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“It is true there are not many ways to stop them. But we still must do so…”

If she joined in, there really would be no stopping it, so Machina made sure the violent cat would not interfere while watching over the two combatants with a

grim look.

“…before Jiyuuni-san is defeated.”

Ren was being pushed back by Ange’s two-sword style, so she leaped backwards to put some distance between them. She landed on a soccer goal post that happened to be there.

As Ange attempted to pursue, Ren raised her skinny sword and pulled out the scabbard at her hip.

“My power is the sword of valor. Manifestation of combat rocking on the lake shore, appear before me!”

The scabbard lost its shape as if melting and connected to the sword’s hilt. It

changed form.

The hilt extended further and further, continued its growth even after hitting the post she was standing on, and ultimately grew beyond two meters. When combined with the blade glittering in the setting sun, this was…



The newly-formed giant lance attacked Ange.

The soccer goal at her feet was blown away and it embedded itself in the school building. By that time, Ren had already arrived right in front of Ange. The raised tip was about to catch her in the throat.

The angel just barely managed to twist her body and avoid being skewered, but even after dodging the tip, she was still within range of the long lance.


Ren twisted her hands just a bit and the shaft portion dug into Ange’s gut with the full force of the witch’s charge.

Hit by the metal rod, Ange grimaced.


Azure flames burst from her back and struck the ground so Ange could escape into the sky.

But as a ball of light, Ren instantly ended her incredible charge, kicked at the same spot as the flames, and changed direction. She kept up with the angel.

Unable to escape this time, they both crashed into the school building behind them. The golden light crushed the small red-haired girl into the crater on the building wall.

Only after that was the entire hill on which the academy stood shaken by the explosive noise of a sonic boom. Mutsuki was nearly blown away even while watching from a distance. Machina stepped forward to protect him, though.

“Don’t get…carried…away!!”

Instead of fighting the pressure, Ange opened a hole in the wall and leaped away.

Instead of pursuing, Ren returned to the athletic ground.

Ange also returned. She realized the two swords only let Ren overpower her, so she had recombined them. With the attack power of that great weight, she could effectively combat that lance’s charge.



“Heh. Myrddin!”

When the girl charged in at her, Ren returned her skinny sword to its original state and blocked.

They once more clashed without either side having a real weight advantage. Ren was not overpowered.

Ange had the greater strength and speed, but the witch was cleverer. She twisted her sword to redirect the force to her right while slipping below the sword and to the left. Ange quickly responded, but she could not gather any strength with her sword arm twisted.

Ren grabbed that arm.

“You never stop being a pain in the-…aaaahhhh, ow!”

She twisted it further.

“Ahhhh! Agh, gh…wait! Hey…you!”

Ange was caught completely off guard by this shift from elegant swordplay and incredible charges to dirty joint locks. She dropped Prominence and was forced to the ground.

“Hmph. Just as the data said, you aren’t much of a threat in your normal state.”

Ren continued twisting her arm instead of delivering a finishing blow.

“I will make sure you regret insulting me.”

“Insulting…? Ngaaaahh! What is this about insulting you!?”

“Shut up! Peeping and mocking other people is a shameful bad habit!”

“Ow, ow, ow, ow!”

“Don’t tell anyone what you saw!”


This seemed to be some kind of argument, but…

Regardless, this settled it. Even without the compatibility between FeTUS and angels, Ren had used her opponent’s tactics against her and maintained a constant advantage, so this was an utter victory for her.

“Y-you two. Isn’t that enough!?”

Surely that had settled the “duel”. Mutsuki ran over, thinking this was his chance to intervene.

“Gh… G-give it a rest.”

Feeling shamed on the ground, the strongest angel’s face stiffened with humiliation just like Ren’s had before.


Noticing something odd, Ren leaped away.

Even the distant boy could see something was wrong.

The air was wavering around Ange. Almost like she had become something that

did not fit into this world.

“If my normal state isn’t much of a threat…then I’ll show you a power that’s decidedly not normal.”

“…Is that how it’s going to be?”

The air shimmered. Ren’s expression tensed when she saw the slight burn on her palm where she had been touching the angel.

Machina and Subaru both gulped.

They had seen Ange’s eyes blowing gold as she got up.

The last time they had seen those golden eyes, they had been beaten to the ground with no hope of resisting.

That was the ultimate power of the angels. It was the ultimate disaster sent against the humans.


“S-stop, Ange!”

Realizing what this meant, Mutsuki cried out.

She must not use this. The power turned Ange herself into a bomb. If she used it, she and at least the entire city would be disintegrated.

Her angelic body was already emitting intense heat and the disturbed air currents formed a wall of air instead of just some shimmering. Mutsuki could no longer approach. Only Miss B could face her thanks to the FeTUS heat-reduction technology she wore.

“Bring it on… I came to Japan to slay that power. I, FeTUS Witches Miss B, am not as kind as my teacher!”

She raised her sword once more.

The dropped Prominence had returned to Ange’s hand. The vortex of flames surrounding the sword grew gold.

“Here I go!”


The deadly battle’s second round was beginning.




But just before it could, the angel and witch’s hips gave out beneath them.

Even Machina and Subaru backed away while simply watching.

This was the power that could surpass even Metatron for women. And it was enough to make Machina and Subaru jerk even when it was not directed at them.

Mutsuki waited for Metatron’s wall of air to vanish and then ran over to the two girls who had fallen to the ground while facing each other.

“Give it a rest, Ange! Set down your sword! You too, Senpai!”

“Wait, Mutsuki, don’t use that…ah, ahhh!”

“Wh-what is this…!? My body…”

Their arms prioritized the boy’s words over their own wills, so they placed their swords on the ground despite their enemy being right there. Ange’s eyes returned to blue and Metatron’s power vanished from her.

Just as the boy had said…just as ordered by her master with the black demon eye in his right eye.

“S-stupid Mutsuki…turn off the Serpent’s Eye. That’s…that’s…”

“Kh…Th-this is the Serpent’s Eye? Ah…ahhhhh. What is this?”

“Oh, sorry.”

Anyone he looked at would be instantly ruled by him as long as they were female. Ange and Ren had stopped fighting just like he wanted and they had also been exposed to its forced arousal power.

Ange might have been used to it, but this was Ren’s first time feeling like her womb was being taken over inside her body. She was sweating heavily, so Mutsuki quickly blinked his eye to close it.

And at that moment…

Some bushes on the other end of the athletic ground moved a bit.

Subaru did not overlook it, so she ran over. The bushes stopped trying to be stealthy and rustled loudly.