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You are achieving your dreams right now, but the end is nowhere in sight. I wish you an exciting journey, a pleasant journey, a fruitful and joyous journey. Bring happiness to others, and it will return to you abundantly. Push a little harder, and you will be surprised by the rewards. Experience and celebrate the little victories along with the major milestones. Don’t wait to be happy.

My parting hope for you is that you travel forward into the unknown with open eyes and an open heart. Gather up your dreams and use them every single day. You have already achieved so much. Just imagine what lies beyond the next curve in the road.



The introduction of this book talked about what it felt like to be stuck, to be traveling on a flat and boring road to nowhere in life. You left that gray, listless world behind a year ago. Every day you uncovered dreams that you stored in the basement of your mind. You dusted them off and looked at them again. You also discovered new dreams that you didn’t know you had. You may not have done anything drastic during the past 365 days, but your systematic actions are changing the world around you. It’s no longer gray. It is filled with depth, richness, and breathtaking color.

Look at your life today. A brilliant new you has emerged from the cocoon where you gathered strength for a full year. Spread your wings now and embrace an unpredictable life that is full of new opportunities.

The end of this book is really the beginning. Where do you want to go now?


About the Author

Jason Harvey is a Certified Life Coach and founder of the Limitless Institute, a non-profit organization that funds research into human motivation and personal development.

Jason has spent the past decade and a half studying self-improvement and personal development techniques.

Jason holds a Bachelor’s degree from Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Management in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

He currently resides on the East Coast of Canada, where he enjoys training for marathons and attempting to master the piano.

Please contact Jason through his website with any feedback or comments, or to share your personal success stories.



From the Publisher

Amazing Life Press is always looking for new material to publish. If you have a book proposal or manuscript we would love to hear from you. Please visit our website for contact details and submission guidelines.
