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“My genes yearn for the bearer of the Serpent’s Eye. …But that’s not all. I fell deeper and deeper in love the more I investigated you. By the time I actually met you, you already ruled my heart.”

Lucia brought his face in toward Mutsuki’s defenseless face.

“I love you, Mutsuki-kun.”


It was not a surprise attack like last time, but their lips pressed together.

It was a soft kiss with no tongue. His lips were not as plump as Micha’s, but they made up for it with a sweet damp sensation.

Despite coming from another boy, Mutsuki felt no revulsion or displeasure.


It even felt a little good, so he harshly shook his head to escape.

Lucia looked up at him in displeasure. His lips were pouting, perhaps as a remnant of the kiss, and that made him look all the cuter.

“I’m not into guys… And, um, I-I don’t think I can get along with you.”

He knew how pathetic it was, but he was completely flustered.

But Lucia tilted his head in confusion.

“You don’t think you can get along with me? Why not? Because the angels said so?”

“Th-that’s right. You want the Serpent’s Eye, don’t you? So you’re trying to pluck out my eye.”

“Oh, what a pain. You sure are pure. Don’t believe everything you’re told.”

For just a moment, his usual smile of enjoyment vanished and he shrugged.

“Didn’t I tell you? God is the only perfect being in this world. No one else is always right, be they human, demon, or angel.”


Mutsuki’s blank look brought back the demon boy’s mischievous smile.

“C’mon. She’s starting to enjoy herself over there, so how about we get to know each other better?”

“Eh? Ange!”

Mutsuki had started to forget, but then he looked back to the girl captured by the spider.

“Hkh… Kh… Uuh…”

Ange was on her knees with her bound arms both stretched diagonally upwards.

She did not seem to be in much danger. The countless wires were only binding her arms while the extremely thin ones brushed across her skin.

However, her reaction was intense. Her sweaty brow was sharply furrowed as she desperately tried to endure something. Her limbs would occasionally give a jerk and her normally pretty soprano voice sounded pitiful as it escaped her tightened lips as low moans.

By focusing his ears, Mutsuki could hear what sounded like insects buzzing around even more quietly than the rotation of the clock at the top of the tower.


Ears, neck, collarbones, armpits, sides, navel, back, inner thighs, front and back of the knees.

It did not seem the wires could break through the angel’s Suit, but the soft brushes did apply suction and a slight vibration to all of her exposed skin.

It must have been too ticklish to bear because Ange had tears in her blue eyes.

“There’s nothing to worry about. It’s only taking samples of her cells and skeletal structure. She isn’t in any danger.”


“But… Heh heh heh. Look at that, Mutsuki-kun. She’s blushing and short of breath. …I think she’s getting turned on from a toy messing with her body.”

The demon laughed loudly.

This may have been the worst torture for someone as prideful as her, so Mutsuki could not say anything.

However, he did notice her red face, the suppressed moans escaping her nose as “kfh” or “nn”, and the slight shaking of her skinny waist. It all looked erotic to him, so he politely turned the other way.

“Oh, I knowd Let’s help her out.”

Lucia whispered mischievously as he peered in at the other boy’s face while lying on the floor. Mutsuki had no idea what he meant, but Ange briefly paled. And by then, it was too late.

“Open the seal. Oh, impure demonic eye, reveal the proof that you are king of this world!”


This was the third time, but Mutsuki was still not used to the sensation in his right eye.

At the same time, Lucia and the more distant Ange’s bodies both reacted.

“~~~~ Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

That demonic eye could bring any women to a state of arousal. Ange was trapped within its range, so the effects reached her immediately. The cry she had ben suppressing burst from her lips and her entire slender body almost seemed to convulse.

“Ah hah! This really is amazing?”

Despite being a boy, the intoxicated look in Lucia’s eyes made it clear he too was affected. He expressed his desire by rubbing up against Mutsuki like a playful kitten.

Mutsuki was worried about his friend, so he looked her way.

“Ange!? Are you o-…”

“Khkhhhh! Y…you…idiot! Don’t…use my…name…! Close…your…eyes!”

“Oh, sorry.”

He quickly squeezed his eyes shut. According to the experiment with Micha, a woman being violated by the Serpent’s Eye would be driven into an even worse state if they heard his voice or if he called their name.

The closing of the boy’s eyes let the initial wave pass, but an intense stiffness stuck with her.

“Hgh… Hh… Nnnnn!”

Oblivious to the Serpent’s Eye, the machine continued its probes, so she could only writhe in agony.

The many fine hairs brushed across her skin. They stroked across the most sensitive exposed parts of her fully aroused body: the neck, the ears, the armpits.

“Stop…uuh…! N-not the armpit… No, not the back!”

The ticklishness seemed to have been concentrated several dozen times over and that indescribable itching sensation caused Ange to cry out in a normally unimaginably weak voice.

Just like with Micha, fire was racing through every cell of her body and all of her sweat glands had opened.

The material of her bra and spats twisted. The heavenly armor known as a Suit could not be pierced by any material, but when exposed to salt water, it became something akin to body paint.

(Ange… What do I do? Ange is going to be-…)

Worried, Mutsuki opened just his left eye.


At that precise moment, the front of her sports bra was peeled away.

Two white balls of flesh were exposed with a pleasant bounce.

She was as short as Mutsuki’s sister Chiaki, but she did have a proper bust size. It provided a nice curve up from her slender waist. Her uniform’s ribbon still hung around her neck, giving an obscene look to those artistic curves.

They were beautifully round and the immature, somewhat-inverted nipples were a bright pink.

The current situation was banished from Mutsuki’s mind and his heart skipped a beat.

“Heh heh. I see you’re pretty horny, tood”

At some point, Lucia had kneeled down and reached for Mutsuki’s pants. Before Mutsuki could react, Lucia had undone the belt and pulled both pants and boxers down.

Ignoring Mutsuki’s wordlessly flapping mouth, the boy turned his moist eyes toward the sweaty object now exposed. Given the situation, Mutsuki was not erect, but it was showing signs of stiffening due to his tension and Ange’s erotic appearance.

“Ahh… So this is yours.”

Lucia’s chilly palm lovingly lifted Mutsuki’s balls from below. With that weak point in the other boy’s grasp, Mutsuki could only quietly ask him to stop.

Lucia ignored the plea, gently rubbed along his inner thigh, and wrapped his fingers around the swelling object. It had already started to fill with blood and this delicate stroking was enough for him to forget the situation entirely and harden at the touch of another boy.

“…? Thank goodness. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to turn you on.”

Lucia really did sound like he had been worried and he then wrapped his wet tongue around the foreskin that hid the tip even now that it was fully erect.

“Ah… Wait…stop…”

Even as Mutsuki panicked, Ange fell victim to even further humiliation.

The ultra thin wires were targeting her breasts. Countless threads wrapped around those smooth spheres that resembled white peaches.