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“I-it is true Miss E is at a fault here.”

Ren also blushed as she recalled Machina’s obscenely melted face with drool dripping down it.

“It looked like she was in an indecent mood simply from making ou-…from kissing.

I need to scold her as well.”

She made a strong statement to hide her embarrassment.

She had been careless.

“Sh-she can’t help that. Kisses really get to you…or how should I put it? Once you start, it’s really hard to stop?” Mutsuki followed his natural tendency to cover for other people. “So it’s best to not start, but Ibekusa-san insisted.”

“What are you talking about? Just separate your mouths and it’s over. Just pull your head back 5cm. How is that hard?”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“Enough excuses. There is a problem with the two of you if that puts you in an indecent mood.”

Ren grew talkative when Mutsuki talked back to her. He had tried to argue and she was glad to comply.

But that meant Mutsuki was bound to talk back again.

“A-again, you just can’t help feeling something…indecent when you’re kissing.”

“It is a beautiful sign of one’s love. There is something wrong with you if it seems indecent to you. Love is a pure thing.”

“I agree, but, um, it really does make you horny.”

“For you maybe. I would feel nothing of the sort.”


“Do I have to prove it?”


Their argument was heading in an entirely unexpected direction.

Mutsuki found himself speechless and the room filled with silence.

Ren soon realized she had said something weird, but…

“Y-you don’t have to do that.”

The boy quickly looked the other way.

But to the girl’s eyes, it looked like he was dodging the issue or provoking her.

“No, I will prove it.”


She responded to his provocation by sitting on the floor in front of him.

“Um, Senpai, you really don’t have to do that.”

“Just let me do this. All I have to do is kiss you and then pull my head back.”


Mutsuki was confused, but Ren puffed her chest out proudly. She was entirely focused on disproving the boy’s argument and she had yet to really think about the method she was using.

“Here I go.”

While sitting on the ground facing each other, she leaned forward.

(Is this the right way to do it?)

There were several question marks in her head, but the girl moved her face toward

the boy all the same.

Mutsuki was frozen in place with a “is she really doing this?” look on his face. That worried look only encouraged the scolder of an upperclassman.

A kiss was the only way to prove she was right.

“Here goes.”


She moved even closer and the boy shut his eyes as if succumbing to the pressure.

They were seated in the seiza style, so even with their knees touching, she had to lean forward a fair bit. He did not lean forward at all, so she naturally ended up leaning over him.

Their noses brushed together and they felt each other’s breath on their lips.

Two soft pieces of flesh pressed together.

Mutsuki briefly tensed even further.

(…What am I doing?)

While Ren quickly grew calmer.

She finally realized that there was no real reason to kiss him.

(I-I’m kissing…a boy.)

She had grown up in England, but kisses of greeting there were only on the cheek.

She remembered that this was her first time to do this with a member of the opposite sex.


She quickly pulled her head back.


Mutsuki breathed a sigh of relief as if to say “it’s over”.

Ren did not take a breath. She was still holding her breath. The realization that this was her first kiss had made her forget to breathe.

But her rational mind quickly recovered.

“S-see? You just have to stop like that.”

Her voice was threatening to crack, so she pitched it low.

Then she took a deep breath.

It was a breath of victory. She had justified the position that let her criticize

Machina and Mutsuki.

…Of course, Mutsuki was far calmer when it came to kissing.

“But, um, that wasn’t what I was doing with Ibekusa-san.”


She was dumbfounded to find he was acting like her first kiss was insignificant.


But she was aware that her kiss and what he had been doing with Machina were different.

“Th-then you do it. Do to me what you were doing with Miss E.”

“Eh? But, Senpai…”

“Just do it. I cannot accept this until you do.”

They corrected their seated posture.

Mutsuki was reluctant, but he was stubbornly ordered to continue. At this rate, Ren’s first kiss would be meaningless.

The hurdle must have lowered after she did it to him because the boy gave in.

“O-okay…um, don’t be mad.”

This time, he leaned forward.

(Uuh…th-this is kind of…)

This was the reverse of before, so he leaned over her.

Feeling an intimidating sort of pressure, Dame Lavriel, aka Ren, was overwhelmed.

But it was not unpleasant. In fact, it kind of made her heart race.

(Fujita Mutsuki… I thought he was small, but he’s s-surprisingly big.)

She tried to suppress her pounding heart.

Then the boy suddenly stopped.

“Um, Senpai. Could you shut your eyes?”

“Mh? S-sure.”

On his insistence, she shut her eyes like he had before.

(Uuh…I can’t see…and wait.)

She felt somewhat forlorn now that she could only see darkness. The instinct to gather as much information as possible heightened her sense of hearing, so her rapid pulse sounded all the louder.

She could also detect his movements to an extent. She heard the rustling of his clothing and felt the movements of the air.

(That means he’s close enough for me to feel those air movements. Uuuh.)



She felt a soft sensation on her cheek.

He had touched her. The warm hand was larger than she had expected. It covered

her entire right cheek.

(H-here it comes…)

Some damp air reached her nose and cheek. He was moving in closer.

(I can feel his breath. …It tickles.)

The air current licked across her lips like foreplay for what was to come.

That was enough for a sensual shudder to race down her spine.

(I-is that what…k-kisses are like?)

She had entirely underestimated it. She had only thought of it as “lips touching”, but each little action held so much depth. An impatience bordering on fear rose from her gut.

“…Here I go.”


But before she could escape, her lips were taken.

Her mind immediately went blank.

(H-huh? …What is this?)

This was no more than lips touching. That was certainly true.

But it was completely different from what she had insisted on earlier.

When the boy’s lips softly touched hers, they puckered and pressed against hers like they were sucking. It was more like he had “captured” her lips than “touched” them.

Perhaps because he used a different method, the feeling was incredibly raw.

She tasted the soft flavor of mucus membranes instead of simple flesh. He was likely tasting her lips in the same way.

“Hh, hh, hhh.”

Ren groaned deep in her throat.

Yet he would not release her. In fact, he rubbed the point of contact together to

deepen the girl’s feeling.

(Hyah…w-wah, that tickles.)

Something far more solid than a breath tickled her lips.

As a Witch, she had quite a lot of knowledge about the human body and she knew the lips and mouth had a lot of nerves, but this was her first time to be so very aware of it.