Do not judge your thoughts. Just notice them and let them flow on by. Some people like to imagine their thoughts like clouds that pass before their eyes slowly and softly. You watch them, but you don’t analyze them or reach for them or try to do something with them at this moment. You just see them float on by.
You may be surprised at what thoughts pop up in the silence. You are opening a window to your soul when you take the time to be quiet, and sometimes amazing ideas show up on one of those puffy clouds. Other times, your body might just enjoy the break. In this exercise, though, the results don’t matter. It’s the action of meditation that counts.
“I have never wished there was a God to call on—I have often wished there was a God to thank.”
— F. Scott Fitzgerald
Meditation is an exercise in listening, and prayer is an exercise in communicating. They are both opportunities for reflection. Today, you will have another occasion to see if prayer is a useful tool in your life.
You do not have to believe in a particular god in order to pray. It is primarily a form of communication, so there are no prerequisite beliefs in order for it to be useful. If you do not believe in a god, then pick anything outside of yourself, and point your prayers in that direction. The idea is that you communicate with something outside of you. This is your chance to get your grievances, concerns, hopes, dreams, or fears out into the open so that they don’t weigh so heavily on your soul.
If you had an opportunity to give God or the universe (or your coffeemaker) a call, what would you say? Would you have a list of grievances several pages long? Maybe you’ve been saving a wish list of requests. You might also just want to say, “Hey, thanks. This has been a pretty cool ride so far.”
Give prayer a try today. Just like meditation, there are no rules. Prayer is an opening for you to communicate your feelings without necessarily having to confide in another living person. Your prayer can be as short as “Please!” or “Thank you!” On the other hand, if you have a lot on your mind, you can pray for as long as you want. Communicate today through prayer and observe how you feel afterward.
“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”
— Beverly Sills
For the next few days, you will be studying the topic of endurance. One of the most important things to consider as you strive for success is that you are in a long distance race. The road to success is not a fifty-yard dash. There will be victories along the way, but the path stretches throughout your life.
Now that you are aware of that, take your time. Enjoy the view. Don’t bother with the shortcuts, because they’re not going to take you where you really want to go. Part of the joy of success is to discover the places that are worth going. Where do you want to travel in this marathon? What would you like to see?
Choose a path that will strengthen your mind, your heart, and your soul. That is not usually the easiest and shortest route, but it is always the most rewarding. Be patient with yourself as you travel. Celebrate all of your victories. Rejoice when you pass each mile marker, because you are on a path that is gradually fulfilling your dreams.
You spent some time over the last few months discovering your dreams and passions in life. Are you on a path that is leading toward them? Did you take a shortcut to obtain immediate gratification, or do you feel like you’re on a road that leads to your destiny? Shortcuts might emerge in the form of frivolous pursuits, shallow relationships, greedy endeavors, or any number of distractions that send you on a detour from your true path. Look out for those shortcuts and resist taking the easier and less rewarding route. Your assignment is to journal about the path you are on today.
“Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. You are what you repeatedly do.”
— Shaquille O’Neal (paraphrasing Aristotle)
Success is not a one-time deal. It’s a habit. If you truly want to be successful, you have to put in the work . . . continuously. Remember, endurance is important on this road to accomplishment. If you are pursuing your passions, then the effort shouldn’t bother you at all. It will be enjoyable.
Great athletes do not become successful by accident. They practice their skills over and over. They train like crazy to be the best—but they love the work, so all that sweat is worth it. Are you putting some sweat into your success? Are you practicing daily to achieve your dreams? Or do you still think success will be a one-time event that hits you over the head like a giant hammer when you least expect it?
Unfortunately, the things that sum you up are not the result of a one-time explosion of achievement. You are what you repeatedly do. If you repeatedly eat Twinkies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, then you can call yourself a creampuff. On the other hand, if you are in the habit of reading trade journals in your field of interest and applying what you learn to your day-to-day activities, then you are practicing excellence.
Your task today is to add one thing to your routine that you can do every day to practice success. It doesn’t have to be a big thing. A few options might be to get up a half hour early and practice meditation, hit the gym, take a continuing education class, or sign up for volunteer work with an organization you admire. Small steps taken continuously will get you miles ahead on the road to success.
“A lie has speed, but truth has endurance.”
— Edgar J. Mohn
Another important thing to consider when focusing on your endurance is the truth. If you are about to run a marathon, you make sure you have a really good pair of shoes. You want those shoes to be made with the best material that will stand up through the continual beating they’re going to take when your feet hit the road. Durability is infinitely more important than speed.
Similarly, you cannot build your journey to success on lies. A lie might provide you with a shortcut, it might look flashy and take you somewhere very fast, but it is not made of sturdy material. It will not stand the test of time, and soon it will be worthless on the road to success.
Assemble your success with sturdy materials. Make sure you have a strong foundation built in truth. That means if you don’t understand how to do something or you don’t have the necessary skills, the first thing you need to do is admit it. Be honest about your limitations, and be willing to learn new things and practice until you have the level of proficiency you need. That might take some time, but it is worth it. You are building a really sturdy pair of shoes for your success marathon.
Today’s homework is fun. Pull out those crayons, markers, or colored pencils again, and draw your pair of shoes. You are preparing to enter the success marathon. What do you want your shoes to look like? What will they be made of? Let your imagination go crazy with this assignment.