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His hand slipped from her waist to cup the curve of her butt, lifting her up until the thick bulge of his erection was nestled in the vee of her thighs, taunting her with its presence so close to where she wanted him, where she needed him. Sid moaned softly, rubbing the unaccustomed ache between her legs against the temptation of his cock.

As if her soft moan had been the trigger he was waiting for, Aden swung her up into his arms, and, holding her tightly, his fingers tangled in her hair and tugging her head back to make her mouth available to his kiss, he strode across the room to a closed door she hadn’t noticed before.

She felt the magic this time—maybe because he was holding her so close to his chest—but she felt the frisson of energy as he exerted his will, as the door swung open at his command. He walked through without stopping, the door slamming behind them, sealing her inside with this dangerous, sexy vampire. Sid shivered in equal parts fear and excitement, her eyes going wide when Aden looked down at her with fangs bared for the first time since she’d met him.

“Are you afraid of me, Sidonie?” he asked, though he didn’t seem bothered by the prospect.

She nodded, not admitting that what she felt was nothing as simple as fear.

“Excellent,” he growled. “Now tell me the rest.”

Sid closed her eyes, unwilling to admit she was more aroused than she’d ever been in her life. He was already too damn arrogant by half. He didn’t need any more ego stroking. But then he bent his head and kissed her once again, his tongue exploring every inch of her mouth. She couldn’t stifle the groan of desire that started somewhere in her gut and rolled out of her throat. She’d never wanted anyone as much as she wanted him.

“Tell me,” he demanded, nipping at her lower lip sharply enough that she was certain he’d drawn blood. “Or I’ll take you back out there and tell Trav to drive you home.”

Her eyes flashed open. He wouldn’t. But his expression said very clearly that he most certainly would.

Sid wrapped her fingers around the back of his neck and tugged hard on the ends of his hair, trying to gain some small measure of control. He bared his teeth at her in a snarl and started to turn back toward the door to the sitting room.

“I want you!” she said before she could stop herself and felt her entire body heat with embarrassment. At least the parts that weren’t already burning up with lust. “I want . . .” Sid didn’t know how to say what she wanted him to do to her, or couldn’t say it out loud. “I want you,” she repeated.

Aden tugged her head back, baring her neck. He lowered his head, and his lips skimmed along the curve of her jaw and lower, until she felt the kiss of his teeth on her neck, his breath warm and moist, his voice a rumble of sound when he said, “I’m going to fuck you.”

Sid felt herself falling then gasped in surprise when he dropped her onto a bed she hadn’t even noticed. She sat up, trying to take it all in, when Aden yanked off his T-shirt, and she suddenly couldn’t look at anything else. There was nothing in this room, nothing in her lifetime of experience, that was more beautiful than the magnificent male standing in front of her and stripping away his clothes.

He tossed his T-shirt to one side, and Sid could only stare at the play of smooth muscle over his chest, the power of his shoulders and arms. She saw with some surprise that he had identical tattoos on both arms, dark bands that circled the thick muscles of his biceps. He started on the buttons of his 501s, and her gaze lowered, taking in the rippled abs and flat belly, the line of silky hair arrowing down to . . . The blood left her brain when he slipped the last button and shoved his pants down past narrow hips. Her imagination hadn’t done him justice. His cock was long and thick and hard, proudly jutting upward as he stalked toward the bed, his eyes lit with that blue-moon glow again, his fangs white and gleaming.

Sid tried to scoot back, but he struck with snakelike speed, grabbing her ankle and drawing her closer before climbing onto the bed and straddling her still fully-clothed body. He didn’t bother taking off her hoodie; he simply yanked the two sides open, breaking the zipper, then gripped her heavy T-shirt in both hands and, with a powerful flex of his arms, tore it down the middle. He paused briefly then, his hot gaze taking in her blue satin bra and the curve of her breasts pushing out of the top. A strange little smile crossed his face as he slipped a finger under one of the straps and tugged it over her shoulder, then shoved the bra cup down until her nipple was exposed, flushed and hard. His eyes lifted to meet hers, his look smoldering and heavy lidded at this undeniable evidence of her arousal. Heavy lashes came down to cover his eyes as he leaned over and took the traitorous nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around in a wet caress. Sid’s moan of pleasure turned into a startled gasp when his teeth closed over the swollen bud, biting down until she could feel the sharp edge of his fangs. She looked down, scraping her nails through the back of his hair, and found him watching her over the curve of her breast, his gaze filled with something wicked, something out of control that dared her to stop him.

Sid could only moan, too overwhelmed by sensation to think rationally. She wanted to grab him by the hair and yank him away from her breasts, to pull her torn clothes together and run for her life. But even more than that, she wanted him to suckle the other breast in its lonely cocoon of blue satin, wanted to know what it would be like just once to make love to a man, a vampire, who could make her feel such intense pleasure with nothing but his mouth. Her brain couldn’t begin to conjure what the rest of him could do to her.

With a final swirl of his tongue, Aden released her breast and sat back, reaching for the zipper to her pants. Fearful that he’d destroy them the way he had her T-shirt, she grabbed for the zipper herself. But he pushed her hands away with an evil-sounding chuckle, and taking slow, exaggerated care—so slow that she began to wish he’d simply rip them off—he slid the zipper down and stripped her jeans away, exposing the blue satin thong that matched the bra.

Aden eyed the tiny blue triangle briefly before hooking his fingers into the narrow bands to either side and snapping them like thread. Sid’s entire body blushed when he fisted the now useless piece of blue satin and tossed it over his shoulder before running his big hands up the insides of her thighs and pushing her legs apart, baring her aching sex to his hot stare. She moaned, uncomfortable with such unaccustomed exposure, and tried to close her legs. Aden gave a warning growl and bent her knees toward her chest, pushing her thighs wider apart and opening her even further to his scrutiny. Fixing her with a scorching stare, he dipped one thick finger between the swollen lips of her pussy and found her slick with arousal. His sensuous lips curved with satisfaction as he slid his finger up and down, smearing her wetness over and around her clit, tormenting her with slight touches that had her thrusting against his fingers, her hands gripping his forearms as she cried for more. And then, as if to torture her, he took his hand away altogether, and while Sid was still trembling, while her clit was still begging for his touch, he brought his finger to his mouth, and, holding her captive with his hot gaze, he tasted the proof of her arousal, sucking his finger as if to get every last drop.

Sid closed her eyes against the sight, her head thrashing from side to side as she swore in frustration. He moved in close once more, and she felt the hard brush of his cock over her wetness. Her eyes flashed open, her thighs closing around his hips as she reached for him, certain he’d fuck her at last. But instead, without saying a word, and without releasing her from his stare, the sadistic bastard reached down, grasped his cock, and began pumping it slowly.