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Your assignment today is to shut up. Refrain from talking about yourself. If you do good work, people will notice. You do not need to tell anyone how wonderful you are. If you do great deeds, those actions will speak for you. Trust that you will get the attention you deserve if you make the right choices and put your words into action.




“I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.”

 — Mark Twain

Samantha had a gift for imagining worst case scenarios. She spent a lot of mental energy thinking about what might happen to sabotage the good things in her life. When she got a promotion, Samantha worried for days about what would happen if she couldn’t handle the added responsibilities of her job. Her mind wandered through horrible scenes where she failed on projects and ended up being fired by the boss who originally promoted her.

She took those images with her to work every day and wore them like a heavy coat. Pretty soon, Samantha began to believe in her terrible imaginary things, and her misgivings showed up in her actions. Every day she was more paralyzed by fear and less effective in her job. She was living out her negative fantasies.

Do you have an active imagination? Imagination is a very powerful tool that may have a positive or negative effect on your everyday life. Your assignment today is to test that power. Use your imagination to visualize great things happening in your life. Imagine a successful presentation at work or a productive meeting. Imagine a fun day with relatives, free of bickering and pettiness. Imagine people turning to greet you when you enter a room, because you glow with excitement and positive energy. Drop any negative thoughts that enter your mind today, and concentrate on happy, useful, and positive visualizations. At the end of the day, write about your experience.




“You never know how a horse will pull until you hook him to a heavy load.”

 — Bear Bryant

Bear Bryant was a long-time coach at the University of Alabama who was known for his trademark houndstooth hat. He was also a man of few words, but his carefully chosen gems are terrific phrases to ponder.

Consider what Bear Bryant is saying in the passage above. You really don’t know what you are capable of achieving until you hook yourself to a heavy load. It is natural to want things to go your way and grumble about the obstacles in your life. On the other hand, if those difficulties weren’t there, you would never have a chance to discover your true power.

You are not likely to unleash all of your potential unless you are forced into situations that require every bit of energy you hold. This year your goal is to achieve success, so every time you find yourself carrying a heavy load—celebrate! You are being handed exactly what you need to achieve more than you ever dreamed possible.

If you do not experience defeat, sorrow, pain, or setbacks along your life journey, then you will also never experience the uniquely satisfying achievement of pulling through those difficult times. On Day 52, we talked about life as a game you play to win. Do you want to miss that experience? If there is no challenge, there is no game.

Your task today is to look at your burdens with new eyes. Consider them as opportunities for success and chances to unleash your true power. You have no idea of your capabilities until you are hooked up to that heavy load.




“The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.”

 — Samuel Johnson

Eleven days ago you explored Dale Carnegie’s six ways to make people like you. You discovered during that lesson that your efforts to make people like you are in vain if you are not sincere. Today you will have another chance to practice compassion toward others.

There are so many ways to measure success, but one of the most enduring examples is your interaction with those around you. You must develop a real interest in others. It’s a waste of time to go through the motions. You have to mean it. Look around you today and follow that old rule of treating others as you would like to be treated. Today you will come into contact with a number of people. Each one of them has their own story, their own obstacles, and their own triumphs. What can you do to treat them well? How can you make their day better?

Practice helping others without expecting anything in return. Do not underestimate the difference you make when you do something nice for someone who can do absolutely nothing for you in return. Every positive action you take on behalf of others builds your power and influence. You are creating an atmosphere of respect and love, and that is an incredibly rich environment for success.

Your assignment today is to give all your attention to others. Treat those around you as if they are unique and very special to you, because they are. Do not even entertain the thought of what you might get in return.




“I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don’t notice it.”

 — Alice Walker

Are you a good observer? It is a crucial tool for success, but it comes in several parts. You must observe what is going on around you, but you also need to have an appreciation for what your five senses pick up.

When was the last time you noticed the color purple in a field? Have you recently stopped to savor the smell of a hot meal before diving in? What does your lover’s hand feel like when you hold it in your own? Can you appreciate the fascinating melody of children laughing, or does the sound simply annoy you? Do you relish the hot, strong taste of your first cup of coffee in the morning?

Your assignment today has three parts:

1. Stop.

2. Notice.

3. Appreciate.

Stop for a moment. Stop running through your life as if it is a race, and the first one to the finish line wins. Next, look around and use your five senses to take in your environment. Finally, appreciate everything you notice. You are part of a very intricate and wonderful world. Find some gratitude in your heart for the gifts that surround you.




“Think what you feel, say what you think, do what you say, feel what you do.”

 — Eric L. Mott

Today’s quote is the first in a series that will delve deeper into aspects of personal responsibility. If you look a little closer, you will find it is a circular guide to living a successful life.