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And she faced Machina once more.

“I will simply…watch and wait for a while…Miss E,” she said quietly. “I leave this with you.”


Chapter 1

Something was odd.

Four weeks had passed since Mutsuki noticed his body’s abnormality.

He had a very young sister back home, so he was more sensitive than most to signs of poor health. If he felt even a little ill, he would take his temperature and some medicine. He put in an effort to not spread anything to his family. That had not changed once the angels began protecting him, so he had been worried about a cold for four weeks now.

But this abnormality was not an issue of poor health.

In fact…

“What is it, Avalon?”

It was caused by this dream.

Or so it seemed.

He had no proof and a dream was just a dream.

For the past four weeks, every dream he remembered was this one. It was all the same dream.

The dream was probably causing the abnormality.

“Aaavaaalon. What is it?”

“It’s nothing, Lucya.”

Mutsuki smiled back at the girl who curled up her back like a kitten to peer down at his face.

Technically, it was a boy named Avalon who Mutsuki’s mind resided within.

The scarlet of sunset dyed a grassy field. The isolated location was surrounded by trees and gave a view of a distant village. There he played with a girl named Lucya.

They were sitting on a bed made from reaped straw, so the sweet aroma of wheat hung in the air.

They were a little too close together. His heart pounded because he could smell the sweat of the girl whose skin was darker than the wheat.

They would chat or play by chasing after each other. They were always together in the dream.

“Look, look. I took this from the old man’s orchard ?”

And sometimes, they were mischievous. The girl pulled out a single red apple and grinned.

“Took it? …Not again. He’s going to be mad.”

“Who cares. We take him wheat, so this just a little reward.”

Lucya narrowed her feline eyes and the boy smiled bitterly.

He chopped it in two using the stone knife in his boot.

“Eh heh heh~”

Lucya did not hesitate to take the bigger half.

She took a big bite and began chewing happily, but she seemed to have taken too big a bite and gotten some seeds. She began rudely spitting them out.

The boy took a bite too.

“I invited Lilith, but she didn’t come yet again.”


It must not have been ripe because a strong sour flavor spread through his mouth.

“Why is it always like that recently? The three of us used to always be together.”

She gave a displeased look toward the village. No, toward a garden a short distance away from it.

A few people could still be seen working between the trees bearing apples, grapes, and figs.

They seemed to be collecting the past-ripe grapes, probably to make wine.

Among them, they spotted a girl with very long blonde hair.

A sourness even stronger than the apple quickly spread through the boy’s chest…

Mutsuki opened his eyes.

It was a pleasantly fresh awakening, but he also felt a sense of loss at being driven from the dream world.

It was always like that when he had this dream. He stayed there lying on his side.

He would wake up with not a hint of sleepiness remaining, but he hated that he could not see more of the dream. He tried shutting his eyes, but the sleepiness would not return.


It was not enough. He sighed and got up.

This moment was the abnormality.

He felt as great as he would if he had slept for ten hours. There was no hint of sleepiness and his body was brimming with energy.

“Nn… Oh, you’re up? Morning.”

“Good morning, Micha-san.”

Micha was in the same bed and she woke up too. The sheets stirred and the tissues scattered across the bed fell down.

She looked quite sleepy and had not gotten her eyes fully opened yet.

“Yawn… Seven o’clock? You didn’t even sleep four hours.”

“Yes. I’ll be going to school, but what will you do about breakfast?”

“I’ll eat it later, so make one for me.”

Her voice sounded like sleepiness itself and she curled back up in the sheets.

Just as Micha had said, he had only slept for four hours.

As the scattered tissues suggested, they had been up until three in the morning having wild sex. He should have been both sleep-deprived and exhausted.

And yet he had never felt better. Micha was a top-tier angel and she should have had more stamina than the boy, but even she was down.

Lately, sex was not wearing him out at all.

No matter what kind of wild sex he had, an unlimited supply of energy welled up within him.

(Is this a side effect of the Serpent’s Eye?)

It had been five months now. While thinking about that greatest abnormality of his body, he smiled bitterly and got out of bed.

He started cleaning up the tissues before leaving the room, but…


Micha rolled over to go back to sleep and the sheet fell away.

She was not wearing any clothes and her defenseless butt was now exposed.

That delicious chocolate-colored ass had plenty of feminine roundness.


The boy trembled from the urge to attack it.

He knew he did not have time for that this morning, but the lust boiling up inside him just about overpowered that reasonable side of his mind. And that was after everything he had done up to four hours ago.


“Oh, it’s nothing. I’ll be going.”

The urge dulling his rational mind lasted an awfully long time and he simply stood there for several seconds. Micha opened her eyes curiously.

The boy stroked her cheek to get her to close her eyes and then he left the room.

He tried to act natural to hide his lustfulness.


But Mutsuki did not know that the true oddity was occurring behind him.

Micha opened her eyes once more. She opened them wide as if all sleepiness had vanished from her.


Her stroked cheek was red and all four limbs trembled.

Below the sheets, her nipples were erect and the chocolate-colored ass that had so charmed the boy was so full of sticky nectar that it threatened to bring out all of the milky liquid that had been pumped into her the night before.

After just a few seconds’ exposure to that lustful gaze, a female reaction overwhelmed her body.

“I guess he can’t remain an adolescent forever.” Micha’s voice shook. “He has to grow up eventually.”

Fortunately, the abnormality was a positive thing when not in a hidden space like his room.

“~d It’s finally starting to feel like fall.”

As October approached, the blue of midsummer still remained in the sky, but the temperature was quite cool in the mornings.

With so much excess energy, Mutsuki’s pace was naturally light on the way to school.

“Right, Ange?”

“It’s still too hot if you ask me.”

The girl next to him saw things differently.

Her long red hair must have made her sensitive to the heat. She had it tied up in a ponytail, but he could still see the sweat on her.

“You don’t like it when it’s cold, but you don’t like it when it’s hot either.”

“No, I don’t. I want air-conditioning.”

“I thought angels could take the heat since they’re made from fire.”

“What’s wrong with fire thinking the sun is too hot?”

She seemed to be irritated. Mutsuki smiled bitterly and shut his mouth so she would not yell at him.

This bodyguard had accompanied him to school for five months now, so it was not awkward even if they said nothing.

Ange generally had a sullen lopsided frown on her face even when she was not irritated, but Mutsuki was enjoying himself more than usual.

“What’s that grin for? It’s creepy.”

“It just feels like so long since we’ve done this together.”

He stretched as he said that.

Until recently, Mutsuki had been working for the student council, so he had woken up and gone to school at five each morning to help prepare for the cultural festival.