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Janet chose a relatively “easy” first mountain to climb. It was over 14,000 feet at the summit, but she could walk it without climbing gear. On the scheduled day, the sun shone brightly, and Janet huffed and puffed and stopped every few feet as she reached the summit, but she did it! The view was astounding. Janet hadn’t known what she was capable of until she tried.

Your assignment today is to try something new. If you don’t like it, you never have to do it again. Remove the chains that limit you and jump in to the unknown.



“In real life, I assure you, there is no such thing as algebra.”

 — Fran Lebowitz

This may come as a great relief to those of you for whom math is not your strongest subject. The point of this quote is not to offend the mathematicians of the world. It simply points out that you don’t have to be brilliant in everything in order to be successful in life.

Lucky for us, real life offers numerous options for success. Your job is to find out which one fits you the best. Have you truly explored your talents? A good place to start is with things that actually interest you. You may be drawn to them because you have a certain aptitude in that area.

Andrew always loved the theatre. Ever since his parents took him to see Peter Pan in the second grade, he has been enthralled with the spectacle of a live stage production. As soon as he was old enough, he auditioned for plays, but he soon discovered performing in front of a crowd was not one of his true talents. He was crushed, but he remained on the periphery of the stage like a moth to a flame. Finally, someone put him to work hanging lights. Andrew is now an award-winning lighting designer. He makes magic on the stage through his artistic use of color and light. It took him a little while to figure it out, but he found his calling and achieved a level of success he never could have dreamed of when he was seven years old.

Your assignment today is to become a detective. Search for clues that might lead to your hidden talents. What do you really enjoy in life? What gets you excited? Think about all aspects of those items. Do you have an undiscovered talent hiding within them?




“The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.”

 — Michelangelo

Are you bored with your present life circumstances? It might be because you set your goals too low. No one likes to fail, but people often over-compensate by setting goals that are too easy to obtain. They reach them, and then they coast as long as they can, resisting a challenge or a new opportunity. They feel safe and secure in their accomplishments, even if they lead a slightly unfulfilling life.

This approach to life is a little like the duck-pond game at a carnival. Every duck has a number on its belly, so everyone is a winner. It’s the safest game at the carnival, but the prizes are usually pretty crappy. Do you want to have the guarantee of obtaining a prize, any prize, even if it’s a crappy one? Or would you rather go for the giant stuffed animal in the difficult game where very few winners emerge?

That’s a tough choice. You want to win. If you lose, you have nothing to show for your trouble. But what are you going to do with the mediocre toy once you win it? It will probably be discarded in a week or so when you move on to more exciting diversions.

Your assignment today is to take a look at where you are aiming. Examine the targets you have set in your professional life and your personal life. Are you aiming too low? If you haven’t even set your goals, your assignment is to find a few targets and take aim. It is very difficult to achieve success without seeing a goal before you. Find your targets and aim high.




“A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done.”

 — Dwight D. Eisenhower

Cultivating a sense of humor is one of the best weapons in your arsenal of success. Humor is healing and unifying, and it can also lead to great accomplishments. Why is humor such an effective weapon? It might be because laughter is something to which everyone relates. It allows people to see their commonalities rather than their differences.

If you want to be a leader, you must not take yourself so seriously. Life is too important to be taken seriously! Poke a little fun at yourself. Admit it when you fail, laugh, and move on. You will gain more admiration by taking responsibility for your foibles than by trying to cover them up.

If you find yourself acting as a mediator between disparate parties, humor is also a handy tool. Use it to release tension and help each side get a glimpse of how the other side sees things. If you can get people who disagree with each other to laugh at their situation for a moment, they will relax and be more receptive to a mutually agreeable solution. Humor releases tension and loosens people up so that they are willing to work together toward a common goal. It takes the heat off for a moment so that parties can cool down and get back to being productive.

Your assignment today is to look for examples of how humor can help in various situations in your life. Where can you apply humor to mend a relationship, ease someone’s burden, or bring people together?




“Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”

 — Berthold Auerbach

Music is extraordinary. It is an amazing tool for inspiration. Whether you are a fan of chamber music or Led Zeppelin, you probably know how effective music is in altering your mood. If you are feeling frazzled, soothing tones can bring your pulse down to a manageable level. If you are lethargic, a driving melody will pick you up faster than a cup of coffee.

Music does have the power to wash off the dust of everyday life, to transport you, and to adjust your mood, so take advantage of its influence. Consider your array of choices. Through today’s technology, you have melodies throughout the centuries and across the globe at your fingertips. You may find you really have a connection to Gregorian chant, a form of music that was first notated back in the 10th century. The contemporary music of Tina Turner might make you feel powerful and energized. South African music provides a mind-boggling choice of styles from folk tunes to jive. Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony has the magical ability to transport you to a country scene and trap you in a driving rain storm.

Does music play a part in your daily life? Do you ever take time out to stop what you are doing and actively listen to your favorite tunes? Explore how music affects you. Find out more about its positive and powerful influence. It is one of many art forms that have a direct line into your soul.

Your assignment today is to get down and boogie! Spend at least ten minutes listening to music and observe how it affects your mood.




“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.”