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“I’ve gotta overwrite that. Nnn~?”

“Not you too!”

Lucia was clinging to Mutsuki, so Ange mercilessly knocked him away with her holy flame wings.

Ange’s anger and Lucia’s passion were hardly new, but…

“I-Ibekusa-san. Um, what was that earlier?”

Machina was clearly acting weird. She was usually the taciturn and sensible one in the classroom.

“Did you not like it?”

“Well, I wouldn’t say that. But, um…”

She really was acting weird.

The two of them quietly stared at each other.



They naturally ended up embracing and kissing.

Of course, Mutsuki was immediately kicked away by Ange.

“What do you think you’re doing!?”

As Mutsuki rolled along the bed, the girl stood protectively in front of him and glared at Machina.

Lucia also looked surprised.


Unsurprisingly, Machina remained silent.

But the way she avoided looking them in the eye showed she was a bit apologetic.

They had fought and saved each other a few times before, so Ange and Lucia realized she could not explain what this was about. They both sighed.

“U-um, I won’t ask what this is about.” Mutsuki tried to calm everyone down. “But this is…a problem.”

Chapter 2

With the cultural festival just five days away, Megutono Academy’s activity was reaching its peak.

A week before, the number of classes had been reduced and the afternoon was instead used for festival preparations. Props and plywood lined the halls and the smell of paint filled the clear autumn air.

All of the band clubs were practicing at the same time, so it was loud enough to be heard throughout the building.

That drowned out their voices, so they temporarily stopped practicing for the play.

“Oh, honestly!”

“Calm down, Ange-chan. Don’t give us that scary look.”

They were using the gym stage to practice for the play. But they were making no progress and Ange was getting stressed out as the lead. She generally did not express her irritation unless it was directed at Mutsuki, but this was an exception.

Saya was good at soothing her at times like this, so she ran over with a drink in hand.

“Do we even need to practice anymore? I’ve learned the lines and movements.”

“Talking and moving around isn’t everything. You also have to act.”

Saya was helpful to have around since she could quiet down the constantly-complaining lead.

The lead part in the traffic safety play had been chosen for Ange, but she never held back on a job. She played the part perfectly.

As the lead, she was in most scenes, but she had no trouble playing that part.

The issue was her focus.

Thanks to Saya, she had not exploded, but she was still too irritated to get into the role.

There were two reasons for that. First, the more apparent one:

“Lu-kun, your sound was a little off there.”

“Was it? Okay, Nikki, let’s try this again.”


Her nemesis was helping one of the bands interrupting their practice.

“Agh, I can’t stand this! You! That’s painful to listen to!”

“Huh? We submitted an official request to practice here.”

Lucia was part of one of the bands. One named Silvia.

Their classmate Niki Hozumi had invited him based on his appearance. Since he would not be able to play with Mutsuki for a while regardless, he had accepted and was practicing a lot.

He was good looking, easily approachable, and had a lot of friends, so he seemed to be having fun. He was already speaking with the band members using


…The noise was a pain, so Ange clicked her tongue and got up.

She left the gym to get away from all the noise.

“W-we’re going to do another practice run in 5 minutes.”

“I know that!”

She snapped back at Saya and left.

With the brass band and other clubs practicing, she could not hear Silvia while outside. That made her feel a lot better.

“Oh, Jiyuuni. Perfect timing.”

Someone called out to her once she stepped outside.

It was Sakae, their Class Rep. She was wondering what this could be about, but…

“Have you seen Mutsuki? I can’t seem to find him.”

“…I’ll look for him.”

“Thanks,” he said with a smile as she turned around.

Mutsuki was their odd job man today. He could do just about anything, but he did not always have something to do.

…And that girl was the same.

Ange had said she would look for him, but tracking him down was easy. As his bodyguard, she made sure he always had four different GPS devices on him.

And all four of those were pointing to the same location: the gym storage room.

“What are you doing!?”

“Wah, wah! A-Ange!”

She threw open the door and immediately yelled at him.

Mutsuki was so freaked out he nearly fell on his butt as he stood up. There was a wet sound as he moved away from what he had been sucking on.

And Machina, the one being sucked on, tilted her head as if to say “What?”

Ange grimaced.


Machina’s face was somewhat flushed and she swallowed to conclude their interrupted kiss.

She closed her scarlet lips which were wet with saliva and a bit darker colored than normal. The way the puffy lips pressed together was enough for Ange to imagine just how soft and sweet they had to be.

No boy would be able to resist an offer to kiss those.

Not that she was going to let him off the hook.

“We’re still working! Why are you ditching your job and making out in here!?”

“I-I wasn’t ditching my job. I just didn’t have anything to do at the moment. And…”

“It’s fine as long as no one can see us,” said Machina. “That was the agreement. …Nn.”


Machina sucked at the boy’s mouth again, as if to say “just a bit more”.

When he felt the incredibly soft sensation of that light peck, Mutsuki’s face quickly melted.

Ange could not stop them.

That was indeed the agreement.

Machina had suddenly become a serial kisser, but she refused to tell them why no matter what.

And even with this unexpected transformation, she did not go any further. That meant Micha and the other angels could not criticize it and they had to just let it happen.

And Mutsuki himself was confused but quite liked it. He had ended up mumbling something about “as long as it’s where no one can see us…”

“Mh…nn, nn.”

“Pwah, Ibekusa-san…nch, slurp.”


And that led to the present situation.

When the two snuck off to steal each other’s lips, Ange could only watch as long as they kept the promise to keep out of sight.

This was of course 90% of the reason she was too irritated to focus on her acting.


“Ah… Ibekusa-san, you’ve got drool on you.”


“Don’t move.”

Their mixed saliva was dripping down form their mouths. When Mutsuki noticed,

he licked it up with his tongue.


Machina wrinkled her brow ticklishly as he licked around her mouth.

“Nh…h, hh, Fujita…-kun.”

After that, they returned to kissing.


“Nhah, I-Ibekusa-san…”

The usually obedient girl could barely contain herself as she returned the kiss.

This had gone beyond a mere kiss. It was a deep kiss with saliva-coated tongues.

“Hh? Nn…hhh?”

When the boy responded in kind, sweet noises escaped the taciturn girl’s vocal cords.

Her slender shoulders shook somewhat. The heat spread from her lips to her entire body and she rubbed the ample mounds of her breasts against Mutsuki’s chest.

She hit him with that volume and resilience that pushed out her uniform so much.

Mutsuki had of course noticed, so he pushed out his chest to enjoy the soft and plump sensation.

It looked exactly like a lovers’ tryst.