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In that instant, Mutsuki felt the temperature of his body’s blood dropping as if he had become coldblooded.

All, that is, but for in his right eye.


That eye was assaulted by the same pain, throbbing, and heat as when Lucia had done this that evening.


“Ah! Ah…ah, ah! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!”

Muffled screams echoed through the room.


But they did not come from Mutsuki. He used his black eye of a coldblooded animal to stare blankly up at Micha as she straddled him. His right eye had ached and throbbed like it was not his own, but that had subsided after a moment.

It was the second time, so his body was accepting the power.

Micha was the one screaming.

“Ahhhhhhh! Kh. You’re kidding. Oh, god… This… This is…”

“Ah? Eh? Micha-san? What’s-…?”

“~~! M-my name… Ahhhh, it’s just…your voice…but…nnnn….”

This was the same as with Chiaki.

The woman raised her voice in a mixture of screaming and moaning. Beads of sweat quickly covered her brown skin and those droplets flew from her as she twisted her limbs and writhed madly as if electricity were surging through her body.

(Is this…?)

Watching this finally clued Mutsuki in to what his power did.

As if to confirm his guess, the vagina in front of his face began to react. The brown flesh twitched at a different rate than the rest of her body and it split in two.

The sensitive-looking flesh that appeared in the gap between was a salmon-pink paler than the rest of her skin. This flesh was folded up inside, but once it was exposed, it grew further engorged, split to the left and right, and pushed the outer flesh aside as it expanded.

It was a lot like watching a time-lapse video of a blooming morning glory.

“~~ Ahhh…”

Exactly thirteen seconds later, a chilly sensation enveloped Mutsuki’s right eye and Micha collapsed. She fell on top of him as his Serpent’s Eye closed, so he frantically supported her.

Her body was hot and the sweet scent of an adult now included the essence of sweat and a seductively female aroma.

“Ahh… Heh… That’s more than the legends said and more than I ever imagined. I can’t believe that was just from you looking at me. Your voice was intense too and I thought I was going to die when you called my name.”

Micha was short of breath and leaned on him because she could not gather her own strength.

Mutsuki’s face was pinned below her breasts, but he could not exactly throw her off of him when he could feel how hard her weary heart was beating. He left her where she was.

“You know what the power of the Serpent’s Eye is now, don’t you?”

She turned her moist eyes his way and he blushed a little.

“It makes women…um, horny.”

“Correct. It’s been said since ancient times that the serpent can corrupt women.”


That was what it meant to conquer half the world. Once that clicked into place, he realized what he had done to Chiaki and frowned in self-loathing.

He was starting to feel a little glad that he was no longer living with his family. If he turned this power on his mother or sisters, he would want to kill himself.

“I won’t let you abuse this power. You can’t use it while it’s sealed like this, so don’t start plotting to make all the girls in the world your sex slaves.”

“I-I wasn’t thinking that.”

It was true he could think of a lot of ways to use this power, but he shook his head to clear his mind. He was not the type to do bad things.

Micha suddenly spoke up as she lay limply on top of him.

“The legends all say it ‘corrupts’ women, but that’s far too vague. That was amazing.”


“Heh heh. You don’t need to apologize.”

While still using him as her bed, she slid a hand down toward his hips.

“Do you think you can take responsibility for making me feel this wayd?”

“Fwah! Um, eh!?”

Her fingers slipped inside his pants, tickled along his thigh, and pulled down his boxers.

Just as he was thinking it tickled, she reached his most sensitive spot.

Her fingers were flexible and as delicate as if they were carved from marble, so they had seemed more like a work of art than a living creature. And yet those very fingers moved in a surprisingly raw manner and wrapped around his shrunken testicles.

“Wait, Micha-san? What are you doing? Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah!”

“Hmm? You can’t tell?”

Without removing her hands from his weak point, she softly pressed down on what was growing there.

It was not that he did not understand. He bit his lower lip.

“Or is my body not to your liking?”

“That’s not it.”

“I may have juuuust a little extra flesh around the hips, but I’m still pretty confident in my looks. Or am I not young anymore?”

“No, um… I-it’s just that I only met you today.”

Mutsuki was a healthy, growing boy, so there was no way he would not react to the advances of such a beautiful woman. His penis began to fill with blood as she toyed with it and she could feel his pulse as it pressed up against her hand.

However, he had a sense of morality. A pure young boy like him might be curious about sex or aspire to have sex one day, but the idea of it being taboo was even greater.

The woman, on the other hand, loosened her pink lips like a small child given a new toy.


She moved her knees up next to his face and grabbed his neck between her thighs.

She had moved her panties back into place, but the fluids dripping down said all one needed to know about the state of the female flower blooming from the brown skin behind that cloth. The boy was left speechless and the woman placed her butt on his collarbones.

“Well, Mutsuki-kun? Am I attractive?”

She laughed and looked confidently down on him.

Her expression was hard to see with the moonlight shining in behind her, but it made her long eyelashes twinkle and made him feel all the more like he was being absorbed by her red eyes.

He did the best he could to nod with his head so restricted.

(Of course you are… I’ve never seen someone so pretty.)

Her deep-looking brown skin was smooth and the moonlight reflected in her sweat made it look like she was covered in lame. Her revealing clothing did not look at all obscene because the flowing lines from her bust to her waist were just too perfect.

Her stomach was thin and her butt was indeed a little big, but…

(That plumpness is really sexy. And she smells so good.)

Strength filled the hand teasing his penis.

“C’mon, c’mond”


As if tempting him, she wrapped her fingers around the shaft instead of just pressing down on it.

The throbbing at the base of his hips shook the reasonable part of the boy’s mind. He normally had enough inhibition to resist his desires, but this cheerful and kind young woman was using the entirety of her exotic body to seduce him. He was not enough of a stoic to reject these advances.

“Of course, I’ll just take you by force if you resistd”

She started massaging his balls and moved her other hand to her panties.

“You’re the legendary bearer of the Serpent’s Eye which can corrupt any and all women. That means you have the power to make any woman your slave.”

When she rubbed it, the cloth absorbed the moisture, plastered itself to what lay beneath, and grew nearly transparent.

“That alone makes it worth being your first. But more importantly…”

A somehow bewitching light filled her red eyes as she slid the piece of clothing aside once more.

The boy’s eyes opened wide when he saw that hidden flesh within arm’s reach. In fact, it was so close he did not even need to reach out.

Before, the engorged pink flesh had split the outer brown flower in a diamond shape, but in the minute or two since, it had gone through further changes.