t have to do any work today anyway, just get used to the way the office operates and learn how to work the phone.”

“If there’s anything for me to do, I’ll do it, I don’t mind,” Rose said as she handed over the paper to Ronnie.

“How did I get so lucky?” She reached out and caressed the young woman’s cheek.

“I think the luck is on my side.”

“I believe my heart would argue with you on that one.” She leaned over for a kiss and was met halfway. “I love you, Rose.”

“Love you too.”

It was the most enjoyable ride to the office Ronnie ever had. It was almost a sightseeing tour as they traveled through the various streets of Albany. In an attempt to avoid going anywhere near Washington Park, the sight of the ill-fated accident, Ronnie took a long, roundabout route through the downtown area until she reached State Street and the Cartwright Building. She dropped Rose off in front of the mammoth building before continuing on to the parking garage. A few minutes later she returned and held the door so the young woman could enter.

Having never been inside the palatial structure, the young woman was quickly awestruck by the high arch ceilings and wide-open space of the lobby. A large brass plaque welcomed them to the Cartwright Building. “Our elevators are over here,” Ronnie said, smiling to herself at the look on Rose’s face. “I take it you like my building?”

“It’s beautiful. And so big.”

“A lot of people work here.”

“Do they all work for you?”

“No.” Ronnie pressed the up button, frowning when she looked up and saw how many floors away the elevator was. “Most of the lobby and first five floors are rented out to other companies and businesses. The rest of them work for me.”

“I know it’s a big company and all but just how many people work for Cartwright Corp?”

“Ask Susan, she knows. I think between all the different divisions there are somewhere close to ten thousand working for us across the region, but I’m not totally sure. Ah, here we go.” The elevator opened and several people exited. Rose noted the immediate change in her companion’s stance. Gone was the relaxed, comfortable Ronnie. The woman before her was now the powerful and awe-inspiring Veronica. They entered and the button was pressed before the doors could close. “You might as well lean back against the wall, Rose. It’s going to be a long ride to the top.”