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"In addition, James told both me and the police that he knew where Ned's business meeting was that evening because they were scheduled to get together later to talk about Dionysus, which, by the way, is why Ned told me to meet him at James'. He was probably going to tell James off, once and for all. That may be why he appeared to be so nervous to me. Elma told me he had a hard time telling James no.

"Stan would have known about Ned's meeting from James. He probably called the restaurant and found out it had been cancelled. He also knew about the Chinese lady, Flora Sung. Stan made it his business to know everything. James suspects Stan got a message to Ned at the home of Ms. Sung and made Ned believe it was from him, James, telling Ned to meet James near where he was shot."

"I'm sorry Stan turned out to be such a bastard," Arrow said. "I really liked him. Tell me all about your confrontation with him. But first, can I get you a drink?"

"No. In fact, that's why I came here. I'd like to take you out to dinner. Someplace better than Norms and you don't have to put it on your expense account because I'm buying."

Arrow looked perplexed, perhaps because of the solemn manner in which I had delivered my message, and said, "Is this…is this like a date?"

I had been subconsciously wondering that very thing. Now, faced with it on a conscious level, I said, "Yes. I'd like to ask you on a date."

"I hope you're not doing this because you feel you owe me something," Arrow said. "We've been through a lot together, but I think that basically we're even."

I had to say something to remove the reserve that had grown between us. I said, "I know I acted standoffish before, but it wasn't because I wasn't attracted to you." Double negative-great. "There were other reasons. But they no longer apply. I am…attracted to you and I would like to go out with you." I suddenly had doubts. "Of course, if you don't want to…"

"Give me five minutes to change into something suitable for a real date," Arrow said, smiling and moving toward the stairs. "I have just one question; if this gets beyond casual, how are we going to see each other, with you in San Francisco and me in LA?"

"I have a lot of experience with airline commuting," I said, gaining confidence, "and I don't want to let it go to waste."