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“I always wondered why somebody didn’t do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody.”

 — Lily Tomlin

Yes, you are the somebody who has the power to do something about that. A very big part of achieving success is taking responsibility. If you want to excel, you no longer get the luxury of blaming your circumstances on anyone or anything else. You have to get into action and do something about the things that bother you.

So what exactly does bother you? What do you come across during the day that causes you to think, “Hey, I wonder why somebody hasn’t done something about that?” Make a list of items that you think need to change in this world. Nothing is too big or too small. What gets on your nerves? What do you think is just plain wrong? What are you surprised that no one has fixed yet?

Once you have a healthy list going, pick three of the items on the list. Now you are that somebody. What are you going to do to remedy those issues on your list? What actions can you take as an active member of your society that will create change?

You may not be able to fix the entire problem on your own, but you can probably take steps in the right direction that will help to solve it. You can be a catalyst that will inspire others to join your cause and take action. You are more than halfway through this year. The time for reflection and waiting is long gone. Now you must act in order to create a better future for yourself.




“The human contribution is the essential ingredient. It is only in the giving of oneself to others that we truly live.”

 — Ethel Percy Andrus

Do you give of yourself? Do you make a human contribution to your society? It sounds like you have to donate a kidney or something, doesn’t it? That’s not the case. The human contribution described in this quote is when you personally help another human being. It’s face-to-face, one-on-one giving. Donating a kidney is one way to do it, but there are many other opportunities, and not all of them require surgery.

Part of your destiny is to be helpful to others. It is not to always take and never give back. You may not see a direct correlation between giving of yourself and achieving success, but there is a very strong relationship. If you want to get into the game of success, then you have to participate in the overall game of humanity. That requires a human contribution.

Make a list of the things you do today to help others. Once you have completed this assignment, take a look at your list. Are you proud of it? Is there more you can do?

There are thousands of ways you can lend a hand to those who need help. You can tutor someone who is learning to read, work in a soup kitchen, or collect clothing and food for an organization that serves the homeless population. When was the last time you called a friend just to see how they are doing? Have you hugged your child recently? The only requirement is that you pay attention to someone else. Don’t just write a check this time. Give a human contribution.




“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

 — Aesop

How do you know when you’re wasting your time? Sometimes you go down a road you probably shouldn’t have taken, and you end up having to backtrack. You try a new technology that doesn’t quite work for your business; you court a potentially lucrative client for several months only to lose them to your competitor; you move to a new town hoping to find work but ending up further in debt. Valuable time is wasted. Often, you don’t figure out you’re on the wrong path until you’ve gone too far. The road back to where you started is full of regret.

Life is full of good and bad choices, victory and regret. However, there is good news: you will never regret an act of kindness. There is always something positive to be gained through lending a hand to another person, no matter what the outcome. An act of kindness is never wasted.

Let’s say you give a warm coat and a new pair of shoes to a homeless person. Is your act of kindness wasted if they turn around and sell those items for drugs? The answer is no. You cannot control what others do, but you are in complete control of your own actions. If you choose to act kindly toward someone else, you are honoring that person and contributing in a positive way to the world around you. You are creating positive energy for yourself and your community. The choices they make afterward are none of your business. Most often your act of kindness will send a positive ripple effect throughout the world that is extremely influential. Choose acts of kindness today, big and small.




“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.”

 — Muhammad Ali

Your assignment today is to make a list of all of the things you have been given just because you showed up here on earth. What are your natural talents? Are you healthy today? What interesting and wonderful people have you met so far on your stay here? What has given you joy? If life is a giant party just for you, what are some of the best presents you have received so far?

Now here’s the catch: all of the wonderful things you listed are technically not free. There is a price you must pay for your room here on earth. It can’t be settled by cash, check, or credit card. This world wants a part of you.

Your service to others is direct payment for your life on earth, and it should not be paid unwillingly. It is a privilege to make this contribution. You have been given a huge number of gifts just for showing up at this party, and it’s time to write your thank-you notes.

Before you get started, here’s another secret to keep in mind: service to others is a payment that comes back to you with interest. If you want to really get the ball rolling, be abundant in your thankfulness. Pay your rent in advance—and double and triple the payment. The more you give back to the world through your service to others, the more you will receive in return by ways you have yet to imagine. The entire process is cyclical. In a way, you are the renter and the landlord. You have received so much just by being here. What are you willing to give?




“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.”

 — Booker T. Washington

Have you ever been a teacher? If you think about it, you probably have taken on that role at some point in your life. Whether you are teaching a child to tie her shoes, offering to help a tourist find the right subway line, or explaining an algebra problem to a classroom full of students, you are a teacher.

When you bring new and useful information to someone who needs it, you are lifting them up. How does that feel? Maybe one of the reasons it happens so often is because it benefits the teacher as much as the student. It is not a purely selfless act. Think about the last time you helped someone or taught them something new. When the light bulb went on and you saw it in their eyes, didn’t you feel great?