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She had not heard that, but she had guessed as much. That was likely why her job as Fujita Mutsuki’s bodyguard had been given to Miss B recently.

“This is that safety.”

He approached only slowly, but Schwarze found herself unable to attack or flee.

An instinctual part of her was interested in that outstretched hand.

––I want to smell it.



The slowly approaching hand slowly grabbed her mouth.

She breathed on his palm and he had her inhale the scent of his sweat. Particles of his bodily fluid entered her nose, passed through her windpipe, and reached her lungs.


Not even she could believe how sweet her voice sounded.

“Heh heh. That worked better than I expected. Even your vomeronasal organ must be more effective than a human’s.”


Black Cat could not even move anymore.

Like a drug addict, she could not stop sniffing the man’s hand.

Most of what is commonly known as a “sixth sense” refers to a sensation coming from a mammalian organ that has degenerated in humans.

But with all of her organs reinforced, Schwarze was not like your average human.

The vomeronasal is a sensory organ that still exists in cats and horses.

It is primarily used for the detection of sex attractants and the transmission of arousal substances. In other words…

For the detection of pheromones.

“And yours is special since I injected you with my cells during early childhood.”

“Gh…nn, nnhhh?”

“As you grow, your brain shuts off information from the vomeronasal organ, but due to the so-called dormitory effect, my cells had embedded themselves deep inside your sexual senses. So instead of shutting out everything, it refuses to accept anyone but me.”

Black Cat was so focused on the man’s hand that she could not hear what he was saying.

“How many times have you had sex, Elisa? Have you experienced orgasm?”


She felt dizzy and incredibly intoxicated.

“Heh heh heh. Then this will be even harder on you. All of your arousal is brought by my cells…my pheromones. Everything you feel when having sex and orgasming is inextricably attached to my scent.”


The intoxication was joined by euphoria. Her mind grew distorted and was filled by a baseless feeling of happiness.

Just as he had claimed, simply smelling his hand brought all the sexual pleasure and climaxes she had ever experienced rushing back into her mind.

From her first time to her most recent time with Mutsuki.

And all of those sensual feelings were tied to her memories of this hand…this scent.

Her memories were being rewritten to say all of that pleasure had been brought by this hand.


She gathered her focus and brushed aside the hand.

Kurosaki Keigo’s eyebrows twitched.

But Black Cat wrinkled her brow even more as she jumped back. They pressed together in an upside-down V and she looked on the verge of tears.

(Blood…there’s blood.)

Her metal claws must have touched him because three wounds ran across the man’s hand.

She had attacked the enemy. That was all, but she shuddered like this had been a horrific act.

The same unnecessary guilt felt when crushing an ant rushed in at her like a surging wave.

She just about apologized. She just about prostrated herself before the man who owned that hand and that scent.

“Not to worry. The Bioroid tech that forms the foundation of your body has already

been applied to me as well.”

The wounds instantly vanished. The surrounding cells wriggled and sealed them.

He reacted just like Lucia who could shrug off being bisected. The man already had demon cells residing in his body.

This was clearly the power of Kurosaki…of the enemy, so Black Cat felt a new wave of hostility rising within her.

“But I suppose a disobedient cat needs to be disciplined.”


It happened in a split-second. The man’s next action filled her with yet another mysterious feeling.

He threw a slap at her. He struck her cheek and she fell onto her butt.

She had seen it coming, but she had been unable to dodge it. She did not know why. The best explanation she could manage was that she had not felt like dodging it.

(Wh-why not…ahh.)

“How dare you raise a hand against your father.”

The man grabbed her black hair, violently yanked her up, and slapped her again.

“You belong to me! You have from the moment you were born!”


She wobbled and her kitten hair clip fell away. Her silky, waist-length hair flowed down.

He slapped her cheeks again and again.

She could see every blow coming, but she found herself unable to dodge or even brace for them.

She felt a sharp pain deep in her nose. The next thing she knew, tears were dripping down from her angular eyes.

(Ah…ah, ahh.)

She was crying. She could not understand it for the first few seconds.

From the moment of her birth, Schwarze had never consciously cried.


The tears dislodged her contacts and the impact against her cheek sent them flying from her face.

The hidden golden color of her true eyes was revealed. Keigo stopped when he noticed.

He must have remembered that she was in disguise. He grinned, reached for her chin, and peeled back a thin layer of skin.

It was a layer of foundation on which she applied her makeup. Female Teacher

Katsue Subaru had to disguise her race and age, so she used a special foundation cream that let her change her skin color, reduce its luster, and add an appropriate amount of wrinkles.

Once that was peeled away…

“Heh heh. You’re so beautiful.”

The unique milky-white skin of a white person seemed like the perfect mixture of elegance and sex appeal. The man smiled when he saw the alluring face of someone on the borderline between girlhood and womanhood.

(Kh… Calm down. Dammit, dammit.)

Meanwhile, Schwarze felt something far more unpleasant than makeup trailing

down her cheeks, so she desperately tried to wipe them away.

Why was she crying? Why couldn’t she stop it? She did not know.

That warrior was confident she would not shed a tear even if a bullet pierced her heart, so she was hopelessly shaken by this.

The man in front of her grabbed her chin and pushed it upwards. She could not stop herself from facing upwards. The damp corners of her eyes clearly rose as she glared at him.

“Don’t cry, Elisabeth. I did not hit you because I hate you.”

“Shut up. Don’t call me Elizabeth! I am…I am Schwarze Katze. I am FeTUS Witches Miss C!”

“Miss C? Heh heh. Enough of that. You are my daughter.”

She shook off the hand on her chin and stood up. She tried to move away from him, but her legs tangled together and her back hit the wall.

“Now call me father. Do it.”

Kurosaki Keigo was not concerned. He approached ever so slowly, like a father playing tag with his child.

“You know the truth, don’t you?”


He stuck his hand in her suit and tightly grabbed her left breast through her


“Every drop of blood flowing though this heart should tell you: You must obey me.

Listen to it race. And all I have done is approach you. And touch you.”

“Kh…hh, ah.”

He squeezed the sensitive piece of flesh and Schwarze grimaced from the sharp pain.

But at the same time, she noticed her pulse racing within it, just as the man said.



Her heated pulse sent something horribly sticky throughout her body.

Her body heated up from her blood vessels and the first part of her to react was her legs.

The long legs extending from her tight skirt pressed together so that the thighs bumped against each other.

She could not help it when she felt an intensely odd feeling running through the base of those thighs.