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Another man sat in a study seat. He was the polar opposite: a small and fat man.

His frame was wide and his presence was almost frail.

The aura from the two of them could not have been more different, but their faces looked a lot alike.

The youthful but elderly man was contrasted by the small man whose skin was that of a man in his twenties, even if his frame was not. They were apparently father and son.

Two young girls stood next to the small man: Riselle and Enju.

“Miss Arc is certainly persistent. Does she seriously think she can save humanity?”

The small man gave a servile smile.

“My teacher never would compromise once she made up her mind.”

Riselle giggled happily and Enju looked disinterested while both of them leaned against the man’s lap.

“Regardless, she undoubtedly intends to contaminate Lady Lilith’s heart.”

Unlike that lazy-looking trio, the large man spoke with anger in his voice and then looked back. Realizing laziness would not be allowed, the trio straightened their backs.

“She must be eliminated. Find what information you can on the Holy Grail. Once we hold Adam, we can use that information to threaten Miss A.”

“Sure thing.”

His son did not sound very motivated, but the two girls stood up. They both got to work.

The man anxiously gnashed his cigarette-stained teeth.

“I cannot stand her… Do you intend to defy Lady Lilith’s heart even if it means leaving this world…?”

He groaned out the words with the blood vessels bulging out at his temple.

“Curse that previous Eve… Curse Lucya.”

“Mutsuki-kun knows of Lucya?”

Micha’s big bike was in the parking lot to the apartment building where the two angels and Mutsuki lived.

Few people showed up there at this hour, so it was a good place for a secret discussion. Micha, one of Mutsuki’s guardians, would often speak here with Rapha, the aide who helped her exchange information with heaven.

“He has spoken the name a few times.”

“Where did he hear about her? I never told him.”

“I do not know. I cannot find any trace of him acquiring the information somewhere and he just suddenly started saying it. Almost like he saw her in a dream.”

“Sigh~” Micha leaned on the motorcycle she was straddling and she rested her elbow on the handlebars. “Do memories of a previous life really just show up like that? I could understand if it was some kind of formative experience that really left a mark in your memories, but someone’s name?”

“It would not normally be possible, but for him? Maybe.”

“It certainly is convenient being Adam. I guess it isn’t called the original Fruit of Knowledge for nothing.”

“What should we do, Micha? This isn’t entirely unrelated to you.”

“Let’s leave it be for now. It isn’t harming anything. And this should make a good barometer for seeing how far his Fruit of Knowledge has awoken.”

She sounded indifferent and she pulled a plastic bag from the luggage carrier installed next to the clutch pedal. It was from a nearby convenience store and it contained beer as usual.

“So the Adolescent Adam will eventually grow up, huh? I’m not sure if that makes me happy or sad.”

She got down from the motorcycle and started toward the elevator to say the report was over.

“More importantly, you need to look into how Kagari Enju’s body was stolen.”

She looked back just once with an unusually harsh look for her.

“I don’t want Ange to see a demon made from her original body.”

“…I understand.”

The angel young man’s tone was similarly dark.

Permanent Name: Kagari Enju had a spirituality and battle sense not often seen in recent years.

Her soul had been reborn as the angel named Jiyuuni Ange, but it turned out her body had been reborn as a demon.

She had the same battle sense as Ange, she had a demonic body, and she could even use FeTUS technology. She was clearly the most formidable foe they had faced…

But beyond that…

“That body came from my precious little sister. I cannot allow this mockery to continue. I swear to you I will track her down and punish her appropriately.”

“Make sure you do.”

The two older angels who watched over Ange were mostly driven by pure anger

over having the cute younger angel’s previous life defiled.

Rapha left and Micha rode the elevator up to their room.

Mutsuki and Ange would still be up and she sensed someone in the living room when she opened the door.

She prepared to say she was back, but then she saw her expression in the entranceway mirror.

It was tense from a mixture of various forms of mental weariness.

She could not show them that face when she was supposed to help those two feel at ease. She slapped her cheeks and put on a smile.

“I’m back~d”

She energetically threw the living room door open.

“Wah, M-Micha-san.”

Mutsuki was alone. He seemed to be fidgeting in front of the TV.

“You’re back already? Um, I thought you were going to be out late again.”

“I finished what I was doing, so I probably won’t be playing around with my bike for a while. Well, I’ll ride it some for fun, but I won’t be riding all night long anymore. …Is something the matter?”

“N-no, not really.”

That boy could not keep how he felt off his face, so he was blatantly panicked and glancing worriedly toward his room.

Wondering what this was about, Micha tilted her head and followed his gaze toward his room.

“Mutsuki… Are you ready…hwah!”

Just then, the door opened and Ange poked her head out.

Micha did not get a good look since Ange immediately slammed the door shut, but the boy and girl were clearly flustered. And Micha was clever enough to put two and two together here.

“Ohhh?” She grinned toward Mutsuki. “I see, I see. So that’s what’s going on. Was I intruding?”

“No! U-um, clothes! Ange, is, uh, trying on some new clothes. So she wanted to see what I thought of them…and, um…”

Mutsuki frantically tried to come up with an excuse, but it was a blatant lie. It was true that Ange had been wearing some unfamiliar clothes in the brief glimpse

Micha had caught, but she would not have to change in his room if she was only showing off her clothes. Not unless she was planning to remove those clothes in his room soon thereafter.

Micha’s grin must have told Mutsuki she understood everything, so he blushed and hung his head.

He was shy and the angel could not be honest with herself, but it seemed they were actually planning to share a bed tonight.

Micha smiled bitterly as she realized she really had been intruding this time.

“By the way, what are the new clothes?’

“Oh, uh…”

“And! With that!”

Sakae energetically pounded on the teacher’s desk.

He was back to his usual cheerful self and the class was smiling.

In fact, all the boys and girls were grinning. Not only had they solved all the recent difficulties, but now they could see what they had been hoping to see.

Mutsuki had already seen it last night, but he also felt his expression loosening.

Even though he had been warned on the way to school that, “laugh and I’ll kill you”.

“After all our troubles, we’ve found our lead for the play. Someone finally volunteered yesterday. This was the kind of Burning

?Friendship that just couldn’t ignore our plight. School really is all about love, bravery, and friendship…”

“Shut up! Just let us see her already!!”

Sakae was so excited he ended up stretching out the introduction, so Saya snapped back at him while so excited she was breathing heavily.

The others booed him too, so apparently none of them could stand to wait.

Sakae smiled bitterly and signaled Katsue-sensei out in the hall. Subaru nodded while struggling not to laugh, which would have ruined her usual strict image.