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“Senpai! Wait, Ange! Enough of this!”

Mutsuki frantically moved between them.

“You’re in the way! Move!”

“I said stop this!”

He shouted angrily back and ran over to Ren. She and two shoe lockers were embedded in the wall with a cloud of dust around them.

“…That one hurt. I would’ve been sliced in two without my suit.”

She had fortunately managed to disperse the shock of the slash, so she was not

harmed. The girl got back up.

But it had caused a lot of damage to her armor. The front of her white armor suit split open.

“I am willing to apologize…but if you insist on doing this, then I’m game.”

“Bring it on!”

Ange remained belligerent, so Ren raised her short sword.

…And that movement caused her bra’s front hook to come undone after being sliced along with her suit.



Two soft objects could be heard hitting the floor.

Ange and Mutsuki both froze in place.

Mutsuki had been averting his gaze after seeing her white belly through the sliced suit, so he seriously panicked when he saw what had fallen away. He thought some of his upperclassman’s flesh had been cut away.

But in the end, it turned out the two soft objects in her bra cups had not been her flesh.


“Eh? ………………………………..!?!?!?!?”

Ren finally realized her clothing had been cut and she held her chest with her hands.

With the bra – and what had been positioned between the bra and her skin – gone, her chest had almost no thickness at all and was easily hidden by her hands.

…Her chest had lost their size-adjustment pads.

Mutsuki and Ange were dumbfounded. …Machina did not react, so she may have already known.

Shirohara Ren was the beautiful and dignified Student Council President with a nice body.

But it seemed she had used a bit of help for the “nice body” part.


Trembling, Ren reached for her dropped sword.

And she kept one hand covering her child-sized bust.



“That wasn’t on purp-”

“You won’t get away with thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis!!!!”

Chapter 7

Two thousand meters below Megutono Academy was the lowest level of FeTUS Headquarters, aka the Garden.

The indoor space was set to appear like a beautiful field, a five-person table meant for the Witches sat at the center, and three seats were currently filled.

Miss D, the tall maid, had changed into the apron dress she so loved. Machina was still wearing her school uniform. Miss B was also wearing her uniform and her upper body was sprawled out on the table.


Ren had bandages here and there thanks to her several-hour-long battle with strongest angel and she breathed a deep sigh.

The maid laughed while pouring warm water in five cups and heating them.

“You’ve really done it now. Miss A is very upset that you demanded a duel with

that cute angel who had decided not to interfere.”

“Hmph. I cannot allow anyone to look down on my pride. I cannot back off when I am insulted.”

“But you had the wrong person, didn’t you?”


She sounded dejected.

“And I also hear you got angry over your boobs. Honestly, boob size is no more than a number.”

“Shut up, Miss D! You can only say that because yours are big! You don’t know how I feel!”

“Hee hee. I think small has its advantages.”

“Positive. When they are too big, they are heavy.”

The maid and Machina comforted her together.

The maid’s mounds were an appropriate size for her great height, but Machina’s size did not suit her slim frame at all. When they jiggled, it only depressed Ren further.

As Miss D heated them, three of the cups gave off steam.

“Oh, right. Speaking of breasts, haven’t yours gotten bigger again, Miss E? Do your bras still fit?”

“Hm…they’re a little tight, I think.”

“Understoodd I’ll buy you some new ones. I’ll make sure they’re a loooot cuter this time.”

“…Normal ones are fine.”

“No, no. You’re a girl, so you have to wear cute things.”

“? Understood.”

She prepared two teas and one coffee.


“? What is it?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

Ren stared at her in shock and Machina simply looked confused.

The one coffee went to Ren and the three of them began their teatime.

“Miss D, why do you insist on choosing other people’s clothes like that? You coordinate all of Miss E’s underwear and casual clothing, don’t you?”

Ren stirred her coffee with a gold spoon.

“Because choosing clothes is fun. And Miss E won’t put any effort into how she looks, so I have to choose for her.”

“I do understand the feeling, but can’t you just choose clothing for yourself?”

“…The thing about being a woman taller than 190cm is that you can’t choose.

Finding any clothes at all that fit you is a challenge.”


She did not really think she had to apologize, but she sensed something indescribable that led her to do so.

Once her coffee had cooled a bit, she took a sip.


And she grimaced.

Machina looked curious as she took a sip of tea.

“Do you not use milk or sugar?”

“N-no. Not since a bit ago.”

With that, she took another sip of coffee with a blatantly displeased look on her face.

Machina tilted her head and the maid laughed.

“Before, she gave Fujita Mutsuki-kun some black coffee to tease him, but the boy just drank it like it was normal. She can’t afford to let a younger boy outdo her, so she’s been familiarizing her tongue with the bitter flavor.”

“Y-you didn’t have to explain it.”

“You also kept complaining how bitter that bitter melon castella was, but since it came from him, you ate every last bite.”

“Shut up.”

She glared at Makoto who kept saying too much and Machina who was putting

sugar in her tea like normal. Meanwhile, she managed to finish her cup of coffee. Even if it was black, it was fortunately a lot less bitter and astringent than the canned kind she would drink with him (while mentally fighting it all the while).

Then the remaining two arrived. One was Miss C still in her teacher’s clothes.

The other was Miss A whose usual young features had grown quite stern.

Ren had known Miss A would be angry, so she set down her cup and shrank down in her chair.

But Miss Alice Arc shook her head to say they would talk later.

Once all five of them were seated, the surrounding scenery changed. The image of the field had even reproduced the wind and sunny aroma, but all of that vanished and they were surrounded by darkness and a metallic scent.

Realizing something was different from normal, the other four straightened up.

“We have completed the genetic analysis of the change detected in Miss E’s breast milk…that is, her mammary gland cells.”

Miss Alice looked straight at Machina.

“It was a 99.9999% match. Calculating back from the DNA base only introduces a margin of error of 0.0001%, so we can state with confidence that these cells

belong to the same person.”

The other three focused on Machina.

“The womb of Eve, the perfect woman, has been formed within Miss E’s body.”


“The Holy Grail is complete.”

“So the Holy Grail is complete…”

A man sat in a gloomy study.

He was a large and muscular man. His face and the rest of his skin were very wrinkly and his hair had some gray mixed in, giving him an elderly appearance, but his body itself was as young as a man in his twenties.

But that sense of youth had less to do with his body and more to do with what seemed to emanate from him.

He gave off an intensity that was anything but aged. It was like he had maintained the greed, arrogance, and almighty sense of an adolescent even in his old age. He gave off a sinister ambition.