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Whether due to sweat or saliva, she suddenly found her lips were damp. The

contact between their lips felt even stickier.

(Th-this is enough. This should be enough… I need to end this…ah.)

Only about 10 seconds had passed, but Ren tried to pull back her head in surrender.

But she could not. The boy’s hand on her cheek had brushed through her hair and reached the back of her head.

It was not forceful enough to restrict her actions, so she could pull back her head if she wanted to.

But the very fact that he was touching her seemed to restrain her.

There was no real reason why. She simply could not resist as long as he wanted to kiss.

(Wh-what is this? What is…ah, ah.)

She felt plenty of other sensations: the warmth of his breath, its dampness, and the way its angle changed slightly. Each of those things confused the girl further.

But strangest of all was how it made her feel on the inside.

She was not sure if she should call it her heart or her soul, but she felt her very essence crumbling from something formless reaching her through his lips. It was warm and it changed shape like water to perfectly surround her. It caused the girl to crumble like a sand sculpture.

(No, no. I-I really can’t…escape.)

She now knew why the boy had said it was “really hard to stop”.

And at the same time…

(Does Miss E feel like this too…? Oh, but even more.)

The thought of Machina reminded her that she had not at all reached the level that girl was on.

“…Um, Senpai?”

They had been doing this for 20 seconds now. Mutsuki must have been feeling

embarrassed because he pulled back a bit and called out to her.


But his words were quickly sealed once more.

The girl had filled the gap he had created to speak.

Her instincts obeyed the pleasure. In her desire to continue kissing, she sent her lips after him instead of avoiding him.

“Ah…nn, Fujita…ah.”

With her mind a crumbled sand sculpture, she was not aware how shameless she was being.

Her eyes were damp, her skin flushed, and her breathing heavy. She had scolded

her underclassman for this earlier, but her own face was loosening up now.

“Senpai…nn, nn.”

Mutsuki was leading her, but that did not mean he had kept his cool.

He had kissed Micha, Machina, Ange, and Black Cat plenty of times, but Shirohara

Ren was his first love and it meant something completely different with her. He was not enough of a playboy to calmly take the lead in this kiss.

“Ahh? Hahhh…? Ah, ah.”

Her heavy breaths were dizzyingly bittersweet.

And her lips had parted somewhat.



He stuck out his tongue and easily snuck it inside where he found so much sweet


(Ah…h-his tongue is…inside my mouth…)

Without even realizing she had begged for it, Ren’s eyes widened and she accepted it.

He was licking her inside her mouth. This was of course a first for her and the feeling was even more intensely unexpected than her first kiss before.

“Ah…nn, nbh, nnjh…kphh, hh, hh…nhhh.”

He was only tickling near her front and canine teeth, but Ren’s heavy breathing

grew to some slight moaning.

(H-his tongue…wow…his tongue is…in my mouth?)

Each time the intruder crawled around inside, a warm wetness entered her mouth and produced a spark of joy.

Pleasure burst inside her mind. Her slender body tensed and jerked to show the growing size and frequency of the explosions.

(Nnhaahh? I…I can’t, I can’t. I’m going to go crazyyyy.)

Her spine tensed too, so her body bent backwards and she seemed to form a half-bridge while still seated seiza style. She planted her hands behind her and raised her chin.

Her mouth was now at the top of her body, but the boy’s tongue still crawled inside.

“Nhp…hh, hhhh.”

It moved between her teeth to continue further in.

Unsure what to do, her tongue cowered down, but the boy’s tongue skillfully captured it like a snake and gently stroked it.

He persistently tasted the entirety of her mouth. As he licked her from the inside, the sharp lines of her cheeks bulged out somewhat.

With each of those movements, he searched out the sensitive flesh within her mouth.

(Ah, ah, ahhh? There’s something wrong with me. There’s something wrong with me!)

The continuous sexual explosions blanked out her mind. She was like a mere a toy.

A toy with a switch in her mouth that caused her body to jerk when touched.

Her lower stomach jumped around the most, putting her even further in a bridge pose.

(Th-there’s something in my…stomach. Something rising up…ahh, from so deep inside


Her womb was reacting, but she could not identify the feeling since she had barely ever masturbated.

But as she spread her legs and stuck her hips out, she was aware just how shameless her pose was.

(I-I can’t take it anymore. Stop this, Fujita Mutsuki. Just stop it.)

She cried out in her heart.

But Mutsuki did not pull back because he was working under the assumption that she would pull back if she wanted to stop.

“Nmhhhn? Nhhn? Nhhn? Pwahh, Fujita, ahhhh?”

No matter what she thought in her heart, the voice escaping her mouth was rejoicing in the situation. More and more, she desired this violation while in a shameless pose. More and more, she desired more of this pleasure she had never before felt.

“Nh, nhh, Senpai, Senpai…”

Mutsuki was desperately working to restrain himself.

He had ended up kissing his first love and both her voice and body revealed her sexual arousal. It was his last shred of rationality left that kept him from going further than a kiss: embracing her or pushing her down.

Wouldn’t placing a hand around her slender stomach be fine? How about embracing her waist? A hand on a breast wouldn’t hurt, would it? She would allow

a finger up her skirt, don’t you think?

He swept aside all of those thoughts and focused only on kissing.

So the kiss naturally grew quite persistent.

“Nnghhh? Hh, hhhh? Hhn, nnn?”

The wild movements of the tongue serpent brought Ren’s moans close to screams.

(My mouth, no, it feels so good. It feels so good? My mind is…ahhh, I can’t go on?)

She was nearly hyperventilating and all thought faded from her mind.

The sticky sound she heard from within her head matched the jerking movements of her hips lifted up in the bridge pose.

This was no longer a mere kiss. It was more like mouth sex and her eyes were rolling back in her head.

“Nhhh, hhhh, hhhh?”

Her moans were even more melted than Machina’s had been and the girl finally arrived at a feeling she had never before experienced.

(Ah, ah, ah, ahhhh…what, what?)

It was like the floor was melting away. Her footing vanished and she was enveloped by a sensation of floating.


Her mind fell into an accelerating sea of pleasure.


Her hips leaped up with enough force to hit Mutsuki’s stomach.

Even through her skirt and even with her clothing in place, he could tell the flesh inside was rejoicing. Sweat flew from her skin and the sweet scent of a teenage girl filled the room.

When she cried out into his mouth, Mutsuki finally pulled his head back.


A mixture of relief and joy escaped her lips once they were finally freed.

After her body convulsed a bit, it went limp like a supporting thread had snapped.

Mutsuki supported the collapsed girl, propping her up in a more relaxed sitting position.

And after about 30 seconds in a daze…

“…I-I understand now. It is indeed hard to find a good time to stop.”

Her voice was cracking as she returned to the original topic.

“Um, I will speak with Miss E too. That’s enough for today, Fujita Mutsuki, so you may leave.”

“Um, but, Senpai.”